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TV Movies as episodes to series?

Rickiesgal wrote 8 years ago: 1

I'm wondering if a made for Tv movie can or should be added to a show's episodes if it's part of the show canon. For example, today I requested Brand New Life be added. This series spun off of a Disney Movie which a lot of sites credit as being the pilot episode. SO should that be added as Episode 1 here?

On a related note if a series later airs a tv reunion movie, can that be added as a special episode to the series? I've done so on one such series but then second guessed myself.... I'd like to be sure before I do so again.

deleted wrote 8 years ago: 1

I would follow what Disney says. If disney just considers it to be a movie/special, add it as a special. If they list it on their site as first episode, it should be listed as first episode (though I have my doubts about it being a first episode.)

Rickiesgal wrote 8 years ago: 1

And in general regarding reunion specials or movies....?

Gadfly wrote 8 years ago: 1

Another question would be about older shows that are no longer listed on network sites. For instance, Star Trek's "The Cage" wasn't even aired, at least until 20+ years after it was made back in the 60s. It's not like CBS has it on their website, as an episode or as a movie/special. But here it is.

Although the Trek theatrical movies are also listed here.

deleted wrote 8 years ago: 1

I think to add films as a special is a bit of a grey area. I'm not entirely sure whether tv movies should be added as special. Reunions is a tough choice, cause not every reunion of a show is considered to be a special by network. The latest reunion special of FRIENDS for example was not considered to be a special nor a follow up on FRIENDS.

Gadfly wrote 8 years ago: 1

Those are theatrical movies, not TV movies. Firefly is the same. The theatrical movie is listed as a special.

And Trek's The Cage?

For a counter example, the two made-for-TV Kolchak movies. Stalker and Stranger? They're not theatrical movies, they feature the same two main characters, the TV show is a direct carry-on of them (one episode is derived from the first movie). And it's not like ABC's website has anything on the show. So if the website isn't the determining factor... what is?

It seems odd to say that theatrical movies are allowed, but TV movies aren't. Or is that what's being said?

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