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Disable voting on series that haven't aired yet

luutarhuri wrote 2 years ago: 7

People seem to vote things they have not even seen skewing the actual rating in the future. There is no reason to have voting available for things that haven't even aired yet. For example: Star Trek: Strange New Worlds is standing now at 8.8 (25 votes). We don't even know when the first episode is going to air, yet 25 people have already praised this serie to  8.8. That's just dumb.

JuanArango wrote 2 years ago: 2

@luutarhuri wrote:
People seem to vote things they have not even seen skewing the actual rating in the future. There is no reason to have voting available for things that haven't even aired yet. For example: Star Trek: Strange New Worlds is standing now at 8.8 (25 votes). We don't even know when the first episode is going to air, yet 25 people have already praised this serie to  8.8. That's just dumb.

I agree on this, will bring this up in our staff chat.

deleted wrote 2 years ago: 1

I absolutely agree. The ones with access to the show ahead of the public should wait as it's only a minimal select group who've got that access.

david wrote 2 years ago: 0

I agree that people voting on shows/episodes that they haven't seen is not desirable. But I'm afraid that technical measures like these (which would cause collateral damage too) would only prevent the tip of the iceberg. Because whatever we do, those users could still vote on all of the other shows/episodes that did already air without even having seen them..

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