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About Nivekolsen

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  • Registered since: Feb 20, 2019

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Interview with the Vampire News

"Anne Rice's Interview with the Vampire" Renewed for Season 3 at AMC/AMC+

@JonHawkins wrote:
Thank you for the political, diverse an obvious agenda based comment - funny how everything come down to this for some people.

My 'Why' comment was based on the rather flimsy and somewhat repetitive story line,compared to the original movie, the acting is 'trying' at best, and the characters I personally believe are hollow, when compared to the likes of the original cast - whom, I do believe also tendencies towards the artistic, but as a viewer, that never bothered me.

Hopefully before you post your own message and introduce the word 'hate', you should realize that this is a TV forum (television, not the other one) and comments from user's are based on their personal opinions of a shows, and how they choose to comment and identify is entirely a matter for them, and they should be able to make such comment without words such as 'Hate and Oppression' raising there very ugly heads.

So, please defer from you hateful comment and remember its only TV (Television...not the other one) :)

I just don't understand the point of tearing down a queer & black series (which has already received a lot of hate simply for being queer & black) publicly under a post about a season renewal - which is a celebratory moment for most fans of the series. Why not just move on with your day and leave the people who love this series to celebrate the season renewal? I agree, critique the series, but why do it under the season renewal post. 

Your comment was also not critical, it was simply "Why!!!!!", everyone is allowed to critique anything (obviously), I just don't understand what your comment was trying to accomplish, if anything. You also asked(?) why, to which I responded "It's a great queer and black led tv series", the emphasis was supposed to be on it being a great tv series, but I included the part about it being queer and black, as that has been a huge talking point since the series was made - not usually in favor of the decision. This series is queer and it is black - in it's roots - and for a lot of people that matters more than it might do to you, that's fine.

I hope you continue to enjoy watching The Boys and Evil, as am I. We don't have to agree on everything - and I am thankful we don't.

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