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Forever Is Tomorrow Is Today
@GoddessRavinia wrote:
ya you saw flashback of it being Silas, with Tattoo and a whole lotta houses Lit up.. was this Limited series? as in, its Ended for good right?
thanks - i really hadn't been sure about Silas (until I rewatched it) coz I totally missed his ink early on.. and I have to say that his makeup for the wildman he'd become was really good.
Limited Series? well. I first thought this was it. - coz of the way they wrapped it up with the time-jumping.. and I'm told this is similar to how the book* played out. (*On my reading list now).
But it appears that MGM+ has held off both cancellation & renewal awaiting the numbers from S01.
Fingers Crossed, I hope they renew it and use S02 to fill in the gaps and let us explore the world with the other characters that we meet and grow to know in our local commune.
Maybe even follow the other colony completely and how they got to the point of painting 147 225 "everywhere" as Heather mentioned.

Forever Is Tomorrow Is Today
@GoddessRavinia wrote:
Interesting, and good end
apart from leaving the whole "i've got a secret" thing re gold tattoo man loosely flapping in the wind (was he Silas?) and that the rest of Charlie's crew were all noticeably absent in the final scenes - this was very enjoyable.

I Always Cry at Weddings
@jepafo wrote:
if the crew of an actual ship behaved this way....and
Oscar. Oscar. Oscar.
hehe.. yeah (to varying degrees), they do..
- a doctor and a nurse - what a joke.
I cannae believe they had the ballz to argue food safety with him. Especially over defrosting seafood under hot effing water...
as a chef in Oz, I was cringing and reeling almost the whole way thru this episode - I love seeing how bad my industry can get.