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Announcing TVmaze Premium


Hi everyone,

This is quite a big announcement for us. We've detailed our motivations for it below, but if you don't want to read everything we encourage you to scroll down to the Conclusion and Tldr.


TVmaze was launched 2 years ago stemming from the desire of a small group of friends to provide the most accurate TV related information resource on the Internet.

We consider ourselves extremely lucky. In the 2 years we've existed, we've seen tremendous growth on all fronts:

Fast, reliable and user friendly. Those are just some of the values we uphold on a daily basis. The thing is... We don't want to stop. We want to make our service even better. We want to speed up development. And we want to increase the quality of our service by providing more tools, data and faster workflows to everyone who needs it.

The problem with this vision is that our current business model doesn't allow David and myself to work on the development of TVmaze as much as we'd like to. Currently almost all of our small revenue goes toward keeping the site up and running like hosting costs, legal fees and external dependencies.

Although our visitor count continues to increase, the revenue from advertisements keeps dropping considerably. The main reason being the increasing amount of adblockers being used : currently between 25% and 50% and quickly rising.

Also, we don't even have to mention the overall dislike and aversion people have towards ads in general. We don't like them any better than you do, but right now they're the only thing keeping TVmaze alive. We already display less ads than the average website and are not planning on increasing the amount per page , as this would just conflict with the positive user experience we want users to have.

'Premium' is perfect for users who dislike ads but want to support TVmaze.

On a personal level

David and myself(Jan) have always dreamt of being able to work on TVmaze fulltime. To be able to hire others with a natural instinct to assist and help others. And having budgets set aside for small promotions and rewards, and much more...

And so...

We're excited to announce TVmaze Premium, an expansion to our already existing TV show management tools.

What is Tvmaze Premium

TVmaze premium is a subscription package of exclusive tv show management tools. The aim of the package is to provide users with a cleaner interface, faster workflow and more management control.

Current Features

  • No advertising: for a faster and clutter-free interface
  • Enhanced privacy: no tracking by external services like Google Analytics
  • Weekly calendar
  • Read-write user API: access your followed shows and watched episodes
  • Early access to new features
  • Future premium-only features
  • Premium achievements
  • Comment & Forum badge: show the world that you support TVmaze
  • Influence pending features
  • Support a TVmaze independent from advertising

Check out the premium page for a detailed overview of the premium features and an overview of the 3 different packages available.

Future upcoming Features

These can be found in the Pending Features section, although there is no distinction listed yet. Some of these features will be implemented as free functionality, some will be exclusive to premium members, while others will premiere for premium users and be released to the rest of the public at a later time.

Points to note

  1. Everything currently available on TVmaze will always remain free.
  2. The exclusivity of Premium features can be temporary, meaning some features from Premium eventually end up being part of the free version.
  3. TVmaze Premium's development DOES NOT exclude the development of free features.
  4. Not all new features go to Premium first.

Even if you don't want to subscribe to Premium and still choose to use an adblocker on TVmaze, we don't have any plans to restrict your access. However, we do reserve the right to nudge users with an adblocker to try to convince them to switch to Premium instead. As of today, users with an adblocker will start seeing gentle and lightweight banners for Premium instead of the regular ads.


Premium will be launching next week on September 26th. However it's already possible to pre-order it today. Early birds who subscribe before the 26th will receive the first 4 months of premium for free if they use the discount code: 'PREORDER'.

On launch day you'll have instant access to the new features and a richer user experience. At the moment we're beta testing everything, tweaking and still finishing up features (not currently listed) before the final launch.

Finallly we'd like to thank everyone who has supported us and the project, making it possible for TVmaze to come this far. We look forward to what the future has in store.

All the best,
Jan & David.

P.S. If you have any questions about Premium, checkout the Premium FAQ and don't hesitate to let us know below or in the forums if your question isn't answered there.


We've created a payed subscription called 'TVmaze Premium' with an ad-free experience and exclusive features. One of the goals is to give TVmaze financial stability independent from advertisements, increasing development time and support of new features.

Get Premium Now

Written by david at Sep 18, 2016


Nurph posted 7 years ago

I hate ad's and I would never consider turning off adblock. I'd rather not visit a site anymore.

I however do like to support stuff I really like and use. Just bought gold. Good move guys, hope it will keep the site alive, growing and getting even better <3

Jan posted 7 years ago


Sent you an msg to get more info about it.



ItsMike posted 7 years ago

On my phone, without Adblock, I get redirected away from the site (happens 1 time per session). A pop-up or pop-under I can live with, but not that.

Jan posted 7 years ago

@harnas Harald from Austria below :)

(or do you actually have two pages?)

Harnas posted 7 years ago

@ Jan

To clarifi. Harnas and Harald is the same person. :-))))))))))

Jan posted 7 years ago

Hey Harnas & Harald,

Thank you for the support. greatly appreciated. You guys are awesome.

Harnas posted 7 years ago

Great Idea. I hope this site get's better and better.

I have signed up and think it will help.

Greetings from Germany

MichaelDeBoey posted 7 years ago

Great to see this is!

Hope you guys can get that extra money to make this awesome site even better!
I'm always happy to help with that, you have my mail-adres ;-)

david posted 7 years ago

@HaraldFauland Awesome, thanks!

david posted 7 years ago

@Dexter I'm not sure what list you're talking about, but as you can see on our forums we have over 400 threads full of requests and suggestions, and as you can read in the blog post we don't have nearly enough time to spend. But Gold members will have a priority influence on the development of pending features!

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