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The Queen's Justice

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Episode Discussion

Mum2StaffyBulls posted 5 years ago

I realize that I'm years behind, but that's what happens when you get old and disabled. . . Still, if Daenerys doesn't hop on her big dragon and go check for the dead invading as Jon Snow has tried to tell her, well neither Daenerys nor the writers of this show are as smart as they should be.

Oh no, there's a shortage of fuel for flying dragons that far on a sightseeing tour!

And, no, of course I won't be sorry if I later discover that's exactly what Daenerys does. I'll just be glad that the writers are that smart and I'll look forward to their good work in ending this series. Sometimes, it's good to be old . . . just don't care what the youngsters think of you!

JCuervo_a posted 7 years ago

There's nothing better than this show!.

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