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I Walk the Line

Bobo and his double-agent make their attempt to escape the Triangle, and Wynonna discovers that the curse does more than just keep the revenants in Purgatory. Meanwhile, Lucado takes measures against Xavier, and Neadley chooses a side.

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By Gadfly on Jun 25, 2016

At the hotel, Doc and the others try to hold the poisoned partygoers back, but they figure that if they give Bobo Wyno0nna then at least one of them will get the antidote. Doc fires of f a shot but Wynonna warns him that they can’t shoot them because they’re humans. Xavi8er and Doc shove Wynonna out the window as they tell her that they’ll find Waverly. The two men then grab their weapons and go looking. On the border of the Triangle, Willa and Bobo prepare to pass through the border on the W…

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Episode Discussion

JuanArango posted 8 years ago

If this does not get a second season, I'll kill em all :)

Aidan posted 8 years ago

With all the things happening in this ep it should make for a interesting next season-

arbron posted 8 years ago

Wow, what a season finale! I hope this show gets picked up for season two.

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