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The Unusuals - Episode Guide

Season 1


Episode: 1x01 | Airdate: Apr 8, 2009


Detective Casey Shraeger has just been transferred to the NYPD's Homicide unit from Vice and is instantly thrown into a setting of bullets and bodies. As she begins her new assignment, Casey finds that the squad is full of secrets, which serves her well, since she's keeping a few of her own.

Boorland Day

Episode: 1x02 | Airdate: Apr 15, 2009

Boorland Day

One of New York's oldest family of criminals, the Boorlands, go on a crime spree that has the detectives running all over the city. When Walsh and Shraeger learn the surprising reason behind the family's cluster of crimes, they use this information to negotiate its end. Meanwhile, Sergeant Brown tells Shraeger that Walsh's former partner, Kowalski, was a dirty cop and asks her to dig into Walsh's past; and Cole's efforts to keep his criminal past a secret are threatened by the arrival of Frank Lutz, Cole's former partner in crime.

One Man Band

Episode: 1x03 | Airdate: Apr 21, 2009

One Man Band

Banks and Delahoy discover a store that sells people murder weapons and instructs them on how to dispose of bodies. They set up a sting, and all is going as planned until a battered woman steals some poison from the store. Meanwhile, Davis Nixon asks Casey to get a client's son out of a bogus resisting arrest charge, as a personal favor. Just as Casey gets the man off the hook, Alvarez realizes the guy's the suspect he's looking for in a hit and run case. And when Cole and his fiancé meet with their minister to discuss their wedding, Frank Lutz shows up and asks Cole for a big favor, threatening otherwise to expose their past together.

Crime Slut

Episode: 1x04 | Airdate: Apr 22, 2009

Crime Slut

Beaumont's looming eviction and mounting financial struggles lead her to a pawn shop in search of some quick cash. While hocking her jewelry, a man and woman rob the store and take the watch that Beaumont borrowed from Walsh. When the same woman robs a wedding dress shop with a different man, Shraeger and Walsh take up the search for the "crime slut," whom Beaumont desperately wants to find before they do. Meanwhile, Banks and Delahoy search for a missing man who was pronounced dead right before he vanished.


Episode: 1x05 | Airdate: Apr 29, 2009


Cole receives a disturbing call from Lutz, who believes Walsh knows he killed Kowalski and is on his way to Walsh's diner. Lutz poses as a customer and strikes up a conversation with Walsh before pulling a gun and firing. Lutz escapes and Walsh discovers that one stray bullet went through the diner into his apartment, striking Beaumont. Cole fears for his future as Walsh and Casey begin to uncover pieces of his past relationship with Lutz. Meanwhile, Banks continues to be haunted by the number 42 while he and Delahoy investigate a string of bus robberies. One passenger, a clairvoyant, tries to help them catch the robber with her predictions, causing Banks to question whether fate can be stopped.

The Circle Line

Episode: 1x06 | Airdate: May 6, 2009

The Circle Line

Officer Lewis Powell fell off the wagon and woke up in an alley covered in blood with his off duty weapon missing. He tells Walsh he may have killed someone the night before during an alcohol-induced blackout and asks for his help. While Walsh and Shraeger scramble to put together the pieces of Lewis' missing night, Banks and Delahoy learn they are both victims of identity theft. When they investigate the murder of the man pretending to be Banks, Delahoy and Banks get a glimpse into the lives of the men who've stolen their identities and consider changing the way they live.

The Tape Delay

Episode: 1x07 | Airdate: May 27, 2009

The Tape Delay

Casey and Walsh are placed on protection detail of a wealthy businessman, George Reed, who had recent threats made on his life. Responding to screams they hear, they leave their post in front of Reed's hotel room and, when they return, find his room is trashed and him gone. Then a ransom call is made asking for $10 million for his safe return. Meanwhile, Banks and Delahoy are put on the case of an 87- year-old man on a geriatric crime spree.

The Dentist

Episode: 1x08 | Airdate: Jun 3, 2009

The Dentist

While Sergeant Brown is away, Alvarez is in charge, and things aren't going well. A U.S. Marshall named Foster convinces Alvarez to release Bo Keebler, a man recently collared for trying to rob a Chinese restaurant, into his custody. But after a fake bomb threat is called in to the precinct, Casey, Alvarez and Walsh discover that Foster is not all that that he seems. Meanwhile, Banks decides to stay in his apartment until he turns 43 in order to avoid getting killed.

The Apology Line

Episode: 1x09 | Airdate: Jun 10, 2009

The Apology Line

Walsh and Shraeger investigate the murder of drug store owner and naturalist who was shot running down a Lower East Side street naked. When the boyfriend of the victim's daughter informs the detectives about an argument the victim had with a loan shark a few nights earlier, the case turns in a new direction. Meanwhile Beaumont and Cole look into the theft of a series of tapes from an apology line service, and Delahoy gets more than he bargained for when he convinces the medical examiner to give him an MRI.


Episode: 1x10 | Airdate: Jun 17, 2009


Beaumont and Cole interview a couple regarding a break-in at their home. Although nothing was taken, the couple discovered that an adult film they rented was shot in their apartment. After Delahoy and Banks identify other apartments used in the series of adult films, Cole finds a common thread between all of the dysfunctional tenants. Hoping to set the scene for another movie, Beaumont and Cole go undercover. Meanwhile Scraeger becomes emotionally invested in trying to help a serial accuser who was the victim of a violent attack 10 years ago after disappearing from a big prep school party.

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