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Actors playing different characters in a show

gmpugs wrote 8 years ago: 1

On the show Hannah Montana, Miley Cyrus is listed twice. Would it be possible to remove the one that just has her listed as Hannah Montana?

JAGUARDOG wrote 8 years ago: 1

Here on TVMaze they list a person multiple times for each character they play or voice they do. She was showing incorrectly at first so I did fix her so she appears 2 times as each character she played, as Hannah Montana and also as Miley Stewart.

JuanArango wrote 8 years ago: 1

Here on TVMaze they list a person multiple times for each character they play or voice they do. She was showing incorrectly at first so I did fix her so she appears 2 times as each character she played, as Hannah Montana and also as Miley Stewart.

This is correct :)

gmpugs wrote 8 years ago: 1

Ok, gotcha. I'm still trying to learn my way around here. :)

JAGUARDOG wrote 8 years ago: 1

gmpugs wrote:
Ok, gotcha. I'm still trying to learn my way around here. :)

No problem, I would be willing to bet that at least 75% of the members here are not aware of that either?

david wrote 8 years ago: 1

No problem, I would be willing to bet that at least 75% of the members here are not aware of that either?

That's a useful observation! I'll make sure to add a note regarding this to the "add cast" page.

JAGUARDOG wrote 8 years ago: 1

david wrote:
That's a useful observation! I'll make sure to add a note regarding this to the "add cast" page.

I can't tell if you are being factious or not? Anyways since we are on the subject I have noticed it is both ways as some shows have multiple appearances and some show the person only once with all of their names with slashes in between like this Dr. Martin Stein / Firestorm should there be a norm?

david wrote 8 years ago: 1

I can't tell if you are being factious or not? Anyways since we are on the subject I have noticed it is both ways as some shows have multiple appearances and some show the person only once with all of their names with slashes in between like this Dr. Martin Stein / Firestorm should there be a norm?

Of course I'm serious :) If there are conventions of ours that aren't immediately clear (because some other sites do it differently) I'd love to note this on the respective edit/create pages. If there are more things that come to mind, feel free to compile a list for me and I'll try to incorporate it.

The character situation is complicated though. If one actor plays two different characters on the show, there should be two separate cast entries. However, if the same actor plays a single character that's known by two names, there should be one entry listing the different names.

It's a thin line between those two situations though and it's not always straight forward what is the right choice. A good guideline might be: if the two "personages" portrayed by the actor are so different that each of them warrants a unique image & biography; there should be two characters and two cast entries.

JAGUARDOG wrote 8 years ago: 1

david wrote:
Of course I'm serious :) If there are conventions of ours that aren't immediately clear (because some other sites do it differently) I'd love to note this on the respective edit/create pages. If there are more things that come to mind, feel free to compile a list for me and I'll try to incorporate it.
The character situation is complicated though. If one actor plays two different characters on the show, there should be two separate cast entries. However, if the same actor plays a single character that's known by two names, there should be one entry listing the different names.
It's a thin line between those two situations though and it's not always straight forward what is the right choice. A good guideline might be: if the two "personages" portrayed by the actor are so different that each of them warrants a unique image & biography; there should be two characters and two cast entries.

OK, I think I understand it much better now. So to insure I am correct the shows "Arrow", "The Flash", "Smallville" those should all be slashed like iun my previous example correct? The only case that I can think of that I believe you are saying where it would be 2 seperate entries would be "Miley Cryus"?

Ly wrote 8 years ago: 1

OK, I think I understand it much better now. So to insure I am correct the shows "Arrow", "The Flash", "Smallville" those should all be slashed like iun my previous example correct? The only case that I can think of that I believe you are saying where it would be 2 seperate entries would be "Miley Cryus"?

I'm finding this pretty confusing as both Miley Cyrus' characters (Hannah Montana and Miley Stewart) are the same person, the same way superheroes work with alter egos.

JAGUARDOG wrote 8 years ago: 1

Ly wrote:
I'm finding this pretty confusing as both Miley Cyrus' characters (Hannah Montana and Miley Stewart) are one person, the same way superheroes work.

Let me see if I can clear this up a bit? Superheroes are a person in every day life but when needed become whatever Superhero they are portraying. In the case of Miley Cyrus she plays 2 distinct individuals whom are supposedly not connected in any way. Does that help at all of is it still clear as MUD?

Ly wrote 8 years ago: 1

Let me see if I can clear this up a bit? Superheroes are a person in every day life but when needed become whatever Superhero they are portraying. In the case of Miley Cyrus she plays 2 distinct individuals whom are supposedly not connected in any way. Does that help at all of is it still clear as MUD?

On the show, Miley Stewart is her regular self and she dresses up to become a singer called Hannah Montana as she leads a double life. I guess I'm not seeing the difference here.

JAGUARDOG wrote 8 years ago: 1

Ly wrote:
On the show, Miley Stewart is her regular self and she dresses up to become a singer called Hannah Montana as she leads a double-life. I guess I'm not seeing the difference here.

OK, David I struck out can you help us out here please?

david wrote 8 years ago: 1

I don't know the show, so I can't comment on this specific situation.

As I said it's quite a complicated subject. I'll likely split off these posts into a separate thread later, and ask some others to weigh on the situation in order to define a good policy with some examples.

Thanks for bringing it to our attention that this needs better explanation. :)

JAGUARDOG wrote 8 years ago: 1

david wrote:
I don't know the show, so I can't comment on this specific situation.
As I said it's quite a complicated subject. I'll likely split off these posts into a separate thread later, and ask some others to weigh on the situation in order to define a good policy with some examples.
Thanks for bringing it to our attention that this needs better explanation. :)

OK, no problem, glad to assist in anyway I can as a team player! In the meantime I will be thinking of 2 things. One is more examples to use to help better explain this. Second, I will provide to you any things that I may find that need more clarification by possibly starting a new thread like "Does this need more clarification" or "Things to know about the site explained in detail" or whatever you name the new thread you are moving these posts to?

JuanArango wrote 8 years ago: 1

OK, I think I understand it much better now. So to insure I am correct the shows "Arrow", "The Flash", "Smallville" those should all be slashed like iun my previous example correct? The only case that I can think of that I believe you are saying where it would be 2 seperate entries would be "Miley Cryus"?

I agree with Arrow, The Flash and Smallville, those should be slashed and NOT two different character entries. For example on "Orphan Black" the main actress Tatjana Maslany" plays about seven completely different persons, there we have added for each person a different character.

JuanArango wrote 8 years ago: 1

Ly wrote:
On the show, Miley Stewart is her regular self and she dresses up to become a singer called Hannah Montana as she leads a double life. I guess I'm not seeing the difference here.

If this is the case (I cannot tell as I never watched the show), then it should be ONE character divided by a slash.


JAGUARDOG wrote 8 years ago: 1

JuanArango wrote:
I agree with Arrow, The Flash and Smallville, those should be slashed and NOT two different character entries. For example on "Orphan Black" the main actress Tatjana Maslany" plays about seven completely different persons, there we have added for each person a different character.

Thank you very much for chiming in Juan. I have never seen that show so I would not know but your help is greatly appreciated.

JAGUARDOG wrote 8 years ago: 1

JuanArango wrote:
If this is the case (I cannot tell as I never watched the show), then it should be ONE character divided by a slash.

Juan your comment brought up a thought that I had totally forgotten about. When I joined the site back on 10 June of this year one of the first Forum Post that I made and David responded to was concerning multiple characters and why we have 2 or more different photos of the same person. He said for each character a photo should be next to that character of them in that part.

Now for my point if that is the case then maybe there should never ever be a slash because each separate character should have a separate photo. For example on "The Flash" the name under Grant Gustin is Barry Allen / The Flash yet we have a photo of Barry Allen only so should they all not be separated to show a photo of each persona and therefore need a photo of The Flash in uniform. Is this not a true statement Juan?

Anyways in the case of "Miley Cyrus" it is split and she has a photo for each of the 2 totally different characters that she played.

JuanArango wrote 8 years ago: 1

Juan your comment brought up a thought that I had totally forgotten about. When I joined the site back on 10 June of this year one of the first Forum Post that I made and David responded to was concerning multiple characters and why we have 2 or more different photos of the same person. He said for each character a photo should be next to that character of them in that part.
Now for my point if that is the case then maybe there should never ever be a slash because each separate character should have a separate photo. For example on "The Flash" the name under Grant Gustin is Barry Allen / The Flash yet we have a photo of Barry Allen only so should they all not be separated to show a photo of each persona and therefore need a photo of The Flash in uniform. Is this not a true statement Juan?
Anyways in the case of "Miley Cyrus" it is split and she has a photo for each of the 2 totally different characters that she played.

We only support one main character photo, but more character photos can be added to the gallery. So you could add Barry Allen and The Flash photos to the character gallery but you have to choose which photo will be displayed as the main character photo.

With Orphan Black it is totally different. Tatjana Maslany plays about seven different clones, who live in different parts of the city or even in different countries. Therefore Tatjana Maslany is added about seven times with seven completely different characters.


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