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YouTube Premieres with Airtimes

dpratt wrote 3 years ago: 2

Could it be possible to enter an airtime for premieres on YouTube whose airtimes are publicized in press releases? Such as Demi Lovato: Dancing with the Devil?

According to this press release, episodes premiere at 3:00 PM Eastern Time. But it isn't allowing me to add air times which means it isn't showing up in the schedule and showing up with the wrong air time in the calendar. See press release below:


tnt wrote 3 years ago: 1

Global web channels do not have airtime property.

They all use the default 00:00 GMT

dpratt wrote 3 years ago: 1

Exactly my point. Why no airtime if the show has a designated airtime? Especially when watching the premiere allows you to comment, etc.

kevin87 wrote 3 years ago: 1

This happens with Honest Trailers, Hot Ones, and Who Said That too. They typically go live at the same time, and Who Said That usually specifically has live episode premieres. It's not like Netflix where they go live at midnight PT so it's there the whole day. 

tnt wrote 3 years ago: 1

@dpratt wrote:
Exactly my point. Why no airtime if the show has a designated airtime? Especially when watching the premiere allows you to comment, etc.

Because YouTube has shows from different countries, which announcing premiere time in different time zones.

dpratt wrote 3 years ago: 1

What if you just have to fill in the UTC time then it would work no matter the country?

tnt wrote 3 years ago: 1

@dpratt wrote:
What if you just have to fill in the UTC time then it would work no matter the country?

It would require users to calculate not only the airtime but airdate as well, which is a direct contradiction to the policy. 

dpratt wrote 3 years ago: 1

Where exactly does the policy forbid that? I just looked. And isn't making a change the point of a suggestion?

What if YouTube just existed under each Country in the webchannel dropdown menu. Then you just have to choose YouTube United States and fill in Eastern Time and you're done. If your show airs in a different country then choose that YouTube and airtime for your country.

tnt wrote 3 years ago: 1

@dpratt wrote:
Where exactly does the policy forbid that? I just looked. 

global Web Channel shows should have their airdate set to the exact date that's announced for them.
which won't be possible if you start re-calculating airtimes to UTC. Half of the world already living the next day (or previous, depending on where you are). 

What if YouTube just existed under each Country in the webchannel dropdown menu. Then you just have to choose YouTube United States and fill in Eastern Time and you're done. If your show airs in a different country then choose that YouTube and airtime for your country.

Ok, what country and airtime you will assign for the shows without a specific premiere time? Or we also would have a separate "global" YouTube? :D

Anyway, If it's possible to access the Web Channel from more than one country, for example Netflix or Youtube, the country property must be left empty.

Considering that global web channels intentionally don't have an airtime property, I think it's unlikely that this gonna happen. Or else it would've been done from the start.
But who knows...

dpratt wrote 3 years ago: 1

If a date and time are announced for a show and that happens to be a different date and time in UTC then I don't see the problem. It's just a matter of addition/subtraction.

I say keep it simple. And change it so that you can add UTC date and time for shows that have an announced date and time otherwise use just the date.

david wrote 3 years ago: 4

It's currently not possible to set timezone information on a show-level; e.g. all Youtube shows will have to be treated the same (and thus without airtime). To be honest, I don't see this changing any time soon since the whole point of web/streaming channels is that that you don't watch them in "real time", making an airtime pretty irrelevant in the first place.

dpratt wrote 3 years ago: 1

@david wrote:
It's currently not possible to set timezone information on a show-level; e.g. all Youtube shows will have to be treated the same (and thus without airtime). To be honest, I don't see this changing any time soon since the whole point of web/streaming channels is that that you don't watch them in "real time", making an airtime pretty irrelevant in the first place.

That simply isn't true. YouTube has premieres that you can watch in real time with real time chatting with other people who are also watching. YouTube links are valid before the premiere starts so that it can be shared and indexed in search engines. The link begins streaming at the announced airttime.

david wrote 3 years ago: 2

@dpratt wrote:
That simply isn't true. YouTube has premieres that you can watch in real time with real time chatting with other people who are also watching. YouTube links are valid before the premiere starts so that it can be shared and indexed in search engines. The link begins streaming at the announced airttime.

Touché :) But nonetheless I'll stick with this stance for now, I don't think these couple of cases are worth opening the can of worms that is premiere times on web channels that operate all across the world.

gazza911 wrote 3 years ago: 1

I agree that until you can specify a timezone at show/season level for global web channels, that it's fine as it is. 

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