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The site AD's are getting more and more intrusive by the day!

JAGUARDOG wrote 8 years ago: 1

I hope you guys are getting paid a lot of money for all of the ad's that there are here now on the site? Some of these very annoying ad's take control of the page I am working on and automatically scroll the page down and force me to look at the ad's which is very annoying. Especially having to constantly look at all the floosies/hookers and dating sites.

I know you need the revenue to keep the site going but there must be a better way to have these ads displayed then taking control of the page we are trying to work on and scrolling it down?

If I could afford it I would offer to buy my way out of having to see and put up with these very annoying ads that just waste my time!

david wrote 8 years ago: 1

That shouldn't happen! If it does again, see if you can take a screenshot. Without it, it's almost impossible for us to reproduce and report, since everybody sees different ads.

FYI, we hope to launch a VIP subscription in the future that would disable all ads (amongst other features!). When we do, our top contributors will obviously receive it for free. :)

JAGUARDOG wrote 8 years ago: 1

david wrote:
That shouldn't happen! If it does again, see if you can take a screenshot. Without it, it's almost impossible for us to reproduce and report, since everybody sees different ads.
FYI, we hope to launch a VIP subscription in the future that would disable all ads (amongst other features!). When we do, our top contributors will obviously receive it for free. :)

Thank you very much sir and I was not aware that you guys were not aware of All of the ads and maybe just a few or the older ones that have been here for a very long time. Those older ads I have hardly ever noticed at all and have never been a problem or intrusive in any way it's just 4 or 5 new ones that i have seen appear in the last week or so?

I'm not knowledgeable enough to know how to make a screenshot and put it anywhere? I know I have a button that says "Print Screen" but I can't seem to figure out what to do after clicking it or if it is even making a copy of anything?

I can say one of the ads that takes over control of the page is one that has (i'll try to explain this if I can) about 10 to 12 boxes with things written in each one like cable TV, DVD, Radio, TV, etc. if I remember correctly? I have not seen it today "Yet" but yesterday it appeared so many darn times that I almost went to bed at 8 PM I got so upset with it and that is very early for me especially on a Monday night. If it comes up again and I can't get a screenshot of it I will write down what it says in each of the boxes to see if this may help you figure out what is going on?

srob650 wrote 8 years ago: 1

Honestly that sounds like it might be some sort of malware, I've never had an add on this site that takes over the screen. You may want to do a virus scan :)

JAGUARDOG wrote 8 years ago: 1

srob650 wrote:
Honestly that sounds like it might be some sort of malware, I've never had an add on this site that takes over the screen. You may want to do a virus scan :)

I have a virus protection program that has been great for many years with a new updated version a couple times every year that does a constant scan on my system. Unless it has been malfunctioning and I am not aware it has been but what do i know about these things it should be okay? It has found some viruses and malware in the last few days and removed them all so i assume it is still working fine?

srob650 wrote 8 years ago: 1

Could be fine, I'm not saying it's definitely a virus, but it's definitely suspicious. I'd clear your cookies and do another scan just to be sure. Good luck!

JAGUARDOG wrote 8 years ago: 1

Okay it just came up again and it has 8 rectangular boxes with words in each and a small arrow pointing to the right.

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I assume that if I were to click on one of the boxes that a popup would appear except I never ever click on these kinds of things because I am afraid it may be a trick to add a virus to my system?

I selected my Print Screen button and I was able to paste the page into word but I can't get it to paste in here. not sure why?

srob650 wrote 8 years ago: 1

I selected my Print Screen button and I was able to paste the page into word but I can't get it to paste in here. not sure why?

You will need to upload it to some other image hosting site like or dropbox/google drive, then share the link here.

JAGUARDOG wrote 8 years ago: 1

srob650 wrote:
You will need to upload it to some other image hosting site like or dropbox/google drive, then share the link here.

Easy for you to say however I am Internet illiterate and have no clue how to do something like that? Don’t even try explaining as dozens have tried over the last 15 years and I am hopeless 64 year old fart (can't teach this old dog any new tricks because I do not comprehend) but thanks anyways.

bungle wrote 8 years ago: 1

not sure if its because of the ads directly but the site seems to be freezing alot for me lately, and shortly after i've loaded a page I get a warning from my browser about the pages being insecure?

also I just went to link an image within this post and it pasted the image fine, but now its not showing up in the post after i hit send. can this be looked at? thanks

weblink to screenshot:

JAGUARDOG wrote 8 years ago: 1

bungle wrote:
not sure if its because of the ads directly but the pages seem to be freezing alot for me lately then shortly after they've loaded I get a warning from my browser about the pages being insecure?

I see the word screenshot but there is no screenshot to see here?

bungle wrote 8 years ago: 1

I see the word screenshot but there is no screenshot to see here?

I edited my post. see above ;)

so yeah, so far it seems to only be happening whenever that 'futon critic' ad is displayed (the one in the screenshot).

ill post back here if it happens with any others.

Gadfly wrote 8 years ago: 1

What browser is anyone with issues using, and are you using an adblocker?

I don't see any ads, and use Firefly with the Adblocker add-on. I've never seen an outside ad on TVMaze.

JAGUARDOG wrote 8 years ago: 1

Gadfly wrote:
What browser is anyone with issues using, and are you using an adblocker?
I don't see any ads, and use Firefly with the Adblocker add-on. I've never seen an outside ad on TVMaze.

I have tried Google Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer no difference in any of the 3. I had Super Ad Blocker but I just now looked up and see that it has disappeared for some strange reason and I have no clue when it disappeared or why. So I am on my way over to right now to get it back again, very strange that happened. I had it for almost the entire year and it never disappeared on me before now? Thanks so very much for asking as no telling how long it would have been before I noticed it missing!

Gadfly wrote 8 years ago: 1

That's not the ad blocker I use. I use Firefox, and it has an add-on (not a downloadable program) called Adblock Plus (sorry, got the name wrong above)

Even might try to add unwanted items to your browser. I'd do a custom install and most likely it will stop at several steps to ask you, "Do you want to add such-n-such program" or search engine, or something. Make sure to click No to all of them. It will still let you load.

Sometimes those unwanted items are what end up generating extra ads for you.

JAGUARDOG wrote 8 years ago: 1

Gadfly wrote:
That's not the ad blocker I use. I use Firefox, and it has an add-on (not a downloadable program) called Adblock Plus (sorry, got the name wrong above)
Even might try to add unwanted items to your browser. I'd do a custom install and most likely it will stop at several steps to ask you, "Do you want to add such-n-such program" or search engine, or something. Make sure to click No to all of them. It will still let you load.Sometimes those unwanted items are what end up generating extra ads for you.

I just went over to for the 1st time in 3 or more years and it has changed a ton for the worse I might say. I tried to find a free one and it keeps bringing up ones that are free to download but they are all just free to try trials which I do not want. They didn't use to direct me to free trials when I put in FREE I would only get totally free ones so now they seem to be doing things underhandedly so no more go there for me says Yoda!

I did have Adblock Plus before myself so I will look for it again via GOOGLE!

JAGUARDOG wrote 8 years ago: 1

OK I got Adblock Plus back again, I hope it helps me with those stupid Ads, thanks again Gad!

Gadfly wrote 8 years ago: 1

If that doesn't work, you might also try downloading Ghostery. That and Adblock seem to keep the popup ads at bay for me.

JAGUARDOG wrote 8 years ago: 1

Gadfly wrote:
If that doesn't work, you might also try downloading Ghostery. That and Adblock seem to keep the popup ads at bay for me.

ABP is working great for me now (knock on wood). I don't see the new ones that have been such a pain lately and I don't even see the old normal ones at least not in the last 30 minutes I have not seen even one which is fantastic, I love it and I owe you BIG TIME!

Jan wrote 8 years ago: 1

Hey everyone, to address the thread topic I would like to clarify what's normal ad behaviour on TVmaze. We limit our ads to a maximum of three on any given page and are firmly against pop ups, pop unders, roll overs etc. (Basically anything that might detach itself from the page layout itself.) We are currently working with two ad providers that have strict ad policies. It could still be the case that something slipped through. We see the site exactly as any other user and don't want to be bothered by any weird ads either. We also put great care into integrating ads in a fashion that does not disrupt the user experience, rather it should compliment it. If anyone sees an ad that doesn't fit the description We'd appreciate it if you'd report it instead of using an adblocker on the site. This way we can prevent the ad from being served to anyone else. Making TVmaze the best tv data provider is not only about the content but the entire experience of getting to the required data.

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