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tnt's talk page

Ann Patchett

SilverSurfer posted 3 years ago

I removed her. I watched show and have no recollection of seeing her.

The Great War: World War 1 show

MAT13 posted 3 years ago

Hi, I just submitted this show request, but forgot to include the URL in the description so whoever decides whether to approve or reject it won't have any info on it. And for some reason I cannot edit my submission or pull it back, fix it and resubmit.

Could you please just add this URL in its description so staff processing it will have all the info about it...

Thank you.

Undercover Boss Abroad

fuddle posted 3 years ago

Why is this scheduled to be deleted?  I've already had to recreate this once.


tnt posted 3 years ago

It says it al in a description. It's not a separate show, just a compilation of episodes from non-US series.

fuddle posted 3 years ago

Is that rule written down somewhere, so that I'm not requesting shows that get deletedr?  We'd like to link to tvmaze as often as possible.  Thanks.

tnt posted 3 years ago

Yes, that's a rule, duplicates are not allowed. Which means we didn't list the same episodes twice.

Show request

Some_frog posted 3 years ago

Hi! I saw Show request # 27801 (  I would like to clarify that  "Экстрасенсы. Битва сильнейших" has already been added as the 7th, 8th and 9th seasons in

I really apologize for my bad English, I use google translator)

tnt posted 3 years ago

Cool! Thanks for the heads-up :)


tvjjbj12 posted 3 years ago

Hey, tnt: Hope you are well.

The PBS series NOVA (a favorite of mine) swapped the airing dates for these episodes "Eagle Power" and "Decoding COVID-19." I watched "Decoding COVID-19" air May 13, 2020, with "Eagle Power" now scheduled for May 20, 2020. I easily corrected the dates. But when I shuffled the episode numbers, "Eagle Power" got locked after thee updates. Here's the episode list page:

Sorry, I should have counted and asked you to do it. Moving the three episodes of H2O: The Molecule That Made Us to a separate series used some episode number moves. So, please update "Eagle Power" from episode 10 to episode 9. Critique me if you feel that helpful.

Also, I read your Data Forum on H2O: The Molecule That Made Us ( I called WGBH, the PBS station that produced it, in Boston, Massachusetts. They didn't give me a great reason for it being in NOVA's schedule. But, they did confirm it was a separate series. I added the three H2O episodes based on the PBS NOVA schedule. NOVA sometimes has a series of episodes like "The Planets" - five aired last summer. This is the first I've seen it not be so accurate. You had extra work cleaning this up. If I could have foreseen something and missed it, let me know. It was not my intent to cause you more work. Thanks as always.


tnt posted 3 years ago

Sure, no problem :)

Don't sweat over it, the networks love to make things a bit more complicated than they should be.

tvjjbj12 posted 3 years ago

Thanks as always! Also, I thought you should know I emailed this to Discovery Channel on 5/13/2020:

<<Mega Machines: Sea Giants (Sea Monsters)

1. Season 2, Episode 5 is titled "US Navy Super Fleet" and premiered 5/13/2020 as a new episode on Science Channel just now. But, Season 1, Episode 4 is also titled "US Navy Super Fleet." The Science Channel Schedule uses "US Navy Super Fleet" in today's listing. To me, this is a mistake to have two episodes in the same series have the same title. The videos for each episode are certainly different, covering different areas within the US Navy. I request correcting this.

2. Also, why two titles for the same series - "Mega Machines: Sea Giants" vs. "Sea Monsters?" I use a TV database to track my TV watching. Two titles just confuse things a great deal.>>

We'll see what they say. But I thought I should update you on the weirdness. There will always be more and better, right?


tnt posted 3 years ago

Discovery is known for being disorderly. They're tend to re-air old episodes under a different name, have different names for the same show in different countries and do other weird things.

Let us know what they say.

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