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The team goes after Vandal in 2146, and discover that he has a daughter. Meanwhile, Kendra discovers how she can kill Vandal but makes a startling discovery when she confronts the immortal tyrant.

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By Gadfly on Apr 29, 2016

Waverider arrives above London in 2146 and is caught in an aerial bombardment. Rip confirms that Vandal's forces are the ones opening fire, and repeats their mission to find Vandal where they know that they can find him. He confirms that Vandal will kill his wife and son in three days' time, but they will save them by stopping Vandal now.Gideon slips Waverider beneath the artillery fire and Rip has the AI set them down near the encampment of the remaining resistance forces. He insists that they…

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Episode Discussion

JCuervo_a posted 7 years ago

Burn them all!... The Mad King Vandal Savage...

SilverSurfer posted 8 years ago

Worst episode of the season. I'm soooooooo tired of this show, Flash and Arrow putting hundreds, thousands, millions, even billions of lives at risk because someone they know may die. BooHoo. Sack-up, put on the big boy pants and make the tough choices. 3/10 rating.

JuanArango posted 8 years ago

Best episode of the season so far, loved the giant robots fighting each other :)

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