Bernard forces Robert to take him back into his own memories, while the Man meets with Charlotte. Meanwhile, Dolores escapes the Confederado camp and William gives Logan new orders.
Bernard forces Robert to take him back into his own memories, while the Man meets with Charlotte. Meanwhile, Dolores escapes the Confederado camp and William gives Logan new orders.
By Gadfly on Nov 28, 2016
Bernard clears the floor and meets with Maeve to run a diagnostic after her "malfunction". He brings her back online, unaware that she already is, and he tells her that there was an unscripted incident. Maeve claims that a cognitive error triggered her Good Samaritan instinct, leading her to attack the new Clementine. She says that Clementine was the factor, and Maeve perceived her moving toward guests with harmful intent. Bernard confirms from her recorded reactions that Maeve was perceiving a…
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Steven Ogg
as Rebus
Eddie Shin
as HenryCast Appearances
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Holy shit, what an episode!