Bernard tries to cope with what he did under Robert's orders. Meanwhile, William and Dolores find a town, and Maeve remembers more of her past. Meanwhile, the Man reveals his past to Teddy.
Bernard tries to cope with what he did under Robert's orders. Meanwhile, William and Dolores find a town, and Maeve remembers more of her past. Meanwhile, the Man reveals his past to Teddy.
By Gadfly on Nov 21, 2016
Robert brings Bernard back online and the host panics as he realizes that Theresa is gone. Sobbing, he realizes that he killed her, and Robert tells him that his anguish and guilty is a thing of beauty. He says that Bernard should feel proud of the emotion he has, which he developed since Robert built him. Bernard insists that he loved Theresa, and wonders why Robert made him kill her. Robert says that one man's life is a small price to pay for the knowledge he seeks, and Theresa and those behin…
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No, I do not think so pentar.
So I'm thinking the man in black is Arnold.