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Edit Requests

JuanArango wrote 5 years ago: 1

me1308 wrote:
How It's Made

Season 28 seems to be pretty much a duplicate of season 27. There are a lot of duplicate episodes from season 27 in season 28. has a different season breakdown, which seems to make more sense to me.

I can't find an episode list on the show's official website.

Some "straightening out" would be lovely!

it is fixed now, the second half of season 27 was redundant and I deleted it :)

SilverSurfer wrote 5 years ago: 1

tnt wrote:
Done. It appears, that the correct title should be "Cupcake & Dino - General Services", according to Netflix.

Sadly, that page gets me a 404. Since the show is aired on Teletoon in Canada, I guess Netflix just pretends it doesn't exist in Canada.

But yes, you are correct Sir! Thanks for making the change in titles. :)

SilverSurfer wrote 5 years ago: 1

JuanArango wrote:
All fine, he understood and will not happen again :)

RE: Old News Deletion

I'll cop to adding a "news" item that was about 10 months old but, in my defense, it was an article about a show ending last November that TVmaze still showed as running ... so it was kinda "news" ... similar to the old saying "It ain't a rerun if you didn't see it the first time round" we have "It's news if you didn't know about it before" ... that's my story and I'm sticking to it. :)

gazza911 wrote 5 years ago: 1

SilverSurfer wrote:
RE: Old News Deletion

I'll cop to adding a "news" item that was about 10 months old but, in my defense, it was an article about a show ending last November that TVmaze still showed as running ... so it was kinda "news" ... similar to the old saying "It ain't a rerun if you didn't see it the first time round" we have "It's news if you didn't know about it before" ... that's my story and I'm sticking to it. :)

Exceptional circumstances can be made, i.e Rick and Morty being renewed for 70 episodes.

However, I'd suggest posting in the chat/forums first to make sure that it's alright.

SilverSurfer wrote 5 years ago: 1

tnt wrote:
Drama + Romance ≈ Soap :)

Lye + Water + Oil = Soap

Drama + Romance = My life baby!

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