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Edit Requests

tnt wrote 5 years ago: 1

Jack96 wrote:
Why do you have a season 4 of Narcos on this site as a separate series?

It's season 4, not Narcos: Mexico

Netflix decided to do antology series, so "Mexico" it's season 4, you can name season 4 "Mexico" anyway.

Because it's not a season 4, it's a separate series, called Narcos: Mexico.


Narcos: Mexico

The addictive drama continues to follow the drugs and the money as it moves into new territory with Narcos: Mexico, launching as a new original series on Netflix this year.

JuanArango wrote 5 years ago: 1

pesky2012 wrote:
Hey everyone, I'm back!!

I have a question concerning the numbering of seasons for the shows Jeopardy and Wheel of Fortune These shows start their new seasons on Monday 10th... (Jeopardy S35, Wheel of Fortune S36)

The question is why do we have these shows listed as years, (for example 2017, 2108), instead of the proper seasons?

Thank you



welcome back :)

if the official site has the show listed as seasons we should do so too, you can change it if you like to, it is fine according to our policy :)

JuanArango wrote 5 years ago: 1

BazzaG wrote:
Please delete "Episode 04" of Fake or Fortune Season 6 as this episode was never broadcast:

Also, please delete Episode 8 of Russell Coight's All Aussie Adventures:

as season 3 concluded last night with episodes 6 & 7.

The second one is deleted, for the other one, do I need to renumber the other episodes or delete them too?

BazzaG wrote 5 years ago: 1

JuanArango wrote:
The second one is deleted, for the other one, do I need to renumber the other episodes or delete them too?

No ... 2 separate episodes (6 & 7) were broadcast back-to-back. Only "episode 8" needs to be deleted, otherwise, everything else is OK.

Channel 10 even ran the credits for both episodes.

JuanArango wrote 5 years ago: 1

BazzaG wrote:
No ... 2 separate episodes (6 & 7) were broadcast back-to-back. Only "episode 8" needs to be deleted, otherwise, everything else is OK.

Channel 10 even ran the credits for both episodes.

done :)

Tonks wrote 5 years ago: 1

Hi, in the opening credits of Carter there are only three actors : jerry o'connell, sydney poitier and Kristian Bruun. There's a real opening sequence and all the other actors are listed after. However, here there are some of the recurring actors that are listed as main. I do not know why except that most are in every episode (not all episodes, but most), I think that still makes them guest stars, but i'll let you decide.

I'm not posting without know i have the episode on my dvr still, so it was an easy verification for me. Maybe the website has listed some of the others as main as well, and the PR for canadians shows are always a mess to read, you never really know who is main and who is guest.

tnt wrote 5 years ago: 1

Tonks wrote:
Hi, in the opening credits of Carter there are only three actors : jerry o'connell, sydney poitier and Kristian Bruun. There's a real opening sequence and all the other actors are listed after. However, here there are some of the recurring actors that are listed as main. I do not know why except that most are in every episode (not all episodes, but most), I think that still makes them guest stars, but i'll let you decide.

I'm not posting without know i have the episode on my dvr still, so it was an easy verification for me. Maybe the website has listed some of the others as main as well, and the PR for canadians shows are always a mess to read, you never really know who is main and who is guest.

I think the confusion is caused by the lack of "guest starring" before the list of recurring actors after the main title sequence. However, Bravo's press release mentioned only O’Connell, Poitier and Bruun as the stars, and the rest as "Carter also also features..."

IMO you're correct, but I'd wait for at least one other opinion from the ranked contributor. Canadian crediting system is indeed somehow different from US one.

JuanArango wrote 5 years ago: 1

Tonks wrote:
Hi, in the opening credits of Carter there are only three actors : jerry o'connell, sydney poitier and Kristian Bruun. There's a real opening sequence and all the other actors are listed after. However, here there are some of the recurring actors that are listed as main. I do not know why except that most are in every episode (not all episodes, but most), I think that still makes them guest stars, but i'll let you decide.

I'm not posting without know i have the episode on my dvr still, so it was an easy verification for me. Maybe the website has listed some of the others as main as well, and the PR for canadians shows are always a mess to read, you never really know who is main and who is guest.

I watched the credits of episode 10, well this is really confusing....

You are perfectly correct, only those three actors are in the opening credits...but what happens after this is confusing...4 more actors after the opening credits...then STARRING: one more actor...then Special Guest starring: one more actor.

Absolutely unsure what to make about this, maybe you can open a new thread for this Tonks?

Aidan wrote 5 years ago: 1

I've watched Carter and in my opinion only the 3 in the opening sequence are to be considered main cast. The "others" (in lack of a better term) are clearly supporting cast as they all have minimal screen time, no involvement in the main episode plots and not even appearing in all the episodes.

JuanArango wrote 5 years ago: 1

Aidan wrote:
I've watched Carter and in my opinion only the 3 in the opening sequence are to be considered main cast. The "others" (in lack of a better term) are clearly supporting cast as they all have minimal screen time, no involvement in the main episode plots and not even appearing in all the episodes.

Seems it leans towards that, now we need someone who fixes it and knows the show a bit :)

Aidan wrote 5 years ago: 1

JuanArango wrote:
Seems it leans towards that, now we need someone who fixes it and knows the show a bit :)

All sorted now. Still not entirely sure what they were thinking. Best I can tell they listed recurring guest stars by themself.

JuanArango wrote 5 years ago: 1

Aidan wrote:
All sorted now. Still not entirely sure what they were thinking. Best I can tell they listed recurring guest stars by themself.

yeh, it looked very weird and uncommon, thx for fixing it :)

Tonks wrote 5 years ago: 1

Sorry i didn't expect it to be this difficult. Most Canadians shows have similar issues, you know the "starring" and then the guest-starring and they can write multiple times and then some special guest stars. Their credits are all over the place, but when you have an opening sequence with the actors names, i thought it would be an easy fix.

Frankie drake has 4 main characters but all are listed after the Title card and the rest of the guest are there as well. Cardinal has two, but if you look at mary kills people, you owuldn't know who to put in the main cast.

I think pretty much only the US has a standardized system for credits. Other countries, you hope for the best.

Aidan, just a question, did you add these "main cast" back to each of the episodes ? I didn't understand the bit "All sorted now. Still not entirely sure what they were thinking. Best I can tell they listed recurring guest stars by themself."

Soemone entered them as main and then added them as guest as well ?

Aidan wrote 5 years ago: 1

Tonks wrote:
Aidan, just a question, did you add these "main cast" back to each of the episodes ? I didn't understand the bit "All sorted now. Still not entirely sure what they were thinking. Best I can tell they listed recurring guest stars by themself."

Yeah, I just changed their appearances from main cast to guest star.

Soemone entered them as main and then added them as guest as well ?

One of the actors were added both as main cast and as a co-star, yes.

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