We don't have a biography for Steven Moffat yet. Hang in there, or go ahead and contribute one.
Known For
Cast Credits
The Real History of Science Fiction (2014)
Guest starring as Executive Producer - Doctor Who (2009 - )
(2 episodes)
Doctor Who: The Doctors Revisited (2013)
Starring as Showrunner. Doctor Who
(11 episodes)
- Episode 1x11: The Eleventh Doctor (Nov 24, 2013)
- Episode 1x10: The Tenth Doctor (Oct 27, 2013)
- Episode 1x09: The Ninth Doctor (Sep 29, 2013)
- Episode 1x08: The Eighth Doctor (Aug 31, 2013)
- Episode 1x07: The Seventh Doctor (Jul 27, 2013)
- Episode 1x06: The Sixth Doctor (Jun 29, 2013)
- Episode 1x05: The Fifth Doctor (May 26, 2013)
- Episode 1x04: The Fourth Doctor (Apr 28, 2013)
- Episode 1x03: The Third Doctor (Mar 31, 2013)
- Episode 1x02: The Second Doctor (Feb 24, 2013)
- Episode 1x01: The First Doctor (Jan 27, 2013)
Room 101 (2012)
Guest starring as Steven Moffat
- Episode 7x03: Jimmy Carr, Rochelle Humes, Steven Moffat (Feb 2, 2018)
innerSPACE (2008)
Guest starring as Steven Moffat
- Episode 2018-02-13: Tuesday, February 13 (Feb 13, 2018)
Doctor Who (2005)
Guest starring as Steven Moffat
(4 episodes)
- Episode S08 Special: Doctor Who: Earth Conquest – The World Tour (Jan 16, 2015)
- Episode S07 Special: The Five(ish) Doctors Reboot (Nov 23, 2013)
- Episode S07 Special: The Timey-Wimey of Doctor Who (Aug 18, 2012)
- Episode S07 Special: The Women of Doctor Who (Aug 11, 2012)
Guest starring as Show Runner, Doctor Who
- Episode S07 Special: The Science of Doctor Who (Aug 4, 2012)
Crew Credits
Douglas is Cancelled (2024)
Show crew as Executive Producer
(4 episodes)
- Episode 1x04: Episode 4 (Jun 27, 2024)
- Episode 1x03: Episode 3 (Jun 27, 2024)
- Episode 1x02: Episode 2 (Jun 27, 2024)
- Episode 1x01: Episode 1 (Jun 27, 2024)
Show crew as Creator
(4 episodes)
- Episode 1x04: Episode 4 (Jun 27, 2024)
- Episode 1x03: Episode 3 (Jun 27, 2024)
- Episode 1x02: Episode 2 (Jun 27, 2024)
- Episode 1x01: Episode 1 (Jun 27, 2024)
Episode crew as Writer
(4 episodes)
Doctor Who (2023)
Show crew as Executive Producer
(2 episodes)
- Episode S01 Special: Joy to the World (Dec 25, 2024)
- Episode 1x03: Boom (May 17, 2024)
Episode crew as Writer
(2 episodes)
- Episode S01 Special: Joy to the World (Dec 25, 2024)
- Episode 1x03: Boom (May 17, 2024)
The Time Traveler's Wife (2022)
Show crew as Developer
- Episode 1x01: Episode One (May 15, 2022)
Show crew as Executive Producer
- Episode 1x01: Episode One (May 15, 2022)
Episode crew as Teleplay
(6 episodes)
- Episode 1x06: Episode Six (Jun 19, 2022)
- Episode 1x05: Episode Five (Jun 12, 2022)
- Episode 1x04: Episode Four (Jun 5, 2022)
- Episode 1x03: Episode Three (May 29, 2022)
- Episode 1x02: Episode Two (May 22, 2022)
- Episode 1x01: Episode One (May 15, 2022)
Dracula (2020)
Show crew as Creator
Show crew as Executive Producer
Episode crew as Writer
(3 episodes)
- Episode 1x03: The Dark Compass (Jan 3, 2020)
- Episode 1x02: Blood Vessel (Jan 2, 2020)
- Episode 1x01: The Rules of the Beast (Jan 1, 2020)
Class (2016)
Show crew as Executive Producer
(8 episodes)
- Episode 1x08: The Lost (Dec 3, 2016)
- Episode 1x07: The Metaphysical Engine, or What Quill Did (Nov 26, 2016)
- Episode 1x06: Detained (Nov 19, 2016)
- Episode 1x05: Brave-ish Heart (Nov 12, 2016)
- Episode 1x04: Co-Owner of a Lonely Heart (Nov 5, 2016)
- Episode 1x03: Nightvisiting (Oct 29, 2016)
- Episode 1x02: The Coach with the Dragon Tattoo (Oct 22, 2016)
- Episode 1x01: For Tonight We Might Die (Oct 22, 2016)
Sherlock (2010)
Show crew as Creator
(2 episodes)
- Episode 4x02: The Lying Detective (Jan 8, 2017)
- Episode 4x01: The Six Thatchers (Jan 1, 2017)
Show crew as Executive Producer
(2 episodes)
- Episode 4x03: The Final Problem (Jan 15, 2017)
- Episode 4x02: The Lying Detective (Jan 8, 2017)
Episode crew as Writer
(8 episodes)
- Episode 4x03: The Final Problem (Jan 15, 2017)
- Episode 4x02: The Lying Detective (Jan 8, 2017)
- Episode S04 Special: The Abominable Bride (Jan 1, 2016)
- Episode 3x03: His Last Vow (Jan 12, 2014)
- Episode 3x02: The Sign of Three (Jan 5, 2014)
- Episode 2x01: A Scandal in Belgravia (Jan 1, 2012)
- Episode 1x01: A Study in Pink (Jul 25, 2010)
- Episode S03 Special: Many Happy Returns (Dec 24, 2013)
Doctor Who (2005)
Show crew as Executive Producer
(80 episodes)
- Episode S10 Special: Twice Upon a Time (Dec 25, 2017)
- Episode 10x12: The Doctor Falls (Jul 1, 2017)
- Episode 10x11: World Enough and Time (Jun 24, 2017)
- Episode 10x10: The Eaters of Light (Jun 17, 2017)
- Episode 10x09: Empress of Mars (Jun 10, 2017)
- Episode 10x08: The Lie of the Land (Jun 3, 2017)
- Episode 10x07: The Pyramid at the End of the World (May 27, 2017)
- Episode 10x06: Extremis (May 20, 2017)
- Episode 10x05: Oxygen (May 13, 2017)
- Episode 10x04: Knock Knock (May 6, 2017)
- Episode 10x03: Thin Ice (Apr 29, 2017)
- Episode 10x02: Smile (Apr 22, 2017)
- Episode 10x01: The Pilot (Apr 15, 2017)
- Episode S09 Special: The Husbands of River Song (Dec 25, 2015)
- Episode 9x12: Hell Bent (Dec 5, 2015)
- Episode 9x11: Heaven Sent (Nov 28, 2015)
- Episode 9x10: Face the Raven (Nov 21, 2015)
- Episode 9x09: Sleep No More (Nov 14, 2015)
- Episode 9x08: The Zygon Inversion (Nov 7, 2015)
- Episode 9x07: The Zygon Invasion (Oct 31, 2015)
- Episode 9x06: The Woman Who Lived (Oct 24, 2015)
- Episode 9x05: The Girl Who Died (Oct 17, 2015)
- Episode 9x04: Before the Flood (Oct 10, 2015)
- Episode 9x03: Under the Lake (Oct 3, 2015)
- Episode 9x02: The Witch's Familiar (Sep 26, 2015)
- Episode 9x01: The Magician's Apprentice (Sep 19, 2015)
- Episode 8x12: Death in Heaven (Nov 8, 2014)
- Episode 8x11: Dark Water (Nov 1, 2014)
- Episode 8x10: In the Forest of the Night (Oct 25, 2014)
- Episode 8x09: Flatline (Oct 18, 2014)
- Episode 8x08: Mummy on the Orient Express (Oct 11, 2014)
- Episode 8x07: Kill the Moon (Oct 4, 2014)
- Episode 8x06: The Caretaker (Sep 27, 2014)
- Episode 8x05: Time Heist (Sep 20, 2014)
- Episode 8x04: Listen (Sep 13, 2014)
- Episode 8x03: Robot of Sherwood (Sep 6, 2014)
- Episode 8x02: Into the Dalek (Aug 30, 2014)
- Episode 8x01: Deep Breath (Aug 23, 2014)
- Episode 7x13: The Name of the Doctor (May 18, 2013)
- Episode 7x12: Nightmare in Silver (May 11, 2013)
- Episode 7x11: The Crimson Horror (May 4, 2013)
- Episode 7x10: Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS (Apr 27, 2013)
- Episode 7x09: Hide (Apr 20, 2013)
- Episode 7x08: Cold War (Apr 13, 2013)
- Episode 7x07: The Rings of Akhaten (Apr 6, 2013)
- Episode 7x06: The Bells of Saint John (Mar 30, 2013)
- Episode 7x05: The Angels Take Manhattan (Sep 29, 2012)
- Episode 7x04: The Power of Three (Sep 22, 2012)
- Episode 7x03: A Town Called Mercy (Sep 15, 2012)
- Episode 7x02: Dinosaurs on a Spaceship (Sep 8, 2012)
- Episode 7x01: Asylum of the Daleks (Sep 1, 2012)
- Episode S06 Special: The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe (Dec 25, 2011)
- Episode 6x13: The Wedding of River Song (Oct 1, 2011)
- Episode 6x12: Closing Time (Sep 24, 2011)
- Episode 6x11: The God Complex (Sep 17, 2011)
- Episode 6x10: The Girl Who Waited (Sep 10, 2011)
- Episode 6x09: Night Terrors (Sep 3, 2011)
- Episode 6x08: Let's Kill Hitler (Aug 27, 2011)
- Episode 6x07: A Good Man Goes to War (Jun 4, 2011)
- Episode 6x06: The Almost People (May 28, 2011)
- Episode 6x05: The Rebel Flesh (May 21, 2011)
- Episode 6x04: The Doctor's Wife (May 14, 2011)
- Episode 6x03: The Curse of the Black Spot (May 7, 2011)
- Episode 6x02: Day of the Moon (Apr 30, 2011)
- Episode 6x01: The Impossible Astronaut (Apr 23, 2011)
- Episode S05 Special: A Christmas Carol (Dec 25, 2010)
- Episode 5x13: The Big Bang (Jun 26, 2010)
- Episode 5x12: The Pandorica Opens (Jun 19, 2010)
- Episode 5x11: The Lodger (Jun 12, 2010)
- Episode 5x10: Vincent and the Doctor (Jun 5, 2010)
- Episode 5x09: Cold Blood (May 29, 2010)
- Episode 5x08: The Hungry Earth (May 22, 2010)
- Episode 5x07: Amy's Choice (May 15, 2010)
- Episode 5x06: The Vampires of Venice (May 8, 2010)
- Episode 5x05: Flesh and Stone (May 1, 2010)
- Episode 5x04: The Time of Angels (Apr 24, 2010)
- Episode 5x03: Victory of the Daleks (Apr 17, 2010)
- Episode 5x02: The Beast Below (Apr 10, 2010)
- Episode 5x01: The Eleventh Hour (Apr 3, 2010)
- Episode S10 Special: Doctor Who: The End of an Era (Dec 25, 2017)
Episode crew as Writer
(54 episodes)
- Episode S10 Special: Twice Upon a Time (Dec 25, 2017)
- Episode 10x12: The Doctor Falls (Jul 1, 2017)
- Episode 10x11: World Enough and Time (Jun 24, 2017)
- Episode 10x07: The Pyramid at the End of the World (May 27, 2017)
- Episode 10x06: Extremis (May 20, 2017)
- Episode 10x01: The Pilot (Apr 15, 2017)
- Episode S10 Special: The Return of Doctor Mysterio (Dec 25, 2016)
- Episode S10 Special: Friend from the Future (Apr 23, 2016)
- Episode S09 Special: The Husbands of River Song (Dec 25, 2015)
- Episode 9x12: Hell Bent (Dec 5, 2015)
- Episode 9x11: Heaven Sent (Nov 28, 2015)
- Episode 9x08: The Zygon Inversion (Nov 7, 2015)
- Episode 9x05: The Girl Who Died (Oct 17, 2015)
- Episode 9x02: The Witch's Familiar (Sep 26, 2015)
- Episode 9x01: The Magician's Apprentice (Sep 19, 2015)
- Episode S09 Special: The Doctor's Meditation (Sep 18, 2015)
- Episode S09 Special: Doctor Who: Series 9 Prologue (Sep 11, 2015)
- Episode S08 Special: Last Christmas (Dec 25, 2014)
- Episode 8x12: Death in Heaven (Nov 8, 2014)
- Episode 8x11: Dark Water (Nov 1, 2014)
- Episode 8x06: The Caretaker (Sep 27, 2014)
- Episode 8x05: Time Heist (Sep 20, 2014)
- Episode 8x04: Listen (Sep 13, 2014)
- Episode 8x02: Into the Dalek (Aug 30, 2014)
- Episode 8x01: Deep Breath (Aug 23, 2014)
- Episode S07 Special: The Time of the Doctor (Dec 25, 2013)
- Episode S07 Special: The Day of the Doctor (Nov 23, 2013)
- Episode S07 Special: The Night of the Doctor (Nov 14, 2013)
- Episode 7x13: The Name of the Doctor (May 18, 2013)
- Episode S07 Special: Clarence and the Whispermen (May 18, 2013)
- Episode S07 Special: She Said, He Said (May 10, 2013)
- Episode 7x06: The Bells of Saint John (Mar 30, 2013)
- Episode S07 Special: The Snowmen (Dec 25, 2012)
- Episode 7x05: The Angels Take Manhattan (Sep 29, 2012)
- Episode 7x01: Asylum of the Daleks (Sep 1, 2012)
- Episode S06 Special: The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe (Dec 25, 2011)
- Episode 6x13: The Wedding of River Song (Oct 1, 2011)
- Episode 6x08: Let's Kill Hitler (Aug 27, 2011)
- Episode 6x07: A Good Man Goes to War (Jun 4, 2011)
- Episode 6x02: Day of the Moon (Apr 30, 2011)
- Episode 6x01: The Impossible Astronaut (Apr 23, 2011)
- Episode S05 Special: A Christmas Carol (Dec 25, 2010)
- Episode 5x13: The Big Bang (Jun 26, 2010)
- Episode 5x12: The Pandorica Opens (Jun 19, 2010)
- Episode 5x05: Flesh and Stone (May 1, 2010)
- Episode 5x04: The Time of Angels (Apr 24, 2010)
- Episode 5x02: The Beast Below (Apr 10, 2010)
- Episode 5x01: The Eleventh Hour (Apr 3, 2010)
- Episode 4x09: Forest of the Dead (Jun 7, 2008)
- Episode 4x08: Silence in the Library (May 31, 2008)
- Episode 3x10: Blink (Jun 9, 2007)
- Episode 2x04: The Girl in the Fireplace (May 6, 2006)
- Episode 1x10: The Doctor Dances (May 28, 2005)
- Episode 1x09: The Empty Child (May 21, 2005)
Coupling (2003)
Show crew as Creator
Episode crew as Writer
(3 episodes)
- Episode 1x03: Sex, Death & Nudity (Oct 9, 2003)
- Episode 1x02: Size Matters (Oct 2, 2003)
- Episode 1x01: The Right One (Sep 25, 2003)
Episode crew as Story
(2 episodes)
- Episode 1x08: Dressed ()
- Episode 1x06: A Foreign Affair ()
Coupling (2000)
Show crew as Creator
(28 episodes)
- Episode 4x06: 9 1/2 Months (Jun 14, 2004)
- Episode 4x05: The Naked Living Room (Jun 7, 2004)
- Episode 4x04: Circus of the Epidurals (May 31, 2004)
- Episode 4x03: Bed Time (May 24, 2004)
- Episode 4x02: Nightlines (May 17, 2004)
- Episode 4x01: 9 1/2 Minutes (May 10, 2004)
- Episode 3x07: Perhaps, Perhaps, Perhaps (Nov 4, 2002)
- Episode 3x06: The Girl with One Heart (Oct 28, 2002)
- Episode 3x05: The Freckle, The Key and the Couple Who Weren't (Oct 21, 2002)
- Episode 3x04: Remember This (Oct 14, 2002)
- Episode 3x03: Unconditional Sex (Oct 7, 2002)
- Episode 3x02: Faithless (Sep 30, 2002)
- Episode 3x01: Split (Sep 23, 2002)
- Episode 2x09: The End of the Line (Oct 29, 2001)
- Episode 2x08: Naked (Oct 22, 2001)
- Episode 2x07: Dressed (Oct 15, 2001)
- Episode 2x06: Gotcha (Oct 8, 2001)
- Episode 2x05: Jane and the Truth Snake (Oct 1, 2001)
- Episode 2x04: The Melty Man Cometh (Sep 24, 2001)
- Episode 2x03: Her Best Friend's Bottom (Sep 17, 2001)
- Episode 2x02: My Dinner in Hell (Sep 10, 2001)
- Episode 2x01: The Man with Two Legs (Sep 3, 2001)
- Episode 1x06: The Cupboard of Patrick's Love (Jun 16, 2000)
- Episode 1x05: The Girl with Two Breasts (Jun 9, 2000)
- Episode 1x04: Inferno (Jun 2, 2000)
- Episode 1x03: Sex, Death & Nudity (May 26, 2000)
- Episode 1x02: Size Matters (May 19, 2000)
- Episode 1x01: Flushed (May 12, 2000)
Episode crew as Writer
(28 episodes)
- Episode 4x06: 9 1/2 Months (Jun 14, 2004)
- Episode 4x05: The Naked Living Room (Jun 7, 2004)
- Episode 4x04: Circus of the Epidurals (May 31, 2004)
- Episode 4x03: Bed Time (May 24, 2004)
- Episode 4x02: Nightlines (May 17, 2004)
- Episode 4x01: 9 1/2 Minutes (May 10, 2004)
- Episode 3x07: Perhaps, Perhaps, Perhaps (Nov 4, 2002)
- Episode 3x06: The Girl with One Heart (Oct 28, 2002)
- Episode 3x05: The Freckle, The Key and the Couple Who Weren't (Oct 21, 2002)
- Episode 3x04: Remember This (Oct 14, 2002)
- Episode 3x03: Unconditional Sex (Oct 7, 2002)
- Episode 3x02: Faithless (Sep 30, 2002)
- Episode 3x01: Split (Sep 23, 2002)
- Episode 2x09: The End of the Line (Oct 29, 2001)
- Episode 2x08: Naked (Oct 22, 2001)
- Episode 2x07: Dressed (Oct 15, 2001)
- Episode 2x06: Gotcha (Oct 8, 2001)
- Episode 2x05: Jane and the Truth Snake (Oct 1, 2001)
- Episode 2x04: The Melty Man Cometh (Sep 24, 2001)
- Episode 2x03: Her Best Friend's Bottom (Sep 17, 2001)
- Episode 2x02: My Dinner in Hell (Sep 10, 2001)
- Episode 2x01: The Man with Two Legs (Sep 3, 2001)
- Episode 1x06: The Cupboard of Patrick's Love (Jun 16, 2000)
- Episode 1x05: The Girl with Two Breasts (Jun 9, 2000)
- Episode 1x04: Inferno (Jun 2, 2000)
- Episode 1x03: Sex, Death & Nudity (May 26, 2000)
- Episode 1x02: Size Matters (May 19, 2000)
- Episode 1x01: Flushed (May 12, 2000)