Grey DeLisle Griffin is an American actress, voice actress, singer-songwriter, and comedienne. In addition to her numerous English-speaking roles, she also speaks Japanese as the character Yumi in television programme Hi Hi Puffy AmiYumi.
Known For
Cast Credits
Dream Productions (2024)
Guest starring as Pilar
(4 episodes)
- Episode 1x04: Part 4: A Night to Remember (Dec 11, 2024)
- Episode 1x03: Part 3: Romance! (Dec 11, 2024)
- Episode 1x02: Part 2: Out of Body (Dec 11, 2024)
- Episode 1x01: Part 1: The Dream Team (Dec 11, 2024)
Batman: Caped Crusader (2024)
Guest starring as Partygoer
- Episode 1x01: In Treacherous Waters (Aug 1, 2024) [Co-Star]
Guest starring as Scared Woman
- Episode 1x01: In Treacherous Waters (Aug 1, 2024) [Co-Star]
Guest starring as Newscaster
- Episode 1x03: Kiss of the Catwoman (Aug 1, 2024) [Co-Star]
Guest starring as Radio Operator
- Episode 1x03: Kiss of the Catwoman (Aug 1, 2024) [Co-Star]
Guest starring as Julie
- Episode 1x08: Nocturne (Aug 1, 2024) [Co-Star]
Guest starring as Bearded Lady
- Episode 1x08: Nocturne (Aug 1, 2024) [Co-Star]
Sausage Party: Foodtopia (2024)
Guest starring as Additional Voices
(6 episodes)
- Episode 1x06: Sixth Course (Jul 11, 2024)
- Episode 1x05: Fifth Course (Jul 11, 2024)
- Episode 1x04: Fourth Course (Jul 11, 2024)
- Episode 1x03: Third Course (Jul 11, 2024)
- Episode 1x02: Second Course (Jul 11, 2024)
- Episode 1x01: First Course (Jul 11, 2024)
ZOMBIES: The Re-Animated Series (2024)
Starring as Mrs. Computer Teacher
(4 episodes)
- Episode 1x16: The More, The Burier (Jun 29, 2024)
- Episode 1x15: When Bucky Met Barky (Jun 29, 2024)
- Episode 1x02: I Scream Zoda (Jun 29, 2024)
- Episode 1x01: Re-Senior Year (Jun 29, 2024)
Ariel (2024)
Guest starring as Additional Voices
(2 episodes)
- Episode 1x02: A Winner's Spirit (Jun 28, 2024) [Co-Star]
- Episode 1x01: Atlantica Day (Jun 28, 2024) [Co-Star]
The Fairly OddParents! A New Wish (2024)
Starring as Bev
(10 episodes)
- Episode 1x32: Hazel Wells and the Multiverse of Jenkins (Aug 5, 2024)
- Episode 1x23: Lost in Fairy World (Jul 25, 2024)
- Episode 1x20: Battle of the Dimmsonian (Jul 24, 2024)
- Episode 1x17: Lost and Founder's Day (Jul 22, 2024)
- Episode 1x12: Prime Meridian Love (Jun 6, 2024)
- Episode 1x08: 28 Puddings Later (May 30, 2024)
- Episode 1x07: 1500 Minutes of Fame (May 29, 2024)
- Episode 1x06: The Wellsington Hotellsington (May 28, 2024)
- Episode 1x03: Teacher's Pal (May 22, 2024)
- Episode 1x01: Fly (May 17, 2024)
Starring as Krentz
(8 episodes)
- Episode 1x32: Hazel Wells and the Multiverse of Jenkins (Aug 5, 2024)
- Episode 1x31: Best of Luck (Aug 1, 2024)
- Episode 1x15: A New Dev-elopment (Jun 12, 2024)
- Episode 1x12: Prime Meridian Love (Jun 6, 2024)
- Episode 1x10: Weird Science (Jun 4, 2024)
- Episode 1x08: 28 Puddings Later (May 30, 2024)
- Episode 1x07: 1500 Minutes of Fame (May 29, 2024)
- Episode 1x03: Teacher's Pal (May 22, 2024)
Starring as Mrs. Velasquez
(2 episodes)
- Episode 1x08: 28 Puddings Later (May 30, 2024)
- Episode 1x03: Teacher's Pal (May 22, 2024)
Starring as Alarm
- Episode 1x15: A New Dev-elopment (Jun 12, 2024)
Starring as Princess
- Episode 1x28: Operation Birthday Takeback Pt. 1 (Jul 31, 2024)
Starring as Vicky
(2 episodes)
- Episode 1x29: Operation Birthday Takeback Pt. 2 (Jul 31, 2024)
- Episode 1x28: Operation Birthday Takeback Pt. 1 (Jul 31, 2024)
Starring as Tooth Fairy
- Episode 1x36: Mind the Gap (Aug 7, 2024)
Hot Wheels Let's Race (2024)
Starring as Dash
(30 episodes)
- Episode 2x10: Highs & Lows (Sep 9, 2024)
- Episode 2x09: Drive Me Batty (Sep 9, 2024)
- Episode 2x08: Sneezy Squeakers (Sep 9, 2024)
- Episode 2x07: Go for the Gold (Sep 9, 2024)
- Episode 2x06: The Great Car Swap (Sep 9, 2024)
- Episode 2x05: Cruisin' to Victory (Sep 9, 2024)
- Episode 2x04: Jumping the Shark (Sep 9, 2024)
- Episode 2x03: Mini Coop (Sep 9, 2024)
- Episode 2x02: The S'more Fun the Better (Sep 9, 2024)
- Episode 2x01: Cruise Control (Sep 9, 2024)
- Episode 1x20: Fired Up! (Mar 4, 2024)
- Episode 1x19: In It to Win It (Mar 4, 2024)
- Episode 1x18: Photo Finish (Mar 4, 2024)
- Episode 1x17: Eyes on the Prize (Mar 4, 2024)
- Episode 1x16: Follow the Lead Car (Mar 4, 2024)
- Episode 1x15: Pedal to the Meddle (Mar 4, 2024)
- Episode 1x14: Shifting Gears (Mar 4, 2024)
- Episode 1x13: Pizza with Extra Venom (Mar 4, 2024)
- Episode 1x12: Trashed Tracks (Mar 4, 2024)
- Episode 1x11: Getting the Jump (Mar 4, 2024)
- Episode 1x10: Victory Lapse (Mar 4, 2024)
- Episode 1x09: Spoiler Warning (Mar 4, 2024)
- Episode 1x08: Scavenger Stunt Hunt (Mar 4, 2024)
- Episode 1x07: Night Fright (Mar 4, 2024)
- Episode 1x06: Car Wash Catastrophe (Mar 4, 2024)
- Episode 1x05: Keeping the Pace (Mar 4, 2024)
- Episode 1x04: Takeout Spinout (Mar 4, 2024)
- Episode 1x03: Scream Machine (Mar 4, 2024)
- Episode 1x02: Racing to Success (Mar 4, 2024)
- Episode 1x01: A Wheel Good Time (Mar 4, 2024)
The Second Best Hospital in the Galaxy (2024)
Guest starring as Additional Voices
- Episode 1x08: Apocalypse Got You Down? (Feb 23, 2024)
Rock Paper Scissors (2024)
Guest starring as Body Double
- Episode 1x11: Hide and Seek (Feb 26, 2024)
Guest starring as Scissors' Daughter
- Episode 1x11: Hide and Seek (Feb 26, 2024)
Guest starring as Director
- Episode 1x16: Eyebrows (Mar 4, 2024)
Guest starring as Casting Agent
- Episode 1x16: Eyebrows (Mar 4, 2024)
Masters of the Universe: Revolution (2024)
Starring as Despara
- Episode 1x05: The Scepter and The Sword (Jan 25, 2024)
Fright Krewe (2023)
Starring as Dance Coach
- Episode 1x02: The Blood Awakening, Part 2 (Oct 2, 2023)
Starring as Judith Le Claire
(10 episodes)
- Episode 2x10: The Sacrifice, Part 2 (Mar 29, 2024)
- Episode 2x09: The Sacrifice, Part 1 (Mar 29, 2024)
- Episode 2x08: The Descent (Mar 29, 2024)
- Episode 2x07: The Decay (Mar 29, 2024)
- Episode 2x06: The Return (Mar 29, 2024)
- Episode 2x03: The Bridge (Mar 29, 2024)
- Episode 2x01: The Nightmare (Mar 29, 2024)
- Episode 1x10: The War (Oct 2, 2023)
- Episode 1x08: The Bait (Oct 2, 2023)
- Episode 1x05: The Feast (Oct 2, 2023)
Starring as Antoinette Du Sang
(2 episodes)
- Episode 2x06: The Return (Mar 29, 2024)
- Episode 2x03: The Bridge (Mar 29, 2024)
Krapopolis (2023)
Guest starring as Additional Voices
(5 episodes)
- Episode 2x07: Ty Man Woman Table Chairs Food (Nov 24, 2024)
- Episode 1x19: Muse Your Illusion (Apr 21, 2024)
- Episode 1x14: A Krapwork Orange (Feb 25, 2024)
- Episode 1x13: Contagion (Feb 18, 2024)
- Episode 1x11: Tyrdra (Dec 17, 2023)
Adventure Time: Fionna and Cake (2023)
Guest starring as Additional Voices
- Episode 1x03: Cake the Cat (Sep 7, 2023) [Co-Star]
Guest starring as Ice Cream Queen
- Episode 1x09: Casper & Nova (Sep 28, 2023)
Guest starring as Rink Attendant
- Episode 1x09: Casper & Nova (Sep 28, 2023)
Pupstruction (2023)
Guest starring as Maya
(30 episodes)
- Episode 1x38: The Petsburg Power-Out (Jan 12, 2024)
- Episode 1x37: Valentine's Day Dogs (Jan 12, 2024)
- Episode 1x36: When Pups Fly (Dec 8, 2023)
- Episode 1x35: The Sunniest Snow Day (Dec 8, 2023)
- Episode 1x34: Pups On Ice (Nov 27, 2023)
- Episode 1x33: Pupstruction Saves Christmas (Nov 27, 2023)
- Episode 1x32: A Colorful Job (Nov 3, 2023)
- Episode 1x31: Itty Bitty Barn Build (Nov 3, 2023)
- Episode 1x24: Happy Maya's Day (Aug 18, 2023)
- Episode 1x23: Luna's Bad Hair Day (Aug 18, 2023)
- Episode 1x22: A Crabby Neighbor (Aug 4, 2023)
- Episode 1x21: Professor Frazzle (Aug 4, 2023)
- Episode 1x20: The Never-Ending Treehouse (Jul 28, 2023)
- Episode 1x19: The Wishbone Comet (Jul 28, 2023)
- Episode 1x18: Underwater Pups (Jul 21, 2023)
- Episode 1x17: Robo Cat (Jul 21, 2023)
- Episode 1x16: Fire Truck Frenzy (Jun 14, 2023)
- Episode 1x15: Builders To Bakers (Jun 14, 2023)
- Episode 1x14: Dump Truck Dilemma (Jun 14, 2023)
- Episode 1x13: Home Stinky Home (Jun 14, 2023)
- Episode 1x12: Safe and Hound (Jun 14, 2023)
- Episode 1x11: Adventures in Bulldozing (Jun 14, 2023)
- Episode 1x08: Luna Digs Deep (Jun 14, 2023)
- Episode 1x07: Fast and Furriest (Jun 14, 2023)
- Episode 1x06: Doggone Tired (Jun 14, 2023)
- Episode 1x05: Bailey's Birthday Coaster (Jun 14, 2023)
- Episode 1x04: Beach Day Build-Off (Jun 14, 2023)
- Episode 1x03: Hush Puppies (Jun 14, 2023)
- Episode 1x02: Pup DE-struction (Jun 14, 2023)
- Episode 1x01: Built To Build (Jun 14, 2023)
Hailey's on It! (2023)
Starring as Peanut Butter Pam
(2 episodes)
- Episode 1x34: Bye Bye Birdies (Oct 14, 2023)
- Episode 1x33: Scott's On a Roll (Oct 14, 2023)
Starring as Gigi
(2 episodes)
- Episode 1x34: Bye Bye Birdies (Oct 14, 2023)
- Episode 1x33: Scott's On a Roll (Oct 14, 2023)
Guest starring as Additional Voices
(5 episodes)
- Episode 1x34: Bye Bye Birdies (Oct 14, 2023)
- Episode 1x33: Scott's On a Roll (Oct 14, 2023)
- Episode 1x28: Who Let the Dogs Out? (Hailey) (Aug 12, 2023)
- Episode 1x27: The Fart of War (Aug 12, 2023)
- Episode 1x01: The Beginning of the Friend (Jun 8, 2023)
Gremlins (2023)
Guest starring as Candy Vendor
- Episode 1x01: Never Get Them Wet (May 23, 2023)
Guest starring as Furry Mogwai
- Episode 1x01: Never Get Them Wet (May 23, 2023)
Guest starring as Claw
(9 episodes)
- Episode 1x10: Never Ever Expose Them to Bright Light (Jun 22, 2023)
- Episode 1x09: Never Give Up (Jun 22, 2023)
- Episode 1x08: Never Hug a Mogwai (Jun 15, 2023)
- Episode 1x07: Never Squeeze a Fox (Jun 15, 2023)
- Episode 1x06: Always Buy a God a Drink First (Jun 8, 2023)
- Episode 1x05: Always Stab or Run (Jun 8, 2023)
- Episode 1x04: Don't Drink the Tea (Jun 1, 2023)
- Episode 1x03: Always Buy a Ticket (Jun 1, 2023)
- Episode 1x02: Never Feed Them After Midnight (May 23, 2023)
Guest starring as Cranky Old Woman
- Episode 1x03: Always Buy a Ticket (Jun 1, 2023)
Guest starring as Duckface
(3 episodes)
- Episode 1x08: Never Hug a Mogwai (Jun 15, 2023)
- Episode 1x05: Always Stab or Run (Jun 8, 2023)
- Episode 1x04: Don't Drink the Tea (Jun 1, 2023)
Guest starring as Evil Mogwai
(5 episodes)
- Episode 2x04: Always Bring a Toothpick (Oct 3, 2024)
- Episode 1x10: Never Ever Expose Them to Bright Light (Jun 22, 2023)
- Episode 1x09: Never Give Up (Jun 22, 2023)
- Episode 1x07: Never Squeeze a Fox (Jun 15, 2023)
- Episode 1x06: Always Buy a God a Drink First (Jun 8, 2023)
Guest starring as Elderly Woman
- Episode 2x03: Never Use Double Negatives (Oct 3, 2024)
Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures (2023)
Starring as Sellacc Orryak
(6 episodes)
- Episode 1x42: Happy Trails, Nubs (Feb 14, 2024)
- Episode 1x41: Best Friends (Feb 14, 2024)
- Episode 1x30: The Talon Takeover (Nov 8, 2023)
- Episode 1x29: An Adventure with Yoda (Nov 8, 2023)
- Episode 1x22: Bad Eggs (Aug 2, 2023)
- Episode 1x21: The Ganguls (Aug 2, 2023)
Starring as Muxa
(2 episodes)
- Episode 1x22: Bad Eggs (Aug 2, 2023)
- Episode 1x21: The Ganguls (Aug 2, 2023)
Unicorn: Warriors Eternal (2023)
Guest starring as Ancient Egypt Melinda
- Episode 1x01: The Awakening (May 4, 2023)
Guest starring as Mysterious Woman
(2 episodes)
- Episode 1x02: The Awakening, Part 2 (May 4, 2023)
- Episode 1x01: The Awakening (May 4, 2023)
Guest starring as Little Girl
- Episode 1x02: The Awakening, Part 2 (May 4, 2023)
Guest starring as Woman 1
(2 episodes)
- Episode 1x04: What Lies Beneath (May 18, 2023)
- Episode 1x02: The Awakening, Part 2 (May 4, 2023)
Guest starring as Original Melinda
(4 episodes)
- Episode 1x10: The End of the Beginning (Jun 29, 2023)
- Episode 1x09: A Love's Last Light (Jun 22, 2023)
- Episode 1x07: The Heart of Kings (Jun 8, 2023)
- Episode 1x03: A Fateful Encounter (May 11, 2023)
Guest starring as Nurse #2
- Episode 1x03: A Fateful Encounter (May 11, 2023)
Guest starring as Clarice Leydoux
(2 episodes)
- Episode 1x10: The End of the Beginning (Jun 29, 2023)
- Episode 1x03: A Fateful Encounter (May 11, 2023)
Guest starring as June Way
(3 episodes)
- Episode 1x06: The Mystery of Secrets (Jun 1, 2023)
- Episode 1x05: The Past Within (May 25, 2023)
- Episode 1x04: What Lies Beneath (May 18, 2023)
Guest starring as Mary
- Episode 1x04: What Lies Beneath (May 18, 2023)
Guest starring as Necromancer
- Episode 1x07: The Heart of Kings (Jun 8, 2023)
Guest starring as Andaen
- Episode 1x07: The Heart of Kings (Jun 8, 2023)
Eva the Owlet (2023)
Starring as Grandma
- Episode 1x11: Eva's Big Catch (Mar 31, 2023)
Starring as Taylor
- Episode 1x12: Carlos's Juice Stand (Mar 31, 2023)
Firebuds (2022)
Guest starring as Ethel
(2 episodes)
- Episode 1x06: The Getaway Car That Got Away (Sep 21, 2022)
- Episode 1x05: Treehouse Trouble (Sep 21, 2022)
Pantheon (2022)
Guest starring as Erin
- Episode 1x01: Pantheon (Sep 1, 2022) [Co-Star]
Guest starring as Ms. Hunter
- Episode 1x01: Pantheon (Sep 1, 2022) [Co-Star]
Guest starring as Assistant
- Episode 1x02: Cycles (Sep 1, 2022) [Co-Star]
Guest starring as Samara
- Episode 1x02: Cycles (Sep 1, 2022) [Co-Star]
Guest starring as Scientist
(3 episodes)
- Episode 2x04: Olivia & Farhad (Oct 15, 2023) [Co-Star]
- Episode 1x08: The Gods Will Not Be Slain (Oct 13, 2022) [Co-Star]
- Episode 1x07: We Are You (Oct 6, 2022) [Co-Star]
Guest starring as Zhong
(4 episodes)
- Episode 2x03: Joey Coupet (Oct 15, 2023) [Co-Star]
- Episode 2x01: The Gods Have Not Died In Vain (Oct 15, 2023) [Co-Star]
- Episode 1x08: The Gods Will Not Be Slain (Oct 13, 2022) [Co-Star]
- Episode 1x07: We Are You (Oct 6, 2022) [Co-Star]
Guest starring as Valkyrie Toy
- Episode 2x03: Joey Coupet (Oct 15, 2023) [Co-Star]
Farzar (2022)
Guest starring as Flammy
(10 episodes)
- Episode 1x10: War and Peace (Jul 15, 2022) [Co-Star]
- Episode 1x09: Memory Wars (Jul 15, 2022) [Co-Star]
- Episode 1x08: The Great and Powerful Ozner (Jul 15, 2022) [Co-Star]
- Episode 1x07: Baz, Bangs, and Brains (Jul 15, 2022) [Co-Star]
- Episode 1x06: Flammily Reunion (Jul 15, 2022) [Co-Star]
- Episode 1x05: The Adventures of Daddy O'Baggins (Jul 15, 2022) [Co-Star]
- Episode 1x04: St. Pudchuggers Day (Jul 15, 2022) [Co-Star]
- Episode 1x03: Save the Reaper Demons (Jul 15, 2022) [Co-Star]
- Episode 1x02: Robot Revolution (Jul 15, 2022) [Co-Star]
- Episode 1x01: Welcome to Farzar (Jul 15, 2022) [Co-Star]
The Boys Presents: Diabolical (2022)
Guest starring as New Woman
- Episode 1x02: An Animated Short Where Pissed-Off Supes Kill Their Parents (Mar 4, 2022)
Guest starring as Vought Rep
- Episode 1x05: BFFs (Mar 4, 2022)
Guest starring as CLF Woman - Sharon
- Episode 1x08: One Plus One Equals Two (Mar 4, 2022)
The Cuphead Show! (2022)
Guest starring as Doris
(2 episodes)
- Episode 2x13: The Devil's Pitchfork (Aug 19, 2022)
- Episode 1x03: Ribby and Croaks (Feb 18, 2022)
Guest starring as Mrs. Mr. Mayor
- Episode 1x03: Ribby and Croaks (Feb 18, 2022)
Guest starring as Old Woman
- Episode 1x04: Handle with Care (Feb 18, 2022)
Guest starring as Emma
- Episode 1x06: Ghosts Aint Real! (Feb 18, 2022)
Guest starring as Ms. Chalice
(9 episodes)
- Episode 3x11: The Devil and Ms. Chalice (Nov 18, 2022)
- Episode 3x10: Dance with Danger (Nov 18, 2022)
- Episode 3x09: Joy Ride (Nov 18, 2022)
- Episode 3x07: Special Delivery (Nov 18, 2022)
- Episode 3x04: Roadkill (Nov 18, 2022)
- Episode 2x09: Dead Broke (Aug 19, 2022)
- Episode 2x06: The I Scream Man (Aug 19, 2022)
- Episode 2x02: Charmed and Dangerous (Aug 19, 2022)
- Episode 1x12: In Charm's Way (Feb 18, 2022)
Guest starring as Screwdriver
(3 episodes)
- Episode 3x09: Joy Ride (Nov 18, 2022)
- Episode 2x02: Charmed and Dangerous (Aug 19, 2022)
- Episode 1x12: In Charm's Way (Feb 18, 2022)
Guest starring as Hildaberg
- Episode 2x02: Charmed and Dangerous (Aug 19, 2022)
Guest starring as Old Lady
- Episode 2x13: The Devil's Pitchfork (Aug 19, 2022)
Guest starring as Nasally Operator
- Episode 3x01: The Devil's Revenge! (Nov 18, 2022)
Guest starring as Elves
- Episode 3x06: A Very Devil Christmas (Nov 18, 2022)
Guest starring as Li'l Chalice
- Episode 3x10: Dance with Danger (Nov 18, 2022)
Guest starring as Orphans
- Episode 3x10: Dance with Danger (Nov 18, 2022)
The Legend of Vox Machina (2022)
Guest starring as Delilah Briarwood
(10 episodes)
- Episode 1x12: The Darkness Within (Feb 17, 2022)
- Episode 1x11: Whispers at the Ziggurat (Feb 17, 2022)
- Episode 1x10: Depths of Deceit (Feb 17, 2022)
- Episode 1x09: The Tide of Bone (Feb 10, 2022)
- Episode 1x08: A Silver Tongue (Feb 10, 2022)
- Episode 1x06: Spark of Rebellion (Feb 3, 2022)
- Episode 1x05: Fate's Journey (Feb 3, 2022)
- Episode 1x04: Shadows at the Gates (Feb 3, 2022)
- Episode 1x03: The Feast of Realms (Jan 27, 2022)
- Episode 1x02: The Terror of Tal'Dorei - Part 2 (Jan 27, 2022)
Guest starring as Rahlia
- Episode 1x06: Spark of Rebellion (Feb 3, 2022)
Guest starring as Lady De Rolo
(2 episodes)
- Episode 1x12: The Darkness Within (Feb 17, 2022)
- Episode 1x07: Scanbo (Feb 10, 2022)
Guest starring as Townsperson
- Episode 1x09: The Tide of Bone (Feb 10, 2022)
Harriet the Spy (2021)
Guest starring as Carol Welsch
(19 episodes)
- Episode 2x10: Harriet the Writer (May 5, 2023)
- Episode 2x09: I Am the Onion (May 5, 2023)
- Episode 2x08: Everyone Hates Me (May 5, 2023)
- Episode 2x07: The Age of Harriet (May 5, 2023)
- Episode 2x06: The Walrus and the Carpenter (May 5, 2023)
- Episode 2x05: Ole Golly in Love (May 5, 2023)
- Episode 2x04: Lucky Penny (May 5, 2023)
- Episode 2x03: World of Tomorrow (May 5, 2023)
- Episode 2x02: It's My Party and I'll Spy If I Want To (May 5, 2023)
- Episode 2x01: General Mouthwashington (May 5, 2023)
- Episode 1x09: Spy V. Spy (May 20, 2022)
- Episode 1x08: The Stuffy Lovers (May 20, 2022)
- Episode 1x07: The Rarest Bird (May 20, 2022)
- Episode 1x06: Face the Music (May 20, 2022)
- Episode 1x05: The Origin of M (Nov 19, 2021)
- Episode 1x04: Hermit the Spy (Nov 19, 2021)
- Episode 1x03: Cross My Heart and Hope Not to Dance (Nov 19, 2021)
- Episode 1x02: Coat Vote (Nov 19, 2021)
- Episode 1x01: I Am a Terrible Spy (Nov 19, 2021)
Star Trek: Prodigy (2021)
Guest starring as Nandi
(2 episodes)
- Episode 1x07: Time Amok (Jan 20, 2022)
- Episode 1x06: First Contact (Jan 13, 2022)
Inside Job (2021)
Guest starring as Additional Voices
(9 episodes)
- Episode 2x08: Appleton (Nov 18, 2022)
- Episode 2x07: Project Reboot (Nov 18, 2022)
- Episode 2x01: How Reagan Got Her Grove Back (Nov 18, 2022)
- Episode 1x08: Buzzkill (Oct 22, 2021)
- Episode 1x07: Ghost Protocol (Oct 22, 2021)
- Episode 1x04: Sex Machina (Oct 22, 2021)
- Episode 1x03: Blue Bloods (Oct 22, 2021)
- Episode 1x02: Clone Gunman (Oct 22, 2021)
- Episode 1x01: Unpresidented (Oct 22, 2021)
The Ghost and Molly McGee (2021)
Guest starring as Barrister Ghost #1
(8 episodes)
- Episode 1x24: The Don't-Gooder (Feb 19, 2022)
- Episode 1x23: Game Night (Feb 19, 2022)
- Episode 1x14: All Systems No (Nov 6, 2021)
- Episode 1x13: The Turnip Twist (Nov 6, 2021)
- Episode 1x04: The (Un)natural (Oct 2, 2021)
- Episode 1x03: Howlin Harriet (Oct 2, 2021)
- Episode 1x02: First Day Frights (Oct 1, 2021)
- Episode 1x01: The Curse (Oct 1, 2021)
Guest starring as Additional Voices
(14 episodes)
- Episode 2x24: Davenport's in Demise (Aug 5, 2023) [Co-Star]
- Episode 2x23: Carbon Zero Heroes (Aug 5, 2023) [Co-Star]
- Episode 2x20: Let's Play Turnipball! (Jul 22, 2023) [Co-Star]
- Episode 2x19: Jinx! (Jul 22, 2023) [Co-Star]
- Episode 1x32: The Internship (Jun 11, 2022) [Co-Star]
- Episode 1x31: Citizen McGee (Jun 11, 2022) [Co-Star]
- Episode 1x28: The Very Hungry Ghost (Mar 5, 2022) [Co-Star]
- Episode 1x27: Goat Your Own Way (Mar 5, 2022) [Co-Star]
- Episode 1x26: Twin Trouble (Feb 26, 2022) [Co-Star]
- Episode 1x25: Innocent Until Proven Ghostly (Feb 26, 2022) [Co-Star]
- Episode 1x06: The Greatest Concert Ever (Oct 9, 2021) [Co-Star]
- Episode 1x05: Getting the Band(shell) Back Together (Oct 9, 2021) [Co-Star]
- Episode 1x04: The (Un)natural (Oct 2, 2021) [Co-Star]
- Episode 1x03: Howlin Harriet (Oct 2, 2021) [Co-Star]
Guest starring as Sven
(2 episodes)
- Episode 1x14: All Systems No (Nov 6, 2021)
- Episode 1x13: The Turnip Twist (Nov 6, 2021)
Guest starring as Joanie Pataky
(14 episodes)
- Episode 2x36: Perfect Day (Dec 1, 2023)
- Episode 2x35: White Christmess (Dec 1, 2023)
- Episode 2x28: Fit to Print (Oct 28, 2023)
- Episode 2x27: Welcome to Necrocomic-Con (Oct 28, 2023)
- Episode 2x11: The (After)life of the Party (May 6, 2023)
- Episode 2x10: A Doll to Die For (May 6, 2023)
- Episode 2x07: It's Always Sunny in Sunnyland (Apr 22, 2023)
- Episode 2x06: A Period Place (Apr 22, 2023)
- Episode 1x32: The Internship (Jun 11, 2022)
- Episode 1x31: Citizen McGee (Jun 11, 2022)
- Episode 1x24: The Don't-Gooder (Feb 19, 2022)
- Episode 1x23: Game Night (Feb 19, 2022)
- Episode 1x22: Ready, Set, Snow! (Feb 12, 2022)
- Episode 1x21: Ice Princess (Feb 12, 2022)
Guest starring as Lucretia
(16 episodes)
- Episode 2x38: The End (Jan 13, 2024)
- Episode 2x37: Jinx vs. The Human World (Jan 13, 2024)
- Episode 2x32: Alaka-Sham! (Nov 11, 2023)
- Episode 2x31: The Many Lives of Scratch (Nov 11, 2023)
- Episode 2x22: All in the Mind (Jul 29, 2023)
- Episode 2x21: The Ghost IS Molly McGee (Jul 29, 2023)
- Episode 2x18: Dance Dad Revolution (Jul 15, 2023)
- Episode 2x17: Like Father Like Libby (Jul 15, 2023)
- Episode 2x12: Frightmares on Main Street (May 13, 2023)
- Episode 2x01: The New (Para)Normal (Apr 1, 2023)
- Episode 1x40: Molly vs. The Ghost World (Jul 9, 2022)
- Episode 1x39: The Jig is Up (Jul 9, 2022)
- Episode 1x32: The Internship (Jun 11, 2022)
- Episode 1x31: Citizen McGee (Jun 11, 2022)
- Episode 1x28: The Very Hungry Ghost (Mar 5, 2022)
- Episode 1x27: Goat Your Own Way (Mar 5, 2022)
Guest starring as Deb
(4 episodes)
- Episode 2x20: Let's Play Turnipball! (Jul 22, 2023)
- Episode 2x19: Jinx! (Jul 22, 2023)
- Episode 2x09: Davenport's on Demand (Apr 29, 2023)
- Episode 2x08: I Wanna Dance With Some-Ollie (Apr 29, 2023)
Guest starring as Coach Syvertsson
(2 episodes)
- Episode 2x20: Let's Play Turnipball! (Jul 22, 2023)
- Episode 2x19: Jinx! (Jul 22, 2023)
He-Man and the Masters of the Universe (2021)
Starring as Evelyn / Evil-lyn
(21 episodes)
- Episode 3x08: The End of the Beginning (Part 2 of 2) (Aug 18, 2022)
- Episode 3x07: The Beginning of the End (Part 1 of 2) (Aug 18, 2022)
- Episode 3x06: In-Can't-Ation (Aug 18, 2022)
- Episode 3x05: A Leap of Faith (Aug 18, 2022)
- Episode 3x04: The Tomb of Grayskull (Aug 18, 2022)
- Episode 3x03: Wrath of the Mer-Man (Aug 18, 2022)
- Episode 3x01: The Haunting of Castle Grayskull (Aug 18, 2022)
- Episode 2x07: The Battle of Avion (Mar 3, 2022)
- Episode 2x04: A Very Hungry Dragonfly (Mar 3, 2022)
- Episode 2x02: The World Below (Mar 3, 2022)
- Episode 2x01: The World Above (Mar 3, 2022)
- Episode 1x10: Cry Havoc, Part 2 (Sep 16, 2021)
- Episode 1x09: Cry Havoc, Part 1 (Sep 16, 2021)
- Episode 1x08: The Calm Before the Storm (Sep 16, 2021)
- Episode 1x07: He-Man, the Hunted (Sep 16, 2021)
- Episode 1x06: Orko the Great (Sep 16, 2021)
- Episode 1x05: We Have the Power (Sep 16, 2021)
- Episode 1x04: The Champions of Grayskull (Sep 16, 2021)
- Episode 1x03: The Heirs of Grayskull (Sep 16, 2021)
- Episode 1x02: The Power of Grayskull (Sep 16, 2021)
- Episode 1x01: The Sword of Grayskull (Sep 16, 2021)
Sharkdog (2021)
Starring as Mom
(35 episodes)
- Episode 3x19: Return to the Island (Apr 27, 2023)
- Episode 3x16: Puptown Funk (Apr 27, 2023)
- Episode 3x14: How to Train Your Sharkpups (Apr 27, 2023)
- Episode 3x13: School of Sharkpups (Apr 27, 2023)
- Episode 3x12: Snow Way Out (Apr 27, 2023)
- Episode 3x11: Sharkdog and Mia's Eggcellent Adventure (Apr 27, 2023)
- Episode 3x09: How Barb Got Her Groove Back (Apr 27, 2023)
- Episode 3x07: All Mapped Out (Apr 27, 2023)
- Episode 3x05: News Hounds (Apr 27, 2023)
- Episode 3x03: Fins That Go Bump in the Night (Apr 27, 2023)
- Episode 3x01: Sharks, Dogs and Sharkdogs (Apr 27, 2023)
- Episode 2x20: Sharkdog Makes a Splash (Jun 30, 2022)
- Episode 2x18: A Star Fish Is Born (Jun 30, 2022)
- Episode 2x16: Ceviche for Dinner (Jun 30, 2022)
- Episode 2x15: Sleeping Like a Baby (Jun 30, 2022)
- Episode 2x11: Working Like a Sharkdog (Jun 30, 2022)
- Episode 2x10: The Party Animal (Jun 30, 2022)
- Episode 2x09: The Sharkdog Scoop (Jun 30, 2022)
- Episode 2x06: The Big Picture (Jun 30, 2022)
- Episode 2x01: The Sharkdog Days of Summer (Jun 30, 2022)
- Episode S01 Special: Sharkdog's Fintastic Halloween (Oct 15, 2021)
- Episode 1x20: Sharkdog, Family (Sep 3, 2021)
- Episode 1x19: Fish Fiesta Freakout (Sep 3, 2021)
- Episode 1x16: Return of the Nightwalker (Sep 3, 2021)
- Episode 1x15: Poots and Vegetables (Sep 3, 2021)
- Episode 1x14: A Storm in Foggy Springs (Sep 3, 2021)
- Episode 1x11: The Fishers Go Fishing (Sep 3, 2021)
- Episode 1x08: Sharkdog Home Alone (Sep 3, 2021)
- Episode 1x07: Sharks Sharks Sharks (Sep 3, 2021)
- Episode 1x06: The Great Shark Hunter (Sep 3, 2021)
- Episode 1x05: Sharkdog Digs In (Sep 3, 2021)
- Episode 1x04: Sharkdoghouse (Sep 3, 2021)
- Episode 1x03: Unfetch (Sep 3, 2021)
- Episode 1x02: Home Sweet Sharkdog (Sep 3, 2021)
- Episode 1x01: Fins in the Water (Sep 3, 2021)
Starring as Neighbor 2
- Episode 1x01: Fins in the Water (Sep 3, 2021)
Starring as Teenager on TV
- Episode 1x08: Sharkdog Home Alone (Sep 3, 2021)
Starring as Old Woman
- Episode 1x20: Sharkdog, Family (Sep 3, 2021)
Starring as Customer
- Episode 2x01: The Sharkdog Days of Summer (Jun 30, 2022)
Starring as Yoga Teacher
- Episode 2x03: Going Wild (Jun 30, 2022)
Starring as TV Announcer
- Episode 2x09: The Sharkdog Scoop (Jun 30, 2022)
Starring as Admiral Albacore
(2 episodes)
- Episode 3x19: Return to the Island (Apr 27, 2023)
- Episode 2x20: Sharkdog Makes a Splash (Jun 30, 2022)
Starring as Kid
- Episode 3x11: Sharkdog and Mia's Eggcellent Adventure (Apr 27, 2023)
Starring as Lunch Lady Ethel
- Episode 3x13: School of Sharkpups (Apr 27, 2023)
Starring as Woman
- Episode 3x15: Sharkbites and Pupcakes (Apr 27, 2023)
Starring as Kid
- Episode 3x15: Sharkbites and Pupcakes (Apr 27, 2023)
Centaurworld (2021)
Starring as Bayden
- Episode 2x06: The Ballad of Becky Apples (Dec 7, 2021)
Guest starring as Message Bird
- Episode 2x02: All Herd All the Terd (Dec 7, 2021)
Guest starring as Bayden
- Episode 2x02: All Herd All the Terd (Dec 7, 2021)
Guest starring as Old Man
- Episode 2x02: All Herd All the Terd (Dec 7, 2021)
Guest starring as Hanglydangly
- Episode 2x02: All Herd All the Terd (Dec 7, 2021)
Guest starring as Lone Survivor
- Episode 2x06: The Ballad of Becky Apples (Dec 7, 2021)
Rugrats (2021)
Starring as Cashier
- Episode 1x07: The Last Balloon (May 27, 2021)
Starring as Balloon #1
- Episode 1x07: The Last Balloon (May 27, 2021)
Starring as Begley
(4 episodes)
- Episode 2x06: Ancient Treasure (Apr 14, 2023)
- Episode 1x38: Phone Alone (Apr 14, 2022)
- Episode 1x34: Lucky Smudge (Apr 14, 2022)
- Episode 1x31: Bringing Up Daisy (Apr 14, 2022)
Starring as Grace
- Episode 2x13: The Blob From Outer Space (Apr 14, 2023)
Starring as Stella
- Episode 2x13: The Blob From Outer Space (Apr 14, 2023)
Star Wars: The Bad Batch (2021)
Guest starring as Citizen #1
- Episode 1x04: Cornered (May 21, 2021)
Guest starring as CG-67
- Episode 1x04: Cornered (May 21, 2021)
Guest starring as Fruit Vendor
- Episode 1x04: Cornered (May 21, 2021)
The Simpsons Specials (2021)
Guest starring as Martin Prince
- Episode 2024-12-17: O C'mon All Ye Faithful (Dec 17, 2024)
Guest starring as Derren Brown Employee
- Episode 2024-12-17: O C'mon All Ye Faithful (Dec 17, 2024)
Invincible (2021)
Guest starring as Amanda / Monster Girl
(14 episodes)
- Episode 3x03: You Want a Real Costume, Right? (Feb 6, 2025)
- Episode 3x02: A Deal with the Devil (Feb 6, 2025)
- Episode 2x08: I Thought You Were Stronger (Apr 4, 2024)
- Episode 2x07: I'm Not Going Anywhere (Mar 28, 2024)
- Episode 2x06: It's Not That Simple (Mar 21, 2024)
- Episode 2x05: This Must Come as a Shock (Mar 14, 2024)
- Episode 2x03: This Missive, This Machination (Nov 17, 2023)
- Episode 2x01: A Lesson for Your Next Life (Nov 3, 2023)
- Episode 1x08: Where I Really Come From (Apr 30, 2021)
- Episode 1x07: We Need to Talk (Apr 23, 2021)
- Episode 1x06: You Look Kinda Dead (Apr 16, 2021)
- Episode 1x05: That Actually Hurt (Apr 9, 2021)
- Episode 1x04: Neil Armstrong, Eat Your Heart Out (Apr 2, 2021)
- Episode 1x03: Who You Calling Ugly? (Mar 26, 2021)
Guest starring as Shrinking Rae
(10 episodes)
- Episode 3x03: You Want a Real Costume, Right? (Feb 6, 2025)
- Episode 3x02: A Deal with the Devil (Feb 6, 2025)
- Episode 2x05: This Must Come as a Shock (Mar 14, 2024)
- Episode 2x02: In About Six Hours I Lose My Virginity to a Fish (Nov 10, 2023)
- Episode 2x01: A Lesson for Your Next Life (Nov 3, 2023)
- Episode 1x08: Where I Really Come From (Apr 30, 2021)
- Episode 1x07: We Need to Talk (Apr 23, 2021)
- Episode 1x05: That Actually Hurt (Apr 9, 2021)
- Episode 1x04: Neil Armstrong, Eat Your Heart Out (Apr 2, 2021)
- Episode 1x03: Who You Calling Ugly? (Mar 26, 2021)
Guest starring as Olga
(3 episodes)
- Episode 2x01: A Lesson for Your Next Life (Nov 3, 2023)
- Episode 1x04: Neil Armstrong, Eat Your Heart Out (Apr 2, 2021)
- Episode 1x01: It's About Time (Mar 26, 2021)
Guest starring as Betsy
(3 episodes)
- Episode 3x03: You Want a Real Costume, Right? (Feb 6, 2025)
- Episode 2x02: In About Six Hours I Lose My Virginity to a Fish (Nov 10, 2023)
- Episode S02 Special: Invincible: Atom Eve (Jul 22, 2023)
Guest starring as Polly
- Episode S02 Special: Invincible: Atom Eve (Jul 22, 2023)
Guest starring as Thula
(2 episodes)
- Episode 2x04: It's Been a While (Nov 24, 2023)
- Episode 2x03: This Missive, This Machination (Nov 17, 2023)
Guest starring as Woman
- Episode 2x03: This Missive, This Machination (Nov 17, 2023)
Guest starring as Helga
- Episode 2x06: It's Not That Simple (Mar 21, 2024)
Guest starring as Nurse
- Episode 2x06: It's Not That Simple (Mar 21, 2024)
Guest starring as GDA Agent Assistant
- Episode 2x07: I'm Not Going Anywhere (Mar 28, 2024)
Guest starring as Dinosaur #3
- Episode 2x08: I Thought You Were Stronger (Apr 4, 2024)
Guest starring as GDA Trooper
- Episode 2x08: I Thought You Were Stronger (Apr 4, 2024)
Guest starring as Shriveled Woman
- Episode 3x02: A Deal with the Devil (Feb 6, 2025)
Kamp Koral: SpongeBob's Under Years (2021)
Guest starring as Preda Tory
- Episode 1x05: A Cabin of Curiosities (Mar 4, 2021)
Guest starring as Big Roxie
(2 episodes)
- Episode 1x15: Camp SpongeBob (Jul 22, 2021)
- Episode 1x05: A Cabin of Curiosities (Mar 4, 2021)
Devil May Care (2021)
Guest starring as Coma
(4 episodes)
- Episode 1x07: The Freeze (Mar 31, 2021)
- Episode 1x06: The Date (Mar 24, 2021)
- Episode 1x04: The Shipment (Feb 27, 2021)
- Episode 1x03: The Atheist (Feb 20, 2021)
The Wonderful World of Mickey Mouse (2020)
Guest starring as Fairy Godmother
- Episode 1x18: Disappearing Act (Aug 18, 2021)
Guest starring as Blue Fairy
- Episode 1x18: Disappearing Act (Aug 18, 2021)
Doug Unplugs (2020)
Guest starring as Business Woman
- Episode 1x01: A Whole Bot of Fun (Nov 13, 2020)
Crossing Swords (2020)
Guest starring as Additional Voices
- Episode 2x02: Toxic Femininity (Dec 10, 2021)
Fast & Furious: Spy Racers (2019)
Guest starring as Reporter
- Episode 4x04: That's a Moray (Apr 16, 2021)
Guest starring as SSP Officer
- Episode 4x06: The Siege (Apr 16, 2021)
Guest starring as Office Worker
- Episode 4x07: Into the Labyrinth (Apr 16, 2021)
Green Eggs and Ham (2019)
Guest starring as Z Magazine Reporter
- Episode 1x09: Goat (Nov 8, 2019) [Co-Star]
Guest starring as Waitress
- Episode 1x10: House (Nov 8, 2019) [Co-Star]
Guest starring as Ty
- Episode 1x11: Boat (Nov 8, 2019) [Co-Star]
Bless the Harts (2019)
Guest starring as Mee-Maw Edwards
(2 episodes)
- Episode 1x08: Mega-Lo-Memories (Nov 24, 2019)
- Episode 1x05: Trash Twins (Nov 3, 2019)
Guest starring as Ashleigh
(4 episodes)
- Episode 2x14: Nose Bud (Mar 21, 2021)
- Episode 2x11: Big Pimpin' (Feb 28, 2021)
- Episode 2x06: The McEntire Truth (Nov 15, 2020)
- Episode 2x03: My Best Frenda (Oct 11, 2020)
Guest starring as Additional Voices
(7 episodes)
- Episode 2x24: Betty's Birthday (Jun 20, 2021)
- Episode 2x21: Haul Force One (May 16, 2021)
- Episode 2x20: When You Lose, You Win (May 9, 2021)
- Episode 2x13: Trollin' with the Homies (Mar 14, 2021)
- Episode 2x12: The Dogchurian Candidate (Mar 7, 2021)
- Episode 2x07: Mega Lo Memories: Part Deux (Nov 22, 2020)
- Episode 2x05: Pound Pinchers (Nov 8, 2020)
Guest starring as Lydia
- Episode 2x15: Dance Dance Resolution (Mar 28, 2021)
Guest starring as Paparazzi
- Episode 2x15: Dance Dance Resolution (Mar 28, 2021)
Guest starring as Senior in a Swimsuit
- Episode 2x15: Dance Dance Resolution (Mar 28, 2021)
Guest starring as Tawny
- Episode 2x16: Easter's 11 (Apr 4, 2021)
Guest starring as Teen 2
- Episode 2x16: Easter's 11 (Apr 4, 2021)
Guest starring as Greeter
- Episode 2x16: Easter's 11 (Apr 4, 2021)
Guest starring as Aunt Donna
- Episode 2x18: Hoot 'n Haw (Apr 18, 2021)
Guest starring as Tube Top Girl
- Episode 2x19: The Drincan Temple (May 2, 2021)
Guest starring as Gina
- Episode 2x19: The Drincan Temple (May 2, 2021)
The Boys (2019)
Guest starring as Two Birds
(2 episodes)
- Episode 3x08: The Instant White-Hot Wild (Jul 8, 2022) [Co-Star]
- Episode 3x07: Here Comes a Candle to Light You to Bed (Jul 1, 2022) [Co-Star]
Scooby-Doo and Guess Who? (2019)
Starring as Daphne Blake
(52 episodes)
- Episode 2x26: The Movieland Monsters! (Oct 1, 2021)
- Episode 2x25: Scooby-Doo, Dog Wonder! (Oct 1, 2021)
- Episode 2x24: A Haunt of a Thousand Voices! (Oct 1, 2021)
- Episode 2x23: Falling Star Man! (Oct 1, 2021)
- Episode 2x22: Scooby-Doo and the Sky Town Cool School! (Oct 1, 2021)
- Episode 2x21: The Legend of the Gold Microphone! (Oct 1, 2021)
- Episode 2x20: The Lost Mines of Kilimanjaro! (Oct 1, 2021)
- Episode 2x19: Cher, Scooby and the Sargasso Sea! (Oct 1, 2021)
- Episode 2x18: Returning of the Key Ring! (Oct 1, 2021)
- Episode 2x17: The Tao of Scoob! (Oct 1, 2021)
- Episode 2x16: Lost Soles of Jungle River! (Oct 1, 2021)
- Episode 2x15: Dark Diner of Route 66! (Feb 25, 2021)
- Episode 2x14: Total Jeopardy! (Nov 13, 2020)
- Episode 2x13: The Dreaded Remake of Jekyll & Hyde! (Oct 1, 2020)
- Episode 2x12: The 7th Inning Scare! (Oct 1, 2020)
- Episode 2x11: The Internet on Haunted House Hill! (Oct 1, 2020)
- Episode 2x10: The Crown Jewel of Boxing! (Oct 1, 2020)
- Episode 2x09: Caveman on the Half Pipe! (Oct 1, 2020)
- Episode 2x08: Scooby on Ice! (Oct 1, 2020)
- Episode 2x07: A Fashion Nightmare! (Oct 1, 2020)
- Episode 2x06: The Feast of Dr. Frankenfooder! (Oct 1, 2020)
- Episode 2x05: A Moveable Mystery! (Oct 1, 2020)
- Episode 2x04: The Hot Dog Dog! (Oct 1, 2020)
- Episode 2x03: The Horrible Haunted Hospital of Dr. Phineas Phrag! (Oct 1, 2020)
- Episode 2x02: The Last Inmate! (Oct 1, 2020)
- Episode 2x01: The Phantom, The Talking Dog and The Hot Hot Hot Sauce (Oct 1, 2020)
- Episode 1x26: Space Station Scooby (May 9, 2020)
- Episode 1x25: The High School Wolfman's Musical Lament! (Mar 17, 2020)
- Episode 1x24: I Put a Hex on You! (Mar 16, 2020)
- Episode 1x23: A Run Cycle Through Time! (Mar 13, 2020)
- Episode 1x22: The Wedding Witch of Wainsly Hall! (Mar 12, 2020)
- Episode 1x21: Dance Matron of Mayhem! (Mar 11, 2020)
- Episode 1x20: Too Many Dummies! (Mar 10, 2020)
- Episode 1x19: Fear of the Fire Beast! (Mar 9, 2020)
- Episode 1x18: The New York Underground! (Mar 6, 2020)
- Episode 1x17: Hollywood Knights! (Mar 5, 2020)
- Episode 1x16: One Minute Mysteries! (Mar 4, 2020)
- Episode 1x15: The Sword, the Fox and the Scooby-Doo! (Mar 3, 2020)
- Episode 1x14: The Nightmare Ghost of Psychic U! (Sep 26, 2019)
- Episode 1x13: What a Night, for a Dark Knight! (Sep 19, 2019)
- Episode 1x12: Quit Clowning! (Sep 12, 2019)
- Episode 1x11: Now You Sia, Now You Don't! (Sep 5, 2019)
- Episode 1x10: Attack of the Weird Al-losaurus! (Aug 29, 2019)
- Episode 1x09: The Fastest Food Fiend! (Aug 22, 2019)
- Episode 1x08: When Urkel-Bots Go Bad! (Aug 15, 2019)
- Episode 1x07: The Cursed Cabinet of Professor Madds Markson! (Aug 8, 2019)
- Episode 1x06: The Scooby of a Thousand Faces! (Aug 1, 2019)
- Episode 1x05: Ollie Ollie In-come Free! (Jul 25, 2019)
- Episode 1x04: Elementary, My Dear Shaggy! (Jul 18, 2019)
- Episode 1x03: Peebles' Pet Shop of Terrible Terrors! (Jul 11, 2019)
- Episode 1x02: A Mystery Solving Gang Divided! (Jul 2, 2019)
- Episode 1x01: Revenge of the Swamp Monster! (Jun 27, 2019)
Guest starring as Nana
- Episode 1x19: Fear of the Fire Beast! (Mar 9, 2020) [Co-Star]
Guest starring as Photo Journalist
- Episode 1x19: Fear of the Fire Beast! (Mar 9, 2020) [Co-Star]
Guest starring as Dr. Tuttle
- Episode 1x10: Attack of the Weird Al-losaurus! (Aug 29, 2019) [Co-Star]
Guest starring as Darla Darrington
- Episode 1x17: Hollywood Knights! (Mar 5, 2020) [Co-Star]
Guest starring as Janitor
- Episode 1x08: When Urkel-Bots Go Bad! (Aug 15, 2019)
Guest starring as Lunch Lady
- Episode 1x08: When Urkel-Bots Go Bad! (Aug 15, 2019)
Guest starring as Old Lady
- Episode 1x09: The Fastest Food Fiend! (Aug 22, 2019) [Co-Star]
Guest starring as Officer
- Episode 1x09: The Fastest Food Fiend! (Aug 22, 2019) [Co-Star]
Guest starring as Housekeeper
- Episode 1x11: Now You Sia, Now You Don't! (Sep 5, 2019) [Co-Star]
Guest starring as Simone
(4 episodes)
- Episode 2x08: Scooby on Ice! (Oct 1, 2020) [Co-Star]
- Episode 1x25: The High School Wolfman's Musical Lament! (Mar 17, 2020) [Co-Star]
- Episode 1x20: Too Many Dummies! (Mar 10, 2020) [Co-Star]
- Episode 1x12: Quit Clowning! (Sep 12, 2019) [Co-Star]
Guest starring as Kelly
- Episode 1x15: The Sword, the Fox and the Scooby-Doo! (Mar 3, 2020) [Co-Star]
Guest starring as Keeper of Knowledge
- Episode 1x18: The New York Underground! (Mar 6, 2020) [Co-Star]
Guest starring as Creepy Old Lady
- Episode 1x20: Too Many Dummies! (Mar 10, 2020) [Co-Star]
Guest starring as Madame Zobrinsky
- Episode 1x21: Dance Matron of Mayhem! (Mar 11, 2020) [Co-Star]
Guest starring as Mail Carrier
- Episode 1x21: Dance Matron of Mayhem! (Mar 11, 2020) [Co-Star]
Guest starring as Neighbor Lady
- Episode 1x22: The Wedding Witch of Wainsly Hall! (Mar 12, 2020) [Co-Star]
Guest starring as Aiko
- Episode 1x26: Space Station Scooby (May 9, 2020) [Co-Star]
Guest starring as Olga
- Episode 1x26: Space Station Scooby (May 9, 2020) [Co-Star]
Guest starring as Laredo
- Episode 2x01: The Phantom, The Talking Dog and The Hot Hot Hot Sauce (Oct 1, 2020) [Co-Star]
Guest starring as Young Female Actress
- Episode 2x01: The Phantom, The Talking Dog and The Hot Hot Hot Sauce (Oct 1, 2020) [Co-Star]
Guest starring as Jeanene
- Episode 2x02: The Last Inmate! (Oct 1, 2020) [Co-Star]
Guest starring as Dr. Wheeler
- Episode 2x03: The Horrible Haunted Hospital of Dr. Phineas Phrag! (Oct 1, 2020) [Co-Star]
Guest starring as Referee
- Episode 2x04: The Hot Dog Dog! (Oct 1, 2020) [Co-Star]
Guest starring as Factory Worker
- Episode 2x04: The Hot Dog Dog! (Oct 1, 2020) [Co-Star]
Guest starring as Supermodel
- Episode 2x05: A Moveable Mystery! (Oct 1, 2020) [Co-Star]
Guest starring as Intern
- Episode 2x05: A Moveable Mystery! (Oct 1, 2020) [Co-Star]
Guest starring as Jeanie Jeanington
- Episode 2x06: The Feast of Dr. Frankenfooder! (Oct 1, 2020) [Co-Star]
Guest starring as German Mom
- Episode 2x06: The Feast of Dr. Frankenfooder! (Oct 1, 2020) [Co-Star]
Guest starring as Lilian Gunderson
- Episode 2x07: A Fashion Nightmare! (Oct 1, 2020) [Co-Star]
Guest starring as Village Elder
- Episode 2x08: Scooby on Ice! (Oct 1, 2020) [Co-Star]
Guest starring as Scientist
- Episode 2x10: The Crown Jewel of Boxing! (Oct 1, 2020) [Co-Star]
Guest starring as Taylor Tadder
- Episode 2x10: The Crown Jewel of Boxing! (Oct 1, 2020) [Co-Star]
Guest starring as Realtor
- Episode 2x11: The Internet on Haunted House Hill! (Oct 1, 2020) [Co-Star]
Guest starring as Tabitha
- Episode 2x13: The Dreaded Remake of Jekyll & Hyde! (Oct 1, 2020) [Co-Star]
Guest starring as Shoe Store Clerk
- Episode 2x16: Lost Soles of Jungle River! (Oct 1, 2021) [Co-Star]
Guest starring as Old Lady
- Episode 2x18: Returning of the Key Ring! (Oct 1, 2021) [Co-Star]
Guest starring as Waitress
- Episode 2x18: Returning of the Key Ring! (Oct 1, 2021) [Co-Star]
Guest starring as Joyce Dranders
- Episode 2x20: The Lost Mines of Kilimanjaro! (Oct 1, 2021) [Co-Star]
Guest starring as Kathy Kavendish llI
- Episode 2x22: Scooby-Doo and the Sky Town Cool School! (Oct 1, 2021) [Co-Star]
Guest starring as Grey Griffin
- Episode 2x24: A Haunt of a Thousand Voices! (Oct 1, 2021)
Guest starring as Ceramics Artist
- Episode 2x25: Scooby-Doo, Dog Wonder! (Oct 1, 2021) [Co-Star]
DC Super Hero Girls (2019)
Starring as Wonder Woman
(5 episodes)
- Episode 1x08: #MeetTheCheetah (Apr 7, 2019)
- Episode 1x04: #SweetJustice Part 4 (Mar 8, 2019)
- Episode 1x03: #SweetJustice Part 3 (Mar 8, 2019)
- Episode 1x02: #SweetJustice Part 2 (Mar 8, 2019)
- Episode 1x01: #SweetJustice Part 1 (Mar 8, 2019)
LEGO Star Wars: All-Stars (2018)
Guest starring as Baby Kordi
- Episode 2x03: Dealing with Lando / Han and Chewie Strike Back (Nov 24, 2018)
Guest starring as Baby Zander
- Episode 2x03: Dealing with Lando / Han and Chewie Strike Back (Nov 24, 2018)
Guest starring as Maz Kanata
(2 episodes)
- Episode 2x04: Scouting for Leia / A Mission with Maz (Dec 1, 2018)
- Episode 2x01: From Trenches To Wrenches: The Roger Story (Nov 10, 2018)
Guest starring as Grummgar
- Episode 2x01: From Trenches To Wrenches: The Roger Story (Nov 10, 2018)
Guest starring as Ewok
- Episode 2x01: From Trenches To Wrenches: The Roger Story (Nov 10, 2018)
Guest starring as Mechanic #1
- Episode 2x04: Scouting for Leia / A Mission with Maz (Dec 1, 2018)
Star Wars: Resistance (2018)
Guest starring as TC-G3
- Episode 2x09: The Voxx Vortex 5000 (Dec 1, 2019)
Paradise PD (2018)
Guest starring as Additional Voices
(36 episodes)
- Episode 4x10: The Eternal Reckoning (Dec 16, 2022) [Co-Star]
- Episode 4x09: Sack to the Future (Dec 16, 2022) [Co-Star]
- Episode 4x08: King of the Norf (Dec 16, 2022) [Co-Star]
- Episode 4x07: Boat! (Dec 16, 2022) [Co-Star]
- Episode 4x05: The Shartist (Dec 16, 2022) [Co-Star]
- Episode 4x04: Good Jeans (Dec 16, 2022) [Co-Star]
- Episode 4x03: A Star Is Porn (Dec 16, 2022) [Co-Star]
- Episode 4x02: Diddy's Home (Dec 16, 2022) [Co-Star]
- Episode 4x01: The Brozone Lair (Dec 16, 2022) [Co-Star]
- Episode 3x12: PARAD-ISIS (Mar 12, 2021) [Co-Star]
- Episode 3x11: What Happens in Twatemala (Mar 12, 2021) [Co-Star]
- Episode 3x10: Fetal Attraction (Mar 12, 2021) [Co-Star]
- Episode 3x09: The World According to LARP (Mar 12, 2021) [Co-Star]
- Episode 3x08: Blimp City (Mar 12, 2021) [Co-Star]
- Episode 3x07: Blind Drunk (Mar 12, 2021) [Co-Star]
- Episode 3x06: How the Cookie Crumbles (Mar 12, 2021) [Co-Star]
- Episode 3x05: Showdown at the O-bese Corral (Mar 12, 2021) [Co-Star]
- Episode 3x04: Trigger Warning (Mar 12, 2021) [Co-Star]
- Episode 3x03: Ice Ice Babies (Mar 12, 2021) [Co-Star]
- Episode 3x02: Top Cops (Mar 12, 2021) [Co-Star]
- Episode 3x01: Fallout (Mar 12, 2021) [Co-Star]
- Episode 2x08: Operation DD (Mar 6, 2020) [Co-Star]
- Episode 2x06: Flip the Vote (Mar 6, 2020) [Co-Star]
- Episode 2x04: Who Ate Wally's Waffles (Mar 6, 2020) [Co-Star]
- Episode 2x03: Tucker Carlson is a Huge Dick (Mar 6, 2020) [Co-Star]
- Episode 2x02: Big Ball Energy (Mar 6, 2020) [Co-Star]
- Episode 2x01: Paradise Found (Mar 6, 2020) [Co-Star]
- Episode 1x10: Christmas in Paradise (Aug 31, 2018) [Co-Star]
- Episode 1x09: Parent Trap (Aug 31, 2018) [Co-Star]
- Episode 1x08: Task Force (Aug 31, 2018) [Co-Star]
- Episode 1x07: Police Academy (Aug 31, 2018) [Co-Star]
- Episode 1x06: Meet the Jabowskis (Aug 31, 2018) [Co-Star]
- Episode 1x04: Karla (Aug 31, 2018) [Co-Star]
- Episode 1x03: Black & Blue (Aug 31, 2018) [Co-Star]
- Episode 1x02: Ass on the Line (Aug 31, 2018) [Co-Star]
- Episode 1x01: Welcome to Paradise (Aug 31, 2018) [Co-Star]
Marvel Rising: Initiation (2018)
Guest starring as Betty Brant
(2 episodes)
- Episode 1x02: Floor Toms Spider Webs (Aug 13, 2018)
- Episode 1x01: Mission: Ghost Hunter (Aug 13, 2018)
Big City Greens (2018)
Guest starring as Vuka Vukojrvich
- Episode 1x26: Paint Misbehavin (Jul 23, 2018)
Guest starring as Theatre Usher with 3D Glasses
- Episode 1x27: Rated Cricket (Jul 25, 2018)
Donald Duck in Legend of the Three Caballeros (2018)
Guest starring as Xandra the Goddess of Adventure
(13 episodes)
- Episode 1x13: Chapter Thirteen Sheldgoose Square Dance (Jun 9, 2018)
- Episode 1x12: Chapter Twelve Shangri-La-Di-Da (Jun 9, 2018)
- Episode 1x11: Chapter Eleven Thanks a Camelot (Jun 9, 2018)
- Episode 1x10: Chapter Ten Mt. Fuji Whiz (Jun 9, 2018)
- Episode 1x09: Chapter Nine Mexico à Go-Go (Jun 9, 2018)
- Episode 1x08: Chapter Eight Nazca Racing (Jun 9, 2018)
- Episode 1x07: Chapter Seven Mount Rushmore (or Less) (Jun 9, 2018)
- Episode 1x06: Chapter Six Stonehenge Your Bets (Jun 9, 2018)
- Episode 1x05: Chapter Five No Man Is an Easter Island (Jun 9, 2018)
- Episode 1x04: Chapter Four World Tree Caballeros (Jun 9, 2018)
- Episode 1x03: Chapter Three Pyramid-Life Crisis (Jun 9, 2018)
- Episode 1x02: Chapter Two Labyrinth and Repeat (Jun 9, 2018)
- Episode 1x01: Chapter One Dope-a Cabana (Jun 9, 2018)
Guest starring as Debbie Affidavit
(2 episodes)
- Episode 1x13: Chapter Thirteen Sheldgoose Square Dance (Jun 9, 2018)
- Episode 1x01: Chapter One Dope-a Cabana (Jun 9, 2018)
Guest starring as Tourist's Wife
- Episode 1x03: Chapter Three Pyramid-Life Crisis (Jun 9, 2018)
Guest starring as June's Phone
- Episode 1x04: Chapter Four World Tree Caballeros (Jun 9, 2018)
Guest starring as Venus
- Episode 1x04: Chapter Four World Tree Caballeros (Jun 9, 2018)
Guest starring as Telenovela Actress
- Episode 1x06: Chapter Six Stonehenge Your Bets (Jun 9, 2018)
Guest starring as Tourist Wife
- Episode 1x06: Chapter Six Stonehenge Your Bets (Jun 9, 2018)
Guest starring as Eugenia Ferdinand-Ferdinand
(2 episodes)
- Episode 1x13: Chapter Thirteen Sheldgoose Square Dance (Jun 9, 2018)
- Episode 1x07: Chapter Seven Mount Rushmore (or Less) (Jun 9, 2018)
Guest starring as Hanzy
- Episode 1x08: Chapter Eight Nazca Racing (Jun 9, 2018)
Guest starring as Kitten #2
- Episode 1x08: Chapter Eight Nazca Racing (Jun 9, 2018)
Guest starring as Priestess
- Episode 1x09: Chapter Nine Mexico à Go-Go (Jun 9, 2018)
Guest starring as Beautiful Chicken / God of Life
- Episode 1x09: Chapter Nine Mexico à Go-Go (Jun 9, 2018)
Guest starring as DMV Voice
- Episode 1x10: Chapter Ten Mt. Fuji Whiz (Jun 9, 2018)
Guest starring as Kay
- Episode 1x11: Chapter Eleven Thanks a Camelot (Jun 9, 2018)
The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle (2018)
Guest starring as Dr. Lesso
(4 episodes)
- Episode 2x13: Amazamoose and Squirrel Wonder: Chapter Five (Jan 10, 2019)
- Episode 2x12: Amazamoose and Squirrel Wonder: Chapter Four (Jan 10, 2019)
- Episode 1x13: Moosebumps!: Chapter Four (May 11, 2018)
- Episode 1x12: Moosebumps!: Chapter Three (May 11, 2018)
Marvel's Spider-Man (2017)
Guest starring as Black Cat
(2 episodes)
- Episode 2x01: How I Thwipped My Summer Vacation (Jun 18, 2018)
- Episode 1x04: A Day in the Life (Sep 2, 2017)
Guest starring as Nurse
- Episode 1x04: A Day in the Life (Sep 2, 2017)
Guest starring as Mom
- Episode 1x04: A Day in the Life (Sep 2, 2017)
Guest starring as Monica Rappaccini
(2 episodes)
- Episode 3x02: Amazing Friends (May 17, 2020)
- Episode 2x05: School of Hard Knocks (Jul 9, 2018)
Guest starring as Teen Girl
- Episode 2x05: School of Hard Knocks (Jul 9, 2018)
Guest starring as Captain Marvel
- Episode 3x03: Vengeance of Venom (Jun 21, 2020)
DuckTales (2017)
Guest starring as Mann
- Episode 2x03: The Ballad of Duke Baloney! (Nov 3, 2018)
Guest starring as Sowvanna
- Episode 3x15: New Gods on the Block! (Nov 9, 2020)
Marvel's Avengers: Secret Wars Shorts (2017)
Starring as Captain Marvel
(2 episodes)
- Episode 1x06: Ms. Marvel (Jun 7, 2017)
- Episode 1x03: Captain Marvel (Jun 4, 2017)
Guest starring as Alien Mechanic
- Episode 1x03: Captain Marvel (Jun 4, 2017)
Trollhunters: Tales of Arcadia (2016)
Guest starring as Sweet Wumpa
- Episode 1x18: The Shattered King (Dec 23, 2016)
Guest starring as Quagawumps
- Episode 1x21: Party Monster (Dec 23, 2016)
Apple & Onion (2016)
Guest starring as Root Beer Float
(3 episodes)
- Episode 1x09: Pancake's Bus Tour (Mar 23, 2018)
- Episode 1x08: Bottle Catch (Mar 16, 2018)
- Episode 1x06: Apple's in Trouble (Mar 9, 2018)
The Loud House (2016)
Starring as Lana Loud
(20 episodes)
- Episode S08 Special: No Time to Spy: A Loud House Movie (Jun 21, 2024)
- Episode 6x42: Pop Pop the Question (Dec 25, 2022)
- Episode 6x38: You Auto Know Better (Sep 30, 2022)
- Episode 5x29: Camped! (May 31, 2021)
- Episode 5x26: Friday Night Fights (May 21, 2021)
- Episode 4x50: Coupe Dreams (Jul 23, 2020)
- Episode 4x48: Snoop's On (Jul 21, 2020)
- Episode 4x47: How Double Dare You! (Jul 20, 2020)
- Episode 4x46: Wheel and Deal (Jun 17, 2020)
- Episode 4x42: Room and Hoard (Jun 9, 2020)
- Episode 4x40: Feast or Family (May 16, 2020)
- Episode 4x39: A Dark and Story Night (May 16, 2020)
- Episode 4x37: Don't You Fore-get About Me (May 13, 2020)
- Episode 2x12: No Such Luck (Mar 13, 2017)
- Episode 1x06: Chore and Peace (May 4, 2016)
- Episode 1x05: Along Came a Sister (May 4, 2016)
- Episode 1x04: Making the Case (May 3, 2016)
- Episode 1x03: Heavy Meddle (May 3, 2016)
- Episode 1x02: Get the Message (May 2, 2016)
- Episode 1x01: Left in the Dark (May 2, 2016)
Starring as Lola Loud
(22 episodes)
- Episode S08 Special: No Time to Spy: A Loud House Movie (Jun 21, 2024)
- Episode 6x42: Pop Pop the Question (Dec 25, 2022)
- Episode 6x21: Prize Fighter (Jun 24, 2022)
- Episode 5x29: Camped! (May 31, 2021)
- Episode 5x28: She's All Bat (May 28, 2021)
- Episode 5x26: Friday Night Fights (May 21, 2021)
- Episode 5x22: Diamonds Are for Never (May 7, 2021)
- Episode 4x50: Coupe Dreams (Jul 23, 2020)
- Episode 4x47: How Double Dare You! (Jul 20, 2020)
- Episode 4x46: Wheel and Deal (Jun 17, 2020)
- Episode 4x43: A Star is Scorned (Jun 10, 2020)
- Episode 4x42: Room and Hoard (Jun 9, 2020)
- Episode 4x41: On Thin Ice (Jun 8, 2020)
- Episode 4x40: Feast or Family (May 16, 2020)
- Episode 4x39: A Dark and Story Night (May 16, 2020)
- Episode 4x37: Don't You Fore-get About Me (May 13, 2020)
- Episode 1x06: Chore and Peace (May 4, 2016)
- Episode 1x05: Along Came a Sister (May 4, 2016)
- Episode 1x04: Making the Case (May 3, 2016)
- Episode 1x03: Heavy Meddle (May 3, 2016)
- Episode 1x02: Get the Message (May 2, 2016)
- Episode 1x01: Left in the Dark (May 2, 2016)
Starring as Lily
(16 episodes)
- Episode S08 Special: No Time to Spy: A Loud House Movie (Jun 21, 2024)
- Episode 6x42: Pop Pop the Question (Dec 25, 2022)
- Episode 5x29: Camped! (May 31, 2021)
- Episode 4x48: Snoop's On (Jul 21, 2020)
- Episode 4x47: How Double Dare You! (Jul 20, 2020)
- Episode 4x43: A Star is Scorned (Jun 10, 2020)
- Episode 4x42: Room and Hoard (Jun 9, 2020)
- Episode 4x40: Feast or Family (May 16, 2020)
- Episode 4x39: A Dark and Story Night (May 16, 2020)
- Episode 4x37: Don't You Fore-get About Me (May 13, 2020)
- Episode 1x06: Chore and Peace (May 4, 2016)
- Episode 1x05: Along Came a Sister (May 4, 2016)
- Episode 1x04: Making the Case (May 3, 2016)
- Episode 1x03: Heavy Meddle (May 3, 2016)
- Episode 1x02: Get the Message (May 2, 2016)
- Episode 1x01: Left in the Dark (May 2, 2016)
Be Cool Scooby-Doo! (2015)
Starring as Daphne Blake
(15 episodes)
- Episode 2x04: How to Train your Coward (May 25, 2017)
- Episode 2x02: There Wolf (May 12, 2017)
- Episode 2x01: Some Fred Time (May 5, 2017)
- Episode 1x26: The People vs. Fred Jones (Sep 24, 2016)
- Episode 1x19: Be Cold, Scooby-Doo! (Mar 5, 2016)
- Episode 1x18: Saga of the Swamp Beast (Feb 27, 2016)
- Episode 1x17: Sorcerer Snacks Scare (Feb 20, 2016)
- Episode 1x16: Gremlin on a Plane (Feb 13, 2016)
- Episode 1x15: If You Can't Scooby-Doo the Time, Don't Scooby-Doo the Crime (Feb 6, 2016)
- Episode 1x14: Scary Christmas (Dec 10, 2015)
- Episode 1x13: Where There's a Will, There's a Wraith (Oct 29, 2015)
- Episode 1x12: Area 51 Adjacent (Oct 28, 2015)
- Episode 1x11: Me, Myself, and A.l. (Oct 22, 2015)
- Episode 1x10: Kitchen Frightmare (Oct 26, 2015)
- Episode 1x01: Mystery 101 (Oct 5, 2015)
Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy (2015)
Guest starring as Mistle
- Episode 1x26: Jingle Bell Rock (Dec 17, 2016)
Guest starring as Captain Marvel
(2 episodes)
- Episode 2x02: Evolution Rock (Mar 11, 2017)
- Episode 2x01: Stayin' Alive (Mar 11, 2017)
Guardians of the Galaxy Shorts (2015)
Guest starring as Girl
- Episode 2x03: Drax Attacks! (Mar 1, 2017)
Guest starring as Albert
- Episode 2x05: Gamora Strikes! (Mar 3, 2017)
Lost in Oz (2015)
Guest starring as Evelyn
(13 episodes)
- Episode 2x13: - Chapter 26 - We Speak Mirror (Jun 7, 2018)
- Episode 2x12: - Chapter 25 - Escape from the Nome Kingdom (Jun 7, 2018)
- Episode 2x11: - Chapter 24 - The Nome Kings Belt (Jun 7, 2018)
- Episode 2x10: - Chapter 23 - Saving Cyra (Jun 7, 2018)
- Episode 2x09: - Chapter 22 - The Eclipse (Jun 7, 2018)
- Episode 2x08: - Chapter 21 - Kansas Magic (Jun 7, 2018)
- Episode 2x07: - Chapter 20- Going Forth (Jun 7, 2018)
- Episode 2x04: - Chapter 17 - Villa Roquat (Jun 7, 2018)
- Episode 2x01: - Chapter 14 - The Deadly Desert (Jun 7, 2018)
- Episode 1x11: - Chapter 11 - 11:11 (Aug 4, 2017)
- Episode 1x05: - Chapter 5 - The Pearl of Pingaree (Aug 4, 2017)
- Episode 1x03: - Chapter 3 - Monkeys Fly (Aug 4, 2017)
- Episode 1x01: - Chapter 1 - Go Forth (Jun 26, 2015)
Star vs. the Forces of Evil (2015)
Starring as Queen Butterfly
(4 episodes)
- Episode 3x31: Conquer (Apr 7, 2018)
- Episode 3x30: Divide (Apr 7, 2018)
- Episode 3x29: Tough Love (Mar 31, 2018)
- Episode 3x28: Bam Ui Pati! (Mar 31, 2018)
Starring as Jackie Lynn Thomas
(2 episodes)
- Episode 3x31: Conquer (Apr 7, 2018)
- Episode 1x19: St. Olga's Reform School for Wayward Princesses (Aug 10, 2015)
The Adventures of Puss in Boots (2015)
Starring as Vina
(38 episodes)
- Episode 6x08: Not a Date (Jan 26, 2018)
- Episode 6x07: Like a Fox (Jan 26, 2018)
- Episode 6x05: Pajuna Serves Spirits (Jan 26, 2018)
- Episode 6x03: Lost and Foundlings (Jan 26, 2018)
- Episode 6x02: Save the Cat (Jan 26, 2018)
- Episode 6x01: Save the Town (Jan 26, 2018)
- Episode 5x10: Dances with Dingoes (Jul 28, 2017)
- Episode 5x09: The Great Stink (Jul 28, 2017)
- Episode 5x08: Swine and Roses (Jul 28, 2017)
- Episode 5x07: The Iceman Melteth (Jul 28, 2017)
- Episode 5x05: Too Many Cats (Jul 28, 2017)
- Episode 5x04: My Fair Demon (Jul 28, 2017)
- Episode 5x03: Caballo Sin Cabeza (Jul 28, 2017)
- Episode 5x02: Not a Drill (Jul 28, 2017)
- Episode 5x01: Second to One (Jul 28, 2017)
- Episode 4x08: Titan Up (Dec 16, 2016)
- Episode 4x06: Written By (Dec 16, 2016)
- Episode 4x05: Breaking Good (Dec 16, 2016)
- Episode 3x13: Skeleton Town (Jul 15, 2016)
- Episode 3x08: Coin Toss (Jul 15, 2016)
- Episode 3x07: Copy Cat (Jul 15, 2016)
- Episode 3x06: Escape Goat (Jul 15, 2016)
- Episode 3x01: Bootless Cries (Jul 15, 2016)
- Episode 2x08: Stories (Dec 11, 2015)
- Episode 2x06: Spells (Dec 11, 2015)
- Episode 2x05: Squad (Dec 11, 2015)
- Episode 2x04: Bees (Dec 11, 2015)
- Episode 2x03: Mermaid (Dec 11, 2015)
- Episode 2x02: Moles (Dec 11, 2015)
- Episode 1x14: Pigs (Sep 28, 2015)
- Episode 1x13: Star (Sep 28, 2015)
- Episode 1x12: Goblin (Sep 28, 2015)
- Episode 1x11: Mouse (Sep 28, 2015)
- Episode 1x10: Sword (May 8, 2015)
- Episode 1x09: Boots (May 8, 2015)
- Episode 1x08: Golem (May 8, 2015)
- Episode 1x05: Adventure (Jan 16, 2015)
- Episode 1x01: Hidden (Jan 16, 2015)
Starring as The Sphinx
(15 episodes)
- Episode 6x02: Save the Cat (Jan 26, 2018)
- Episode 5x07: The Iceman Melteth (Jul 28, 2017)
- Episode 5x05: Too Many Cats (Jul 28, 2017)
- Episode 5x01: Second to One (Jul 28, 2017)
- Episode 4x13: The Bloodwolf (Dec 16, 2016)
- Episode 4x12: The Obelisk (Dec 16, 2016)
- Episode 4x11: Little Lamb (Dec 16, 2016)
- Episode 4x10: Small Change (Dec 16, 2016)
- Episode 4x05: Breaking Good (Dec 16, 2016)
- Episode 4x04: Prey Time (Dec 16, 2016)
- Episode 3x12: Parrot Booty (Jul 15, 2016)
- Episode 3x05: Sword's Man (Jul 15, 2016)
- Episode 2x08: Stories (Dec 11, 2015)
- Episode 2x06: Spells (Dec 11, 2015)
- Episode 1x02: Sphinx (Jan 16, 2015)
Guest starring as Calista
- Episode 1x06: Fountains (May 8, 2015)
Guest starring as Fonvil
(2 episodes)
- Episode 4x09: Boar Games (Dec 16, 2016)
- Episode 1x15: Luck (Sep 28, 2015)
Guest starring as Megamicre Queen
(2 episodes)
- Episode 3x02: Sullen Earth (Jul 15, 2016)
- Episode 2x09: Sphere (Dec 11, 2015)
Guest starring as Ugly Duckling
- Episode 3x03: Ugly Duckling (Jul 15, 2016)
Guest starring as The Duchess
(10 episodes)
- Episode 6x08: Not a Date (Jan 26, 2018)
- Episode 6x07: Like a Fox (Jan 26, 2018)
- Episode 6x06: One Last Jobs (Jan 26, 2018)
- Episode 4x05: Breaking Good (Dec 16, 2016)
- Episode 4x04: Prey Time (Dec 16, 2016)
- Episode 4x03: Fluteus Maximus (Dec 16, 2016)
- Episode 4x02: In Dreams (Dec 16, 2016)
- Episode 4x01: Familiar Feeling (Dec 16, 2016)
- Episode 3x12: Parrot Booty (Jul 15, 2016)
- Episode 3x10: Pirate Booty (Jul 15, 2016)
Guest starring as Señor Igualdemontijo
(10 episodes)
- Episode 6x08: Not a Date (Jan 26, 2018)
- Episode 6x07: Like a Fox (Jan 26, 2018)
- Episode 6x06: One Last Jobs (Jan 26, 2018)
- Episode 6x02: Save the Cat (Jan 26, 2018)
- Episode 6x01: Save the Town (Jan 26, 2018)
- Episode 5x10: Dances with Dingoes (Jul 28, 2017)
- Episode 5x09: The Great Stink (Jul 28, 2017)
- Episode 5x08: Swine and Roses (Jul 28, 2017)
- Episode 5x03: Caballo Sin Cabeza (Jul 28, 2017)
- Episode 5x02: Not a Drill (Jul 28, 2017)
The Stinky & Dirty Show (2015)
Guest starring as Zoom
- Episode 2x06: Ha Ha Higher / The Waiting Games (Nov 23, 2017) [Co-Star]
Star Wars: Rebels (2014)
Guest starring as Darja
- Episode 2x09: The Future of the Force (Dec 2, 2015)
Guest starring as Oora
- Episode 2x09: The Future of the Force (Dec 2, 2015)
Guest starring as Chava
- Episode 2x13: Legends of the Lasat (Feb 3, 2016)
The 7D (2014)
Guest starring as Princess Prettyhead
- Episode 1x20: 7 Frogs | Sir Yipsalot and the Mutt (Jan 14, 2015)
Steven Universe (2013)
Guest starring as Giant Realistic Flying Tiger
- Episode 2x01: Say Uncle (Apr 2, 2015)
Marvel's Hulk and the Agents of S.M.A.S.H. (2013)
Guest starring as Moloid Shaman
- Episode 1x09: Of Moles and Men (Oct 27, 2013)
Guest starring as Mia
- Episode 1x09: Of Moles and Men (Oct 27, 2013)
Guest starring as Mother
- Episode 1x09: Of Moles and Men (Oct 27, 2013)
Beware the Batman (2013)
Guest starring as Magpie
(3 episodes)
- Episode 1x15: Reckoning (Aug 17, 2014) [Co-Star]
- Episode 1x12: Attraction (Jul 27, 2014) [Co-Star]
- Episode 1x02: Secrets (Jul 21, 2013) [Co-Star]
Marvel's Avengers Assemble (2013)
Starring as Carol Danvers / Captain Marvel
(13 episodes)
- Episode 4x25: All Things Must End (Mar 11, 2018)
- Episode 4x24: The Wastelands (Mar 11, 2018)
- Episode 4x21: Weirdworld (Mar 4, 2018)
- Episode 4x17: Beyond (Jan 14, 2018)
- Episode 4x15: The Eye of Agamotto, Part One (Jan 7, 2018)
- Episode 4x13: The Return (Oct 22, 2017)
- Episode 4x12: Under the Spell of the Enchantress (Oct 22, 2017)
- Episode 4x09: The Once and Future Kang (Oct 15, 2017)
- Episode 4x06: Show Your Work (Aug 27, 2017)
- Episode 4x05: The Incredible Herc (Aug 27, 2017)
- Episode 4x04: Prison Break (Aug 27, 2017)
- Episode 4x03: The Sleeper Awakens (Aug 27, 2017)
- Episode 4x02: Avengers No More: Part Two (Jun 17, 2017)
Guest starring as Carol Danvers / Captain Marvel
(6 episodes)
- Episode 5x13: The Last Avenger (Dec 2, 2018)
- Episode 5x01: Shadow of Atlantis: Part One (Sep 23, 2018)
- Episode 3x26: Civil War Part 4: Avengers Revolution (Jan 28, 2017)
- Episode 3x25: Civil War Part 3: The Drums of War (Jan 28, 2017)
- Episode 3x24: Civil War Part 2: The Mighty Avengers (Jan 28, 2017)
- Episode 3x16: Captain Marvel (Sep 18, 2016)
Guest starring as Morgan le Fay
(2 episodes)
- Episode 5x17: Yemandi (Jan 20, 2019)
- Episode 4x21: Weirdworld (Mar 4, 2018)
Brickleberry (2012)
Guest starring as Chastity
- Episode 2x02: The Comeback (Sep 10, 2013)
Guest starring as Astral
- Episode 2x03: Woody's Girl (Sep 17, 2013)
Guest starring as Grandmama
- Episode 2x04: Trailer Park (Sep 24, 2013)
The Legend of Korra (2012)
Guest starring as Dark Spider Spirit
- Episode 2x13: Darkness Falls (Nov 15, 2013)
Guest starring as Spirit Mushroom
- Episode 2x13: Darkness Falls (Nov 15, 2013)
Guest starring as Ming-Hua
(9 episodes)
- Episode 3x13: Venom of the Red Lotus (Aug 22, 2014)
- Episode 3x12: Enter the Void (Aug 22, 2014)
- Episode 3x11: The Ultimatum (Aug 15, 2014)
- Episode 3x10: Long Live the Queen (Aug 8, 2014)
- Episode 3x09: The Stakeout (Aug 1, 2014)
- Episode 3x08: The Terror Within (Jul 25, 2014)
- Episode 3x06: Old Wounds (Jul 18, 2014)
- Episode 3x04: In Harm's Way (Jul 11, 2014)
- Episode 3x02: Rebirth (Jun 27, 2014)
Guest starring as Intense Woman
- Episode 3x09: The Stakeout (Aug 1, 2014)
Guest starring as Young Lin
- Episode 3x06: Old Wounds (Jul 18, 2014)
Guest starring as Kuon's Wife
- Episode 3x02: Rebirth (Jun 27, 2014)
Marvel's Ultimate Spider-Man (2012)
Guest starring as Tana Nile
- Episode 2x18: Guardians of the Galaxy (Jul 28, 2013)
Guest starring as Morgan Le Fay
- Episode 3x09: Halloween Night at the Museum (Oct 10, 2014)
Super Best Friends Forever (2012)
Starring as Wonder Girl
(5 episodes)
- Episode 1x05: Solomon Grundy Don't Fight Girls (Sep 29, 2012)
- Episode 1x04: Name Game (May 26, 2012)
- Episode 1x03: Grounded (Apr 28, 2012)
- Episode 1x02: Time Waits For No Girl (Apr 7, 2012)
- Episode 1x01: Invisible Joy Ride (Mar 17, 2012)
Green Lantern The Animated Series (2011)
Starring as Aya
(22 episodes)
- Episode 1x26: Dark Matter (Mar 16, 2013)
- Episode 1x25: Ranx (Mar 9, 2013)
- Episode 1x24: Scarred (Mar 2, 2013)
- Episode 1x22: Love Is a Battlefield (Feb 16, 2013)
- Episode 1x20: Cold Fury (Feb 2, 2013)
- Episode 1x19: Loss (Jan 26, 2013)
- Episode 1x18: Prisoner of Sinestro (Jan 19, 2013)
- Episode 1x17: Blue Hope (Jan 12, 2013)
- Episode 1x15: Reboot (Oct 6, 2012)
- Episode 1x13: Homecoming (May 26, 2012)
- Episode 1x12: Invasion (May 19, 2012)
- Episode 1x11: Flight Club (May 12, 2012)
- Episode 1x10: Regime Change (May 5, 2012)
- Episode 1x09: ...In Love and War (Apr 28, 2012)
- Episode 1x08: Fear Itself (Apr 21, 2012)
- Episode 1x07: Reckoning (Apr 14, 2012)
- Episode 1x06: Lost Planet (Apr 7, 2012)
- Episode 1x05: Heir Apparent (Mar 31, 2012)
- Episode 1x04: Into the Abyss (Mar 24, 2012)
- Episode 1x03: Razer's Edge (Mar 17, 2012)
- Episode 1x02: Beware My Power (Part Two) (Nov 11, 2011)
- Episode 1x01: Beware My Power (Part One) (Nov 11, 2011)
Starring as Lady Catherine
- Episode 1x16: Steam Lantern (Jan 5, 2013)
Guest starring as Amala
- Episode 1x02: Beware My Power (Part Two) (Nov 11, 2011) [Uncredited]
Guest starring as Alana
- Episode 1x03: Razer's Edge (Mar 17, 2012) [Uncredited]
Guest starring as Bleez
(6 episodes)
- Episode 1x20: Cold Fury (Feb 2, 2013) [Uncredited]
- Episode 1x19: Loss (Jan 26, 2013) [Uncredited]
- Episode 1x12: Invasion (May 19, 2012) [Uncredited]
- Episode 1x11: Flight Club (May 12, 2012) [Uncredited]
- Episode 1x10: Regime Change (May 5, 2012) [Uncredited]
- Episode 1x07: Reckoning (Apr 14, 2012) [Uncredited]
Guest starring as Thila
- Episode 1x08: Fear Itself (Apr 21, 2012) [Uncredited]
Guest starring as Queen Aga'po
(3 episodes)
- Episode 1x22: Love Is a Battlefield (Feb 16, 2013) [Uncredited]
- Episode 1x13: Homecoming (May 26, 2012) [Uncredited]
- Episode 1x09: ...In Love and War (Apr 28, 2012) [Uncredited]
Guest starring as Aya
- Episode 1x16: Steam Lantern (Jan 5, 2013) [Uncredited]
Guest starring as Manhunters
- Episode 1x25: Ranx (Mar 9, 2013) [Uncredited]
Young Justice (2010)
Guest starring as Helga Jace
(19 episodes)
- Episode 3x22: Antisocial Pathologies (Aug 13, 2019)
- Episode 3x21: Unknown Factors (Aug 6, 2019)
- Episode 3x20: Quiet Conversations (Jul 30, 2019)
- Episode 3x19: Elder Wisdom (Jul 23, 2019)
- Episode 3x18: Early Warning (Jul 16, 2019)
- Episode 3x17: First Impression (Jul 9, 2019)
- Episode 3x16: Illusion of Control (Jul 2, 2019)
- Episode 3x14: Influence (Jul 2, 2019)
- Episode 3x13: True Heroes (Jan 25, 2019)
- Episode 3x12: Nightmare Monkeys (Jan 25, 2019)
- Episode 3x10: Exceptional Human Beings (Jan 25, 2019)
- Episode 3x09: Home Fires (Jan 18, 2019)
- Episode 3x08: Triptych (Jan 18, 2019)
- Episode 3x07: Evolution (Jan 18, 2019)
- Episode 3x06: Rescue Op (Jan 11, 2019)
- Episode 3x04: Private Security (Jan 11, 2019)
- Episode 3x03: Eminent Threat (Jan 4, 2019)
- Episode 3x02: Royal We (Jan 4, 2019)
- Episode 3x01: Princes All (Jan 4, 2019)
Guest starring as Ana Von Furth / Plasma
- Episode 3x01: Princes All (Jan 4, 2019)
Guest starring as Troia
(3 episodes)
- Episode 3x19: Elder Wisdom (Jul 23, 2019)
- Episode 3x14: Influence (Jul 2, 2019)
- Episode 3x02: Royal We (Jan 4, 2019)
Guest starring as Josefine Tarkov
- Episode 3x06: Rescue Op (Jan 11, 2019)
Guest starring as Lois Lane
- Episode 3x09: Home Fires (Jan 18, 2019)
Guest starring as Don Allen
- Episode 3x09: Home Fires (Jan 18, 2019)
Guest starring as Big Barda
- Episode 3x14: Influence (Jul 2, 2019)
Guest starring as Whisper A'Daire
- Episode 3x17: First Impression (Jul 9, 2019)
Guest starring as Gaby Gabrielli
- Episode 3x17: First Impression (Jul 9, 2019)
Guest starring as Maria Garcia
- Episode 3x18: Early Warning (Jul 16, 2019)
Guest starring as Lia Briggs
- Episode 3x19: Elder Wisdom (Jul 23, 2019)
Guest starring as Dreamer
- Episode 3x20: Quiet Conversations (Jul 30, 2019)
The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes! (2010)
Guest starring as Betty Brant
- Episode 2x13: Along Came a Spider... (Jul 22, 2012)
Scooby-Doo! Mystery Incorporated (2010)
Starring as Daphne Blake
(52 episodes)
- Episode 2x26: Come Undone (Apr 5, 2013)
- Episode 2x25: Through the Curtain (Apr 5, 2013)
- Episode 2x24: Gates of Gloom (Apr 4, 2013)
- Episode 2x23: Dark Night of the Hunters (Apr 3, 2013)
- Episode 2x22: Nightmare in Red (Apr 2, 2013)
- Episode 2x21: The Man in the Mirror (Mar 29, 2013)
- Episode 2x20: Stand and Deliver (Mar 28, 2013)
- Episode 2x19: The Devouring (Mar 27, 2013)
- Episode 2x18: Dance of the Undead (Mar 26, 2013)
- Episode 2x17: The Horrible Herd (Mar 25, 2013)
- Episode 2x16: Aliens Among Us (Mar 25, 2013)
- Episode 2x15: Theater of the Doomed (Aug 17, 2012)
- Episode 2x14: Heart of Evil (Aug 16, 2012)
- Episode 2x13: Wrath of the Krampus (Aug 15, 2012)
- Episode 2x12: Scarebear (Aug 14, 2012)
- Episode 2x11: The Midnight Zone (Aug 13, 2012)
- Episode 2x10: Night Terrors (Aug 10, 2012)
- Episode 2x09: Grim Judgement (Aug 9, 2012)
- Episode 2x08: The Night on Haunted Mountain (Aug 8, 2012)
- Episode 2x07: The Gathering Gloom (Aug 7, 2012)
- Episode 2x06: Art of Darkness! (Aug 6, 2012)
- Episode 2x05: The Hodag of Horror (Aug 3, 2012)
- Episode 2x04: Web of the Dreamweaver! (Aug 2, 2012)
- Episode 2x03: The Night the Clown Cried II - Tears of Doom! (Aug 1, 2012)
- Episode 2x02: The House of the Nightmare Witch (Jul 31, 2012)
- Episode 2x01: The Night the Clown Cried (Jul 30, 2012)
- Episode 1x26: All Fear the Freak (Jul 26, 2011)
- Episode 1x25: Pawn of Shadows (Jul 19, 2011)
- Episode 1x24: Dead Justice (Jul 12, 2011)
- Episode 1x23: A Haunting in Crystal Cove (Jul 5, 2011)
- Episode 1x22: Attack of the Headless Horror (Jun 28, 2011)
- Episode 1x21: Menace of the Manticore (Jun 21, 2011)
- Episode 1x20: The Siren's Song (Jun 14, 2011)
- Episode 1x19: Nightfright (Jun 7, 2011)
- Episode 1x18: The Dragon's Secret (May 31, 2011)
- Episode 1x17: Escape from Mystery Manor (May 24, 2011)
- Episode 1x16: Where Walks Aphrodite (May 17, 2011)
- Episode 1x15: The Wild Brood (May 10, 2011)
- Episode 1x14: Mystery Solvers Club State Finals (May 3, 2011)
- Episode 1x13: When the Cicada Calls (Oct 25, 2010)
- Episode 1x12: The Shrieking Madness (Oct 18, 2010)
- Episode 1x11: The Secret Serum (Oct 11, 2010)
- Episode 1x10: Howl of the Fright Hound (Oct 4, 2010)
- Episode 1x09: Battle of the Humungonauts (Sep 6, 2010)
- Episode 1x08: The Grasp of the Gnome (Aug 30, 2010)
- Episode 1x07: In Fear of the Phantom (Aug 23, 2010)
- Episode 1x06: The Legend of Alice May (Aug 16, 2010)
- Episode 1x05: The Song of Mystery (Aug 9, 2010)
- Episode 1x04: Revenge of the Man Crab (Aug 2, 2010)
- Episode 1x03: Secret of the Ghost Rig (Jul 26, 2010)
- Episode 1x02: The Creeping Creatures (Jul 19, 2010)
- Episode 1x01: Beware the Beast from Below (Jul 12, 2010)
Guest starring as Pamela
- Episode 1x01: Beware the Beast from Below (Jul 12, 2010)
Guest starring as Paula Rogers
(5 episodes)
- Episode 2x26: Come Undone (Apr 5, 2013)
- Episode 2x04: Web of the Dreamweaver! (Aug 2, 2012)
- Episode 2x03: The Night the Clown Cried II - Tears of Doom! (Aug 1, 2012)
- Episode 2x01: The Night the Clown Cried (Jul 30, 2012)
- Episode 1x26: All Fear the Freak (Jul 26, 2011)
Guest starring as Tween
(2 episodes)
- Episode 2x20: Stand and Deliver (Mar 28, 2013)
- Episode 2x10: Night Terrors (Aug 10, 2012)
Guest starring as Greta Gator
- Episode 1x02: The Creeping Creatures (Jul 19, 2010)
Guest starring as Dr. Thistle
(2 episodes)
- Episode 1x22: Attack of the Headless Horror (Jun 28, 2011)
- Episode 1x13: When the Cicada Calls (Oct 25, 2010)
Guest starring as Anna Arkadyevna
- Episode 2x02: The House of the Nightmare Witch (Jul 31, 2012)
Guest starring as Receptionist
- Episode 2x03: The Night the Clown Cried II - Tears of Doom! (Aug 1, 2012)
Guest starring as Francilee Jackson
(2 episodes)
- Episode 2x19: The Devouring (Mar 27, 2013)
- Episode 2x04: Web of the Dreamweaver! (Aug 2, 2012)
Guest starring as Mrs. Feist
- Episode 2x04: Web of the Dreamweaver! (Aug 2, 2012)
Guest starring as Eeko
- Episode 2x06: Art of Darkness! (Aug 6, 2012)
Guest starring as Boron
- Episode 2x08: The Night on Haunted Mountain (Aug 8, 2012)
Guest starring as Jenny Zin
- Episode 2x14: Heart of Evil (Aug 16, 2012)
Guest starring as Krissy Kristy
- Episode 2x18: Dance of the Undead (Mar 26, 2013)
Guest starring as Mom
- Episode 2x20: Stand and Deliver (Mar 28, 2013)
Guest starring as Mrs. Andelusossa
- Episode 2x23: Dark Night of the Hunters (Apr 3, 2013)
The Super Hero Squad Show (2009)
Guest starring as Ms. Marvel
(24 episodes)
- Episode 2x26: The Final Battle! ('Nuff Said!) (Feb 8, 2013)
- Episode 2x25: When Strikes the Surfer! (Feb 8, 2013)
- Episode 2x24: Soul Stone Picnic! (Feb 1, 2013)
- Episode 2x23: Revenge of the Baby Sat! (Feb 1, 2013)
- Episode 2x22: Missing: Impossible! (Jan 25, 2013)
- Episode 2x21: Brouhaha at the World's Bottom! (Jan 25, 2013)
- Episode 2x18: The Devil Dinosaur You Say! (Six Against Infinity, Part 4) (Jan 11, 2013)
- Episode 2x16: Days, Nights, and Weekends of Future Past! (Six Against Infinity, Part 2) (Jan 4, 2013)
- Episode 2x15: The Ballad of Beta Ray Bill! (Six Against Infinity, Part 1) (Jan 4, 2013)
- Episode 2x14: Fate of Destiny! (Dec 28, 2012)
- Episode 2x13: Pedicure and Facial of Doom! (Dec 28, 2012)
- Episode 2x04: Villainy Redux Syndrome! (Nov 23, 2012)
- Episode 2x02: Another Order of Evil! (Part 2 of 2) (Oct 23, 2010)
- Episode 2x01: Another Order of Evil! (Part 1 of 2) (Oct 23, 2010)
- Episode 1x26: This Al Dente Earth! (Feb 20, 2010)
- Episode 1x25: Last Exit Before Doomsday! (Feb 13, 2010)
- Episode 1x23: Wrath of the Red Skull! (Jan 30, 2010)
- Episode 1x19: Election of Evil! (Dec 26, 2009)
- Episode 1x14: Mental Organism Designed Only for Kisses! (Nov 14, 2009)
- Episode 1x09: This Forest Green! (Oct 22, 2009)
- Episode 1x08: Night in the Sanctorum! (Oct 21, 2009)
- Episode 1x07: From the Atom...It Rises! (Oct 20, 2009)
- Episode 1x03: This Silver, This Surfer! (Sep 26, 2009)
- Episode 1x01: And Lo... A Pilot Shall Come! (Sep 14, 2009)
Guest starring as Old Lady
- Episode 1x03: This Silver, This Surfer! (Sep 26, 2009)
Guest starring as Enchantress
(4 episodes)
- Episode 2x10: Lo, How the Mighty Hath Abdicated! (Dec 14, 2012)
- Episode 1x19: Election of Evil! (Dec 26, 2009)
- Episode 1x14: Mental Organism Designed Only for Kisses! (Nov 14, 2009)
- Episode 1x08: Night in the Sanctorum! (Oct 21, 2009)
Guest starring as Computer Voice
- Episode 1x09: This Forest Green! (Oct 22, 2009)
Guest starring as Volcana
(2 episodes)
- Episode 2x25: When Strikes the Surfer! (Feb 8, 2013)
- Episode 2x04: Villainy Redux Syndrome! (Nov 23, 2012)
Guest starring as Frigga
- Episode 2x10: Lo, How the Mighty Hath Abdicated! (Dec 14, 2012)
Guest starring as Hedy Wolfe
- Episode 2x15: The Ballad of Beta Ray Bill! (Six Against Infinity, Part 1) (Jan 4, 2013)
Guest starring as Ms. Marvel (1602)
- Episode 2x20: 1602! (Six Against Infinity, Part 6) (Jan 18, 2013)
Guest starring as Old Ms. Marvel
- Episode 2x23: Revenge of the Baby Sat! (Feb 1, 2013)
Adventure Time (2008)
Guest starring as Ice Queen
- Episode 7x34: Five Short Tables (May 26, 2016)
Guest starring as Blechfast Princess
- Episode 9x06: Elements Part 5: Slime Central (Apr 26, 2017)
Batman: The Brave and the Bold (2008)
Starring as Fire
- Episode 1x02: Terror on Dinosaur Island! (Nov 20, 2008)
Wolverine and the X-Men (2008)
Guest starring as Spiral
(2 episodes)
- Episode 1x15: Hunting Grounds (Jan 24, 2009)
- Episode 1x06: X-Calibre (Oct 11, 2008)
Guest starring as Network
- Episode 1x06: X-Calibre (Oct 11, 2008)
Guest starring as Psylocke
- Episode 1x08: Time Bomb (Nov 1, 2008)
Guest starring as Worthington Commercial Voiceover
- Episode 1x19: Guardian Angel (Feb 28, 2009)
The Spectacular Spider-Man (2008)
Guest starring as Sally Avril
(15 episodes)
- Episode 2x13: Final Curtain (Nov 18, 2009)
- Episode 2x12: Opening Night (Nov 18, 2009)
- Episode 2x10: Gangland (Oct 21, 2009)
- Episode 2x09: Probable Cause (Oct 14, 2009)
- Episode 2x07: Identity Crisis (Jul 27, 2009)
- Episode 2x06: Growing Pains (Jul 20, 2009)
- Episode 2x05: First Steps (Jul 13, 2009)
- Episode 2x02: Destructive Testing (Jun 22, 2009)
- Episode 1x13: Nature vs. Nurture (Jun 14, 2008)
- Episode 1x10: Persona (May 17, 2008)
- Episode 1x09: The Uncertainty Principle (May 10, 2008)
- Episode 1x08: Reaction (May 3, 2008)
- Episode 1x07: Catalysts (Apr 26, 2008)
- Episode 1x02: Interactions (Mar 8, 2008)
- Episode 1x01: Survival of the Fittest (Mar 8, 2008)
Guest starring as Betty Brant
(6 episodes)
- Episode 1x11: Group Therapy (May 31, 2008)
- Episode 1x09: The Uncertainty Principle (May 10, 2008)
- Episode 1x07: Catalysts (Apr 26, 2008)
- Episode 1x06: The Invisible Hand (Apr 12, 2008)
- Episode 1x04: Market Forces (Mar 22, 2008)
- Episode 1x01: Survival of the Fittest (Mar 8, 2008)
Guest starring as Stephanie Briggs
- Episode 2x04: Shear Strength (Jul 6, 2009)
Guest starring as Erin
- Episode 2x05: First Steps (Jul 13, 2009)
Guest starring as Voice of Oscorp
(2 episodes)
- Episode 2x12: Opening Night (Nov 18, 2009)
- Episode 2x08: Accomplices (Oct 7, 2009)
The Replacements (2006)
Starring as Riley Daring
(75 episodes)
- Episode 2x35: Irreplaceable (Mar 30, 2009)
- Episode 2x34: R2: A Tale of Two Rileys (Mar 30, 2009)
- Episode 2x33: Todd-Busters (Mar 23, 2009)
- Episode 2x32: Truth or Daring (Mar 16, 2009)
- Episode 2x31: Injustice is Blind (Mar 9, 2009)
- Episode 2x30: Crushing Riley (Mar 2, 2009)
- Episode 2x29: Shelton's Bar Mitzvah (Mar 2, 2009)
- Episode 2x28: Art Attack (Feb 23, 2009)
- Episode 2x27: Snide and Prejudice (Feb 2, 2009)
- Episode 2x26: Moustache Mayhem (Jan 26, 2009)
- Episode 2x25: The Revenge of Prince Cinnamon Boots (Jan 5, 2009)
- Episode 2x24: Double Trouble (Jan 5, 2009)
- Episode 2x23: A Buzzwork Orange (Dec 22, 2008)
- Episode 2x22: Dick Daring's All-Star Holiday Stunt Spectacular (Dec 8, 2008)
- Episode 2x21: Puzzle Me Daring (Nov 17, 2008)
- Episode 2x20: Heartbreak in the City (Nov 10, 2008)
- Episode 2x19: You Got Schooled (Oct 27, 2008)
- Episode 2x18: Extra Credit (Oct 13, 2008)
- Episode 2x17: Pleasant Hills Confidential (Sep 29, 2008)
- Episode 2x16: Tasumi Unmasked (Sep 15, 2008)
- Episode 2x15: Canadian Fakin' (Aug 25, 2008)
- Episode 2x14: A Little Tiff (Aug 11, 2008)
- Episode 2x13: Bowled Over (Aug 11, 2008)
- Episode 2x12: Glee by the Sea (Jul 21, 2008)
- Episode 2x11: Hollywoodn't (Jul 7, 2008)
- Episode 2x10: Private Todd (Jun 23, 2008)
- Episode 2x09: Garage Sale Daring (Jun 23, 2008)
- Episode 2x08: Phone-less in Pleasant Hills (Jun 9, 2008)
- Episode 2x07: The Campiest Episode Ever (May 26, 2008)
- Episode 2x06: The Rizzle (May 19, 2008)
- Episode 2x05: Volcano Island (Apr 28, 2008)
- Episode 2x04: She Works Hard for the Movie (Apr 14, 2008)
- Episode 2x03: Space Family Daring (Mar 31, 2008)
- Episode 2x02: Late Night with Todd and Riley (Mar 17, 2008)
- Episode 2x01: The Spy Who Wasn't Riley (Mar 10, 2008)
- Episode 1x40: Conrad's Day Off (Oct 29, 2007)
- Episode 1x39: Clueless (Oct 29, 2007)
- Episode 1x38: London Calling (Oct 6, 2007)
- Episode 1x37: Kumquat Day (Aug 11, 2007)
- Episode 1x36: Abra K Dabra! (Aug 11, 2007)
- Episode 1x35: Maid for K (Jul 28, 2007)
- Episode 1x34: A Daring Romance (Jul 28, 2007)
- Episode 1x33: Snow Place Like Nome (Jul 21, 2007)
- Episode 1x32: The Frog Prince (Jul 21, 2007)
- Episode 1x31: Serf's Up (Jun 30, 2007)
- Episode 1x30: The Perfect Date (Jun 30, 2007)
- Episode 1x29: See Dick Run (Jun 16, 2007)
- Episode 1x28: iTodd (Jun 16, 2007)
- Episode 1x27: Ball Hogs (Feb 3, 2007)
- Episode 1x26: Boyzroq (Feb 3, 2007)
- Episode 1x25: Fiddlin' Around (Jan 6, 2007)
- Episode 1x24: Field Trippin' (Jan 6, 2007)
- Episode 1x23: Running From Office (Dec 9, 2006)
- Episode 1x22: Best Friends For-Never (Dec 9, 2006)
- Episode 1x21: Zoo or False? (Dec 2, 2006)
- Episode 1x20: Master Pho (Dec 2, 2006)
- Episode 1x19: Ratted Out (Nov 18, 2006)
- Episode 1x18: Davey Hunkerhoff (Nov 18, 2006)
- Episode 1x17: The Means Justify the Trend (Nov 4, 2006)
- Episode 1x16: German Squirmin' (Nov 4, 2007)
- Episode 1x15: Halloween Spirits (Oct 14, 2005)
- Episode 1x14: Riley's Birthday (Oct 7, 2006)
- Episode 1x13: Going Overboard (Oct 7, 2006)
- Episode 1x12: Cheer Pressure (Sep 30, 2006)
- Episode 1x11: Days of Blunder (Sep 30, 2006)
- Episode 1x10: Carnie Dearest (Sep 23, 2006)
- Episode 1x09: The Majestic Horse (Sep 23, 2006)
- Episode 1x08: Jumping Mad (Sep 16, 2006)
- Episode 1x07: The Truth Hurts (Sep 16, 2006)
- Episode 1x06: Quiet Riot! (Sep 9, 2006)
- Episode 1x05: The Insecurity Guard (Sep 9, 2006)
- Episode 1x04: Skate-Gate (Sep 8, 2006)
- Episode 1x03: CindeRiley (Sep 8, 2006)
- Episode 1x02: The Jerky Girls (Jul 28, 2006)
- Episode 1x01: Todd Strikes Out (Jul 28, 2006)
Supernatural (2005)
Guest starring as Daphne Blake
- Episode 13x16: Scoobynatural (Mar 29, 2018) [Co-Star]
Avatar: The Last Airbender (2005)
Starring as Azula
(44 episodes)
- Episode 3x21: Sozin's Comet, Part 4: Avatar Aang (Jul 19, 2008)
- Episode 3x20: Sozin's Comet, Part 3: Into the Inferno (Jul 19, 2008)
- Episode 3x19: Sozin's Comet, Part 2: The Old Masters (Jul 19, 2008)
- Episode 3x18: Sozin's Comet, Part 1: The Phoenix King (Jul 19, 2008)
- Episode 3x17: The Ember Island Players (Jul 18, 2008)
- Episode 3x16: The Southern Raiders (Jul 17, 2008)
- Episode 3x15: The Boiling Rock, Part 2 (Jul 16, 2008)
- Episode 3x14: The Boiling Rock, Part 1 (Jul 16, 2008)
- Episode 3x13: The Firebending Masters (Jul 15, 2008)
- Episode 3x12: The Western Air Temple (Jul 14, 2008)
- Episode 3x11: The Day of Black Sun, Part 2: The Eclipse (Nov 30, 2007)
- Episode 3x10: The Day of Black Sun, Part 1: The Invasion (Nov 30, 2007)
- Episode 3x09: Nightmares and Daydreams (Nov 16, 2007)
- Episode 3x08: The Puppetmaster (Nov 9, 2007)
- Episode 3x07: The Runaway (Nov 2, 2007)
- Episode 3x06: The Avatar and the Firelord (Oct 26, 2007)
- Episode 3x05: The Beach (Oct 19, 2007)
- Episode 3x04: Sokka's Master (Oct 12, 2007)
- Episode 3x03: The Painted Lady (Oct 5, 2007)
- Episode 3x02: The Headband (Sep 28, 2007)
- Episode 3x01: The Awakening (Sep 21, 2007)
- Episode 2x20: The Crossroads of Destiny (Dec 1, 2006)
- Episode 2x19: The Guru (Dec 1, 2006)
- Episode 2x18: The Earth King (Nov 17, 2006)
- Episode 2x17: Lake Laogai (Nov 3, 2006)
- Episode 2x16: Appa's Lost Days (Oct 13, 2006)
- Episode 2x15: The Tales of Ba Sing Se (Sep 29, 2006)
- Episode 2x14: City of Walls and Secrets (Sep 22, 2006)
- Episode 2x13: The Drill (Sep 15, 2006)
- Episode 2x12: The Serpent's Pass (Sep 15, 2006)
- Episode 2x11: The Desert (Jul 14, 2006)
- Episode 2x10: The Library (Jul 14, 2006)
- Episode 2x09: Bitter Work (Jun 2, 2006)
- Episode 2x08: The Chase (May 26, 2006)
- Episode 2x07: Zuko Alone (May 12, 2006)
- Episode 2x06: The Blind Bandit (May 5, 2006)
- Episode 2x05: Avatar Day (Apr 28, 2006)
- Episode 2x04: The Swamp (Apr 14, 2006)
- Episode 2x03: Return to Omashu (Apr 7, 2006)
- Episode 2x02: The Cave of Two Lovers (Mar 24, 2006)
- Episode 2x01: The Avatar State (Mar 17, 2006)
- Episode S03 Special: School Time Shipping (Oct 5, 2007)
- Episode S03 Special: Swamp Skiin' Throwdown (Sep 18, 2007)
- Episode S03 Special: Bending Battle (Sep 18, 2007)
Guest starring as additional voices
(5 episodes)
- Episode 3x20: Sozin's Comet, Part 3: Into the Inferno (Jul 19, 2008)
- Episode 3x02: The Headband (Sep 28, 2007)
- Episode 2x08: The Chase (May 26, 2006)
- Episode 2x07: Zuko Alone (May 12, 2006)
- Episode 2x03: Return to Omashu (Apr 7, 2006)
Guest starring as Ta Min
- Episode 3x06: The Avatar and the Firelord (Oct 26, 2007)
Guest starring as Kya
- Episode 3x16: The Southern Raiders (Jul 17, 2008)
Guest starring as Actress Katara
- Episode 3x17: The Ember Island Players (Jul 18, 2008)
Evil Con Carne (2003)
Starring as Major Dr. Ghastly
(12 episodes)
- Episode 2x09: Hector, King of the Britons (Oct 22, 2004)
- Episode 2x08: Jealousy, Jealous Do (Oct 22, 2004)
- Episode 2x07: Fool's Paradise (Oct 15, 2004)
- Episode 2x02: The HCCBDD (Jan 8, 2004)
- Episode 1x18: Evil Con Carne (Nov 1, 2003)
- Episode 1x14: Christmas Con Carne (Aug 22, 2003)
- Episode 1x13: The Time Hole Incident (Aug 22, 2003)
- Episode 1x12: Max Courage (Aug 15, 2003)
- Episode 1x11: The Pie Who Loved Me (Aug 15, 2003)
- Episode 1x10: Search & Estroy (Aug 15, 2003)
- Episode 1x06: The Trouble with Skarrina (Jul 18, 2003)
- Episode 1x03: League of Destruction (Jul 11, 2003)
What's New Scooby-Doo? (2002)
Starring as Daphne Blake
(42 episodes)
- Episode 3x14: E-Scream (Jul 21, 2006)
- Episode 3x13: Reef Grief! (Apr 16, 2005)
- Episode 3x12: Gold Paw (Apr 9, 2005)
- Episode 3x11: Gentlemen, Start Your Monsters! (Apr 2, 2005)
- Episode 3x10: Block-Long Hong Kong Horror (Mar 26, 2005)
- Episode 3x09: Camp Comeoniwannascareya (Mar 19, 2005)
- Episode 3x08: A Terrifying Round with a Menacing Metallic Clown (Mar 12, 2005)
- Episode 3x07: Diamonds Are a Ghouls Best Friend (Mar 3, 2005)
- Episode 3x06: Farmed and Dangerous (Feb 25, 2005)
- Episode 3x05: Ready to Scare (Feb 19, 2005)
- Episode 3x04: Wrestle Maniacs (Feb 12, 2005)
- Episode 3x03: A Scooby-Doo Valentine (Feb 11, 2005)
- Episode 3x02: Go West, Young Scoob (Feb 5, 2005)
- Episode 3x01: Fright House of a Lighthouse (Jan 29, 2005)
- Episode 2x14: It's All Greek to Scooby (Mar 27, 2004)
- Episode 2x13: New Mexico, Old Monster (Mar 26, 2004)
- Episode 2x12: Uncle Scooby and Antarctica (Mar 25, 2004)
- Episode 2x11: Large Dragon at Large (Mar 24, 2004)
- Episode 2x10: Recipe for Disaster (Mar 23, 2004)
- Episode 2x09: Simple Plan and the Invisible Madman (Mar 22, 2004)
- Episode 2x08: The San Franpsycho (Mar 20, 2004)
- Episode 2x07: Homeward Hound (Oct 25, 2003)
- Episode 2x06: A Scooby-Doo Halloween (Oct 25, 2003)
- Episode 2x05: The Vampire Strikes Back (Oct 18, 2003)
- Episode 2x04: High-Tech House of Horrors (Oct 4, 2003)
- Episode 2x03: The Fast and the Wormious (Sep 27, 2003)
- Episode 2x02: Mummy Scares Best (Sep 20, 2003)
- Episode 2x01: Big Appetite in Little Tokyo (Sep 13, 2003)
- Episode 1x14: The Unnatural (Mar 22, 2003)
- Episode 1x13: Pompeii and Circumstance (Feb 22, 2003)
- Episode 1x12: Lights! Camera! Mayhem! (Feb 15, 2003)
- Episode 1x11: Toy Scary Boo (Feb 1, 2003)
- Episode 1x10: A Scooby-Doo Christmas (Dec 14, 2002)
- Episode 1x09: She Sees Sea Monsters at the Sea Shore (Nov 30, 2002)
- Episode 1x08: Safari, So Good! (Nov 23, 2002)
- Episode 1x07: Roller Ghoster Ride! (Nov 9, 2002)
- Episode 1x06: Riva Ras Regas (Nov 2, 2002)
- Episode 1x05: It's Mean, It's Green, It's the Mystery Machine (Oct 26, 2002)
- Episode 1x04: Big Scare in the Big Easy (Oct 5, 2002)
- Episode 1x03: Space Ape at the Cape (Sep 28, 2002)
- Episode 1x02: 3-D Struction (Sep 21, 2002)
- Episode 1x01: There's No Creature Like Snow Creature (Sep 14, 2002)
Guest starring as Vikki Valentine
- Episode 1x12: Lights! Camera! Mayhem! (Feb 15, 2003)
Guest starring as Dr. Bikini
- Episode 1x12: Lights! Camera! Mayhem! (Feb 15, 2003)
Guest starring as Ski Girl
- Episode 1x01: There's No Creature Like Snow Creature (Sep 14, 2002)
Whatever Happened to... Robot Jones? (2002)
Starring as Mom
Starring as Shannon
Starring as Raincoat
Starring as Crab Soccer Coach
Samurai Jack (2001)
Guest starring as High Priestess
(5 episodes)
- Episode 5x07: Episode XCVIII (Apr 29, 2017)
- Episode 5x06: Episode XCVII (Apr 22, 2017)
- Episode 5x05: Episode XCVI (Apr 15, 2017)
- Episode 5x04: Episode XCV (Apr 8, 2017)
- Episode 5x01: Episode XCII (Mar 11, 2017)
Guest starring as Additional Voices
(3 episodes)
- Episode 5x10: Episode CI (May 20, 2017)
- Episode 5x06: Episode XCVII (Apr 22, 2017)
- Episode 5x01: Episode XCII (Mar 11, 2017)
Guest starring as Additional Voices
- Episode 5x05: Episode XCVI (Apr 15, 2017)
The Fairly OddParents (2001)
Starring as Vicky
Guest starring as Vicky
(6 episodes)
- Episode 9x28: Stage Fright (Jul 22, 2014)
- Episode 9x10: Scary GodCouple (Oct 19, 2013)
- Episode 1x06: Tiny Timmy (Apr 13, 2001)
- Episode 1x03: Spaced Out (Apr 6, 2001)
- Episode 1x02: Power Mad (Mar 30, 2001)
- Episode 1x01: The Big Problem (Mar 30, 2001)
Guest starring as Kid
- Episode 1x01: The Big Problem (Mar 30, 2001)
Guest starring as Bird
- Episode 1x01: The Big Problem (Mar 30, 2001)
Guest starring as Aunt Gertrude Crab
- Episode 1x02: Power Mad (Mar 30, 2001)
Guest starring as Chicken
- Episode 1x03: Spaced Out (Apr 6, 2001)
Guest starring as Dino
- Episode 1x04: TransParents (Apr 6, 2001)
Guest starring as Principal Waxelplax
- Episode 1x04: TransParents (Apr 6, 2001)
Guest starring as Female Protozoa
- Episode 1x06: Tiny Timmy (Apr 13, 2001)
Guest starring as Female Stomach Flu
- Episode 1x06: Tiny Timmy (Apr 13, 2001)
As Told by Ginger (2000)
Starring as Brandon Higsby
(30 episodes)
- Episode 3x20: The Wedding Frame: Part 3 ()
- Episode 3x19: The Wedding Frame: Part 2 ()
- Episode 3x18: The Wedding Frame: Part 1 ()
- Episode 3x17: Battle of the Bands ()
- Episode 3x16: Dodie's Big Break ()
- Episode 3x14: Kiss Today Good-Bye ()
- Episode 3x12: Stuff'll Kill Ya ()
- Episode 3x09: Heat Lightning (Jun 27, 2004)
- Episode 3x08: No Turning Back: Part 2 (Jun 13, 2004)
- Episode 3x07: No Turning Back: Part 1 (Jun 13, 2004)
- Episode 3x05: The Easter Ham (Apr 11, 2004)
- Episode 3x03: Far from Home: Part 3 (Aug 9, 2003)
- Episode 3x02: Far from Home: Part 2 (Aug 9, 2003)
- Episode 3x01: Far from Home: Part 1 (Aug 9, 2003)
- Episode 2x20: Driven to Extremes (Jun 29, 2003)
- Episode 2x19: Next Question (Jun 22, 2003)
- Episode 2x17: And She Was Gone (Jun 16, 2002)
- Episode 2x15: Ginger's Solo (Jun 2, 2002)
- Episode 2x14: New Girl in Town (May 19, 2002)
- Episode 2x08: TGIF (Apr 7, 2002)
- Episode 2x06: Sibling Revile-ry (Mar 24, 2002)
- Episode 2x02: Gym Class Confidential (Feb 17, 2002)
- Episode 2x01: Never Can Say Goodbye (Feb 10, 2002)
- Episode 1x20: An Even Steven Holiday Special (Dec 10, 2001)
- Episode 1x14: Deja Who? (Mar 4, 2001)
- Episode 1x11: The 'A' Ticket (Feb 4, 2001)
- Episode 1x09: The Right Stuff (Jan 21, 2001)
- Episode 1x08: Cry Wolf (Jan 14, 2001)
- Episode 1x07: Hello Stranger (Dec 6, 2000)
- Episode 1x06: Dare I, Darren (Nov 29, 2000)
Lobo (2000)
Guest starring as Darlene
(5 episodes)
- Episode 1x05: Payback Time (Jul 15, 2000)
- Episode 1x04: It's Fraggin' Time Again (Jul 15, 2000)
- Episode 1x03: Pit Stop (Jul 15, 2000)
- Episode 1x02: Market Day (Jul 15, 2000)
- Episode 1x01: Lobo Is a Four Letter Word (Jul 15, 2000)
Guest starring as The Nutcracker Sisters
- Episode 1x14: Repeating Offender (Jul 15, 2000)
The Powerpuff Girls (1998)
Guest starring as Gabbi Baloni
- Episode 4x06: Nano of the North (Jun 1, 2001)
Johnny Bravo (1997)
Guest starring as Hot Chick
- Episode 4x02: Traffic Troubles (Mar 5, 2004)
Guest starring as Chorus Girl
- Episode 4x02: Traffic Troubles (Mar 5, 2004)
Caroline in the City (1995)
Guest starring as Saleswoman
- Episode 4x07: Caroline and the Big Night (Nov 9, 1998)
The Simpsons (1989)
Guest starring as Young Woman
- Episode 33x02: Bart's in Jail (Oct 3, 2021)
Guest starring as Martin Prince
(28 episodes)
- Episode 36x11: Bottle Episode (Dec 29, 2024)
- Episode 35x13: Clan of the Cave Mom (Mar 24, 2024)
- Episode 35x08: Ae Bonny Romance (Dec 3, 2023)
- Episode 35x03: McMansion & Wife (Oct 22, 2023)
- Episode 35x01: Homer's Crossing (Oct 1, 2023)
- Episode 34x22: Homer's Adventures Through the Windshield Glass (May 21, 2023)
- Episode 34x21: Clown V. Board of Education (May 14, 2023)
- Episode 34x16: Hostile Kirk Place (Mar 12, 2023)
- Episode 34x12: My Life as a Vlog (Jan 1, 2023)
- Episode 34x11: Top Goon (Dec 11, 2022)
- Episode 34x10: Game Done Changed (Dec 4, 2022)
- Episode 34x08: Step Brother from the Same Planet (Nov 20, 2022)
- Episode 34x03: Lisa the Boy Scout (Oct 9, 2022)
- Episode 33x22: Poorhouse Rock (May 22, 2022)
- Episode 33x19: Girls Just Shauna Have Fun (May 1, 2022)
- Episode 33x18: My Octopus and a Teacher (Apr 24, 2022)
- Episode 33x13: Boyz N The Highlands (Mar 6, 2022)
- Episode 33x04: The Wayz We Were (Oct 17, 2021)
- Episode 33x03: Treehouse of Horror XXXII (Oct 10, 2021)
- Episode 33x02: Bart's in Jail (Oct 3, 2021)
- Episode 32x19: Panic On The Streets Of Springfield (Apr 18, 2021)
- Episode 32x13: Wad Goals (Feb 28, 2021)
- Episode 32x12: Diary Queen (Feb 21, 2021)
- Episode 31x14: Bart the Bad Guy (Mar 1, 2020)
- Episode 31x12: The Miseducation of Lisa Simpson (Feb 16, 2020)
- Episode 31x11: Hail to the Teeth (Jan 5, 2020)
- Episode 31x08: Thanksgiving of Horror (Nov 24, 2019)
- Episode 31x06: Marge the Lumberjill (Nov 10, 2019)
Guest starring as Francine
- Episode 35x01: Homer's Crossing (Oct 1, 2023)
Guest starring as Little Girl in Commercial
- Episode 35x01: Homer's Crossing (Oct 1, 2023)
Guest starring as Parking Enforcement Leader
- Episode 35x01: Homer's Crossing (Oct 1, 2023)
Guest starring as Terri
(13 episodes)
- Episode 35x06: Iron Marge (Nov 12, 2023)
- Episode 35x05: Treehouse of Horror XXXIV (Nov 5, 2023)
- Episode 34x20: The Very Hungry Caterpillars (May 7, 2023)
- Episode 34x12: My Life as a Vlog (Jan 1, 2023)
- Episode 34x08: Step Brother from the Same Planet (Nov 20, 2022)
- Episode 33x15: Bart the Cool Kid (Mar 20, 2022)
- Episode 33x05: Lisa's Belly (Oct 24, 2021)
- Episode 33x03: Treehouse of Horror XXXII (Oct 10, 2021)
- Episode 32x22: The Last Barfighter (May 23, 2021)
- Episode 32x08: The Road To Cincinnati (Nov 29, 2020)
- Episode 32x04: Treehouse of Horror XXXI (Nov 1, 2020)
- Episode 31x11: Hail to the Teeth (Jan 5, 2020)
- Episode 31x06: Marge the Lumberjill (Nov 10, 2019)
Guest starring as Sherri
(12 episodes)
- Episode 35x06: Iron Marge (Nov 12, 2023)
- Episode 34x20: The Very Hungry Caterpillars (May 7, 2023)
- Episode 34x12: My Life as a Vlog (Jan 1, 2023)
- Episode 34x08: Step Brother from the Same Planet (Nov 20, 2022)
- Episode 33x15: Bart the Cool Kid (Mar 20, 2022)
- Episode 33x05: Lisa's Belly (Oct 24, 2021)
- Episode 33x03: Treehouse of Horror XXXII (Oct 10, 2021)
- Episode 32x22: The Last Barfighter (May 23, 2021)
- Episode 32x08: The Road To Cincinnati (Nov 29, 2020)
- Episode 32x04: Treehouse of Horror XXXI (Nov 1, 2020)
- Episode 31x11: Hail to the Teeth (Jan 5, 2020)
- Episode 31x06: Marge the Lumberjill (Nov 10, 2019)
Guest starring as Martin's Child #2
- Episode 34x03: Lisa the Boy Scout (Oct 9, 2022)
Guest starring as Women's Bar Customer
- Episode 34x07: From Beer to Paternity (Nov 13, 2022)
Guest starring as Airport Passerby #2
- Episode 34x07: From Beer to Paternity (Nov 13, 2022)
Guest starring as Airport Passerby #4
- Episode 34x07: From Beer to Paternity (Nov 13, 2022)
Guest starring as Angry Crowd
- Episode 34x07: From Beer to Paternity (Nov 13, 2022)
Guest starring as Taxidermy Teacher
- Episode 34x08: Step Brother from the Same Planet (Nov 20, 2022)
Guest starring as French Fry
- Episode 34x10: Game Done Changed (Dec 4, 2022)
Guest starring as Riley
- Episode 34x15: Bartless (Mar 5, 2023)
Guest starring as Gloria Prince
- Episode 34x16: Hostile Kirk Place (Mar 12, 2023)
Guest starring as Martin Prince's Brother
- Episode 33x19: Girls Just Shauna Have Fun (May 1, 2022)
Guest starring as Leyland Huebner III
- Episode 32x11: The Dad-Feelings Limited (Jan 3, 2021)
Guest starring as Additional Voices
(4 episodes)
- Episode 36x09: Homer and Her Sisters (Dec 15, 2024)
- Episode 35x18: Bart's Brain (May 19, 2024)
- Episode 35x15: Cremains of the Day (Apr 21, 2024)
- Episode 35x14: Night of the Living Wage (Apr 7, 2024)
Guest starring as Malibu Stacey
- Episode 36x06: Women in Shorts (Nov 10, 2024)
Crew Credits
Evil Con Carne (2003)
Episode crew as Writer
- Episode 2x09: Hector, King of the Britons (Oct 22, 2004)