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TVRage gone for good or not

JAGUARDOG wrote 8 years ago: 1

Just in case anyone might be a little interested I just got this error message via GOOGLE but take it with a grain of salt I guess? servers are down since Sun, Sep 6th, 5:00am

Please be patient, we are working on fixing this issue.

JuanArango wrote 8 years ago: 1

This sounds like a last straw for me , but I cannot be sure about it of course.

Even if they manage to bring it back, their reputation is destroyed, no one links to them anymore.

The users fled to all other sites on the net. A web page who shuts down for several weeks without any further notice will not have any trust left.
Of course some core users will go back, as they were always there, but the occasional user (which is about 70% of visitors of a website) won't be going back.

just my 2 cents.


JAGUARDOG wrote 8 years ago: 1

JuanArango wrote:
This sounds like a last straw for me , but I cannot be sure about it of course.
Even if they manage to bring it back, their reputation is destroyed, no one links to them anymore.
The users fled to all other sites on the net. A web page who shuts down for several weeks without any further notice will not have any trust left.
Of course some core users will go back, as they were always there, but the occasional user (which is about 70% of visitors of a website) won't be going back.
just my 2 cents.

Great points Juan as It sounds about correct to me?

kora wrote 8 years ago: 1

Wish I knew about tvmaze sooner, it's so much better than tvrage.

Definitely a more intuitive and user friendly interface.

JuanArango wrote 8 years ago: 1

kora wrote:
Wish I knew about tvmaze sooner, it's so much better than tvrage.
Definitely a more intuitive and user friendly interface.

Thanks alot for your kind words :)


RazorR wrote 8 years ago: 1

I think, that after TVMaze found, I will never back again no TVRage.

And its not about reputation, but more that development possibility.

JAGUARDOG wrote 8 years ago: 1

RazorR wrote:
I think, that after TVMaze found, I will never back again no TVRage.
And its not about reputation, but more that development possibility.

Razor, I asked you once before but you never responded is your real first name Scott by any chance or is it a secret?

JAGUARDOG wrote 8 years ago: 1

This is something I just ran across by accident and it really surprised me it brought anything at all up. For the last 3 weeks whenever I clicked on a GOOGLE link to tvrage all I got was an Error message. But this time when I needed information on this show "NASCAR Hammer Down" this came up, very interesting indeed no? Is this another hint that they are really working on whatever their problems were/are or just a very weird happenstance? The only thing I see missing in this URL is no tvrage id # for this show.

Gadfly wrote 8 years ago: 1

Great minds think alike and all. To add to what Jaguardog noted.

It's more than Google. There's an actual replacement page up, of a sort, which describes itself as a "temp site."

There's a link to TVRage's official Twitter page, but it doesn't say anything about the shutdown.

There's a link to Ben21's Twitter page, but he hasn't posted anything in 10 days.

There's a very slow link to a Smallville home page. Which has minimal data and no episode links. The temp site appears to reroute much of its information to:

But you get a 502 error if you try to go there direct. Someone with more technical know-how can probably make sense of it more than i can.

Of the two email addresses I had for them, the primary contact one was shut down about 4-5 days after the site went down.My own tvrage email address remains active.


So it looks like... something is happening, if someone bothered to put up a temp site. Whatever it is.

JAGUARDOG wrote 8 years ago: 1

This is something I just ran across by accident and it really surprised me it brought anything at all up. For the last 3 weeks whenever I clicked on a GOOGLE link to tvrage all I got was an Error message. But this time when I needed information on this show "NASCAR Hammer Down" this came up, very interesting indeed no? Is this another hint that they are really working on whatever their problems were/are or just a very weird happenstance? The only thing I see missing in this URL is no tvrage id # for this show.

I did however try to bring it back up a second time to look at something that I saw that was totally different on that show that was not there before because I set up that show over there in 2014. However the second time it game me that 502 Error message again so who knows?

Now a 3rd attempt brought it up once again so it's iffy at best? Anyways here is what I found on this show there:

Currently 0/10No votes yet

Classification: Mini-Series
Automobiles/Vehicles | Competition | Sports
nickToons (USA)
Wednesdays at 10:00 pm
15 Minutes
November 05, 2014

david wrote 8 years ago: 1


I tried a few tvrage links. Most of the times I get a timeout or an error message, but other times I eventually get this "temp site". This temp site appears to be a proxy for an archived version of tvrage from 2014. (You can see that it loads the show image from and not from a tvrage server; is a well-known website that regularly archives other websites' content)

From a technical point of view, it appears as if someone has received/acquired/seized the domain, but doesn't have access to the site itself or the site's data. Of course that's just mere speculation, nothing would surprise me anymore at this point.

JAGUARDOG wrote 8 years ago: 1

david wrote:

That is very interesting indeed David. Thanks for not being upset with us (especially me) for discussing a possible return and in-turn competition although I do not think this site will suffer because it has so many other nicer things then rage has or most like ever will have. They have always been very slow in making improvements and you make them over here several times every day plus you listen to most of your members and their requests or suggestions was never happened over there I can truthfully say from a 11 year experience working over there!

JuanArango wrote 8 years ago: 1

Hmm, so it could be that someone tries to make a "new" tvrage from getting the data from archives, but has no connection and no access to the "real" tvrage site and servers, very weird stuff is going on there :)


RazorR wrote 8 years ago: 1

Razor, I asked you once before but you never responded is your real first name Scott by any chance or is it a secret?

I wrote you before on topic about statistics :)

I don`t know if it is good, or not, but i`m not Scott :)

JAGUARDOG wrote 8 years ago: 1

RazorR wrote:
I wrote you before on topic about statistics :)
I don`t know if it is good, or not, but i`m not Scott :)

OK, thanks.

tintin1946 wrote 8 years ago: 1

kora wrote:
Wish I knew about tvmaze sooner, it's so much better than tvrage.
Definitely a more intuitive and user friendly interface.

I totally agree

gmpugs wrote 8 years ago: 1

If tvrage ever comes back online, I believe I'll stay here and contribute instead. The contribution to shows/episodes is faster here than what I remember over there. And the staff seems to be quicker to respond to questions here than there. What I'll miss about them is the chatting in the forums with several users over there. Oh well, I'm really liking it over here.

MTQueenie wrote 8 years ago: 1

It's been more than 3 weeks now so think it's pretty safe to say it wont be back, but even if by some miracle the admin manages to get it up and running again (which he seems to be trying to do according to his twitter) i doubt a lot of the major contributors and staff will be back after being left without a word of explanation for this long.

Gadfly wrote 8 years ago: 1

That depends on the explanation provided, if any. :) (checks email) Nope, I still haven't heard one.

I'm not too familiar with Twitter, but all I'm seeing there is a hashtag, RageReturningSoon. That and the message on the "tvrage homepage." Is there something I'm missing?

And now the link at to Smallville doesn't work.

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