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Season 3 - Episode Guide



Episode: 3x01 | Airdate: Oct 4, 2016


After preventing his mother's death and altering history, Barry has a perfect life in the resulting timeline. But memory losses suggest that the danger isn't yet over.


Episode: 3x02 | Airdate: Oct 11, 2016


Barry discovers that he didn't restore the timeline as it originally was, and tries to reconcile the difference. Meanwhile, the Edward Clariss of the new timeline teams up with a new villain to bring Flash down.


Episode: 3x03 | Airdate: Oct 18, 2016


A new metahuman, Magenta, unleashes a magnetic wave of terror on the city. Meanwhile, Harry and Jesse come over from Earth-2 and reveal that Jesse now has superspeed... and Wally wonders if he gained the same power.

The New Rogues

Episode: 3x04 | Airdate: Oct 25, 2016

The New Rogues

Taking the name of Jesse Quick and donning a mask, Jesse offers to help Barry against two metas, Mirror Master and Top. However, her inexperience puts her in danger and gets Flash trapped in a mirror. Meanwhile, Harry, Cisco, and Caitlin search the other Earths for a replacement for a Harry.


Episode: 3x05 | Airdate: Nov 1, 2016


A monster appears in downtown Central City and Julian vows to find the person responsible. While Flash tries to deal with the creature, Cisco tries to deal with his new teammate H.R. and realizes that he's hiding something.


Episode: 3x06 | Airdate: Nov 15, 2016


While Barry tries to deal with a new metahuman, Shade, Alchemy tries to convince Wally to join him and gain the powers that he had in Flashpoint.

Killer Frost

Episode: 3x07 | Airdate: Nov 22, 2016

Killer Frost

Flash discovers that he's powerless against Savitar's superior speed, but other matters take precedence when Caitlin turns into Killer Frost and goes on a rampage trying to find Alchemy.


Episode: 3x08 | Airdate: Nov 29, 2016


The alien Dominators land on Earth, and Barry realizes that he can't fight them alone. He summons Green Arrow and his teammates, and then the Legends, and then Supergirl from her Earth. However, the discovery of future-Barry's message forces Barry to reveal that he may have altered all of their lives when he changed the timeline, sowing the seeds of mistrust.

The Present

Episode: 3x09 | Airdate: Dec 6, 2016

The Present

As Christmas arrives, the team discovers Alchemy's identity. Jay travels from Earth 3 to lend the team a hand against Savitar, while Joe forbids Wally from helping.

Borrowing Problems from the Future

Episode: 3x10 | Airdate: Jan 24, 2017

Borrowing Problems from the Future

Barry finally tells Iris and the others--except Joe--what he saw in the future and together they set out to stop that future from coming to pass. Meanwhile, Caitlin invites Julian to join Team Flash, and H.R. prepares to open the museum.

Dead or Alive

Episode: 3x11 | Airdate: Jan 31, 2017

Dead or Alive

A "collector" from Earth-19 arrives to take H.R. to pay with his life for traveling between dimensions. While Cisco challenges her to a trial by combat, Iris sets out to make her mark on the world before the future that Barry saw comes to pass.


Episode: 3x12 | Airdate: Feb 7, 2017


A new metahuman, Clive Yorkin, goes after the alternates of the people that wronged him in Flashpoint by turning them into ash. Meanwhile, Iris and Barry finally tell Joe about what Barry saw in the future.

Attack on Gorilla City

Episode: 3x13 | Airdate: Feb 21, 2017

Attack on Gorilla City

Barry, Cisco, Caitlin, and Julian travel to Gorilla City on Earth 2 to rescue Harrison. However, they are soon captured and Barry is forced to fight a battle to the death against the gorillas' ruler, Solovar.

Attack on Central City

Episode: 3x14 | Airdate: Feb 28, 2017

Attack on Central City

Barry considers killing Grodd to stop him, but Harry convinces him that there's always another way. Meanwhile, Jesse tells her father that she's staying on Earth-1 and is surprised at his reaction.

The Wrath of Savitar

Episode: 3x15 | Airdate: Mar 7, 2017

The Wrath of Savitar

The team is forced to use Julian as a conduit to Savitar to question the God of Speed. Meanwhile, Wally is haunted by visions of Savitar that slowly become more real.

Into the Speed Force

Episode: 3x16 | Airdate: Mar 14, 2017

Into the Speed Force

Barry enters the Speed Force to rescue Wally, and meets some familiar faces. Meanwhile, Jesse ignores H.R.'s advice and sets out to find and defeat Savitar on her own.


Episode: 3x17 | Airdate: Mar 21, 2017


When Mon-El and Hank bring Kara to Earth-1 to ask Team Flash for help, Music Meister puts Barry under his spell as well and traps him and Kara in a musical where they have to finish the story to escape... and if they die in the musical then they die in real life as well. This story line started at the end of Supergirl: "Star-Crossed", Season 2, Episode 16.

Abra Kadabra

Episode: 3x18 | Airdate: Mar 28, 2017

Abra Kadabra

A new villain, Abra Kadabra, seeking out high-tech items. When Flash captures him, Abra offers the speedster Savitar's name if Flash lets him go. Meanwhile, Julian is forced to operate on a badly injured Caitlin.

The Once and Future Flash

Episode: 3x19 | Airdate: Apr 25, 2017

The Once and Future Flash

Barry travels to 2024 to discover who Savitar is and use the information to save Iris. However, he soon discovers that Team Flash was destroyed when Iris was killed... and Barry is responsible. Meanwhile, Killer Frost finds someone who can give her what she wants.

I Know Who You Are

Episode: 3x20 | Airdate: May 2, 2017

I Know Who You Are

The team finds Tracy Brand, the woman that Future-Barry said would be able to imprison Savitar four years in the future. However, Savitar intends to kill Tracy and is using Killer Frost to do so. Meanwhile, Cecile tells Joe that she loves him and he freezes up.

Cause and Effect

Episode: 3x21 | Airdate: May 9, 2017

Cause and Effect

Cisco comes up with a plan to stop Savitar involving preventing Barry from forming short-term memories. However, the plan doesn't go as intended. Meanwhile, Killer Frost returns to S.T.A.R. Labs to help the team.

Infantino Street

Episode: 3x22 | Airdate: May 16, 2017

Infantino Street

With 24 hours left to save Iris, Barry recruits Len Snart from the past to steal a Dominator power cell from ARGUS. Meanwhile, Joe and Kid Flash take Iris somewhere that Savitar can't find her, and Killer Frost calls Vibe out to kill him... and the last vestiges of her old self.

Finish Line

Episode: 3x23 | Airdate: May 23, 2017

Finish Line

Savitar kills one of the team, and then comes up with a new plan to become a god… and Barry must come up with a way to stop him.

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